Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 67



Réges régen történt, régebben tán, mint hinnéd
Egy helyen, amit talán álmaidban láttál
Mert a történet, amit most hallani fogsz
A régi világ ünnepeivel kezdődött
Nos, már biztosan merengtél rajta, honnan jönnek az ünnepek
Ha még nem, azt mondom, itt az ideje elkezdeni
Mert az ünnepek nagy felhajtás eredményei
És nehéz munkát jelentenek a világoknak, melyek létrehozzák őket nekünk
Nos, már látod, egész egyszerűen ezt teszik
Csinálnak egy egyedülálló ünnepet, pont neked
Ám egyszer hatalmas szerencsétlenség történt
Mikor két ünnep véletlenül összetalálkozott

Ez a Halloween

Fiúk és lányok minden korosztályból
Nem akartok valami furcsát látni?
Gyertek velünk és meglátjátok
Ezt, a mi Halloween városunkat
Ez a Halloween, ez a Halloween
Tökök sikoltoznak az éjszaka közepén
Ez a Halloween, mindenki rendezzen jelenetet
Csokit vagy csalunk míg a szomszédok szörnyet nem halnak
Ez a városunk, mindenki sikoltozzon
Itt, Halloween városában
Én bujkálok az ágyad alatt
Fogam élesre csiszolt és vörösen világít a szemem
Én bujkálok a lépcsőd alatt
Kígyószerű az ujjam és pókok vannak a hajamban
Ez a Halloween, ez a Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Ebben a városban, mit otthonunknak hívunk
Mindenki meghajol a tök dal előtt
Ebben a városban, hát nem szeretjük?
Mindenki a következő meglepetést várja
Ott a sarkon, egy ember bujkál a szemetesben
Valami azt várja, hogy lecsapjon és hogy fogsz...
Visítani! Ez a Halloween
Piros és fekete, nyálkás zöld
Nem félsz?
Az nem is baj
Mondd egyszer, mondd kétszer
Kockáztass és derítsd ki
Lovagolj a holddal az éjszaka közepén
Mindenki sikoltson, mindenki sikítson!
Itt, Halloween városában!
Én vagyok a leszakadt arcú bohóc
Megjelenek és nyomtalanul eltűnök
Én vagyok a 'ki', mikor azt kérded, 'Ki van ott?'
Én vagyok a hajadat fújó szél
Én vagyok éjjel az árnyék a Holdon
Álmaidat csordultig rémisztéssel töltöm
Ez a Halloween, ez a Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Halloween! Halloween!
Ártatlan gyermekek mindenütt
Az élet nem mókás egy jó rémisztés nélkül
Ez a munkánk, de nem vagyunk gorombák
Itt, a Halloween városában
Ebben a városban
Hát nem szeretjük?
Mindenki a következő meglepetést várja
Skeleton Jack hátul elkaphat
És üvölt, mint a sakál
Kiugraszt a bőrödből
Ez a Halloween, mindenki sikoltson
Nem adnál utat egy felettébb különleges srácnak?
A mi Jackünk a tökföld királya
Mindenki hajoljon meg a tökkirály előtt
Ez a Halloween, ez a Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Ebben a városban, amit otthonunknak hívunk
Mindenki meghajol a tök dal előtt
La la-la la, Halloween!
Vííí! Ha ha ha!


Lábnyomok elveszve az időben
Keresztül az elmém birodalmán
Az éj teremtményeit
Nem pazarlom a lélegzetem
A halandó dühre
De el vagyok temetve a szemedben
Ez az áldozat, amit hozok
Belefakulok a megtört álmok fényébe
Mit jelent ez?
Elvesztem a saját rémálmomban
Az ördög elvarázsolt
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei
A semmi felé fordítom a vitorláimat
Én választottam, hogy a sötétben legyek
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei
Gyengék és sekélyes elmék
Kötözz meg
A fajtájuk keresztjeihez
Magadért, amikor nincs fény
A képmutatás
Fél tőlem
De el vagyok temetve a szemedben
Ez az áldozat, amit hozok
Belefakulok a megtört álmok fényébe
Mit jelent ez?
Elvesztem a saját rémálmomban
Az ördög elvarázsolt
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei
A semmi felé fordítom a vitorláimat
Én választottam, hogy a sötétben legyek
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei
Elvesztem a saját rémálmomban
Az ördög elvarázsolt
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei
A semmi felé fordítom a vitorláimat
Én választottam, hogy a sötétben legyek
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei
Elvesztem a saját rémálmomban
Az ördög elvarázsolt
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei
A semmi felé fordítom a vitorláimat
Én választottam, hogy a sötétben legyek
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei le
Lei lei lei

Oogie-Boogie dal

Lám, lám, lám, mi nekünk itt van?
Mikoráts, eh?
O-o, rémült vagyok!
Ez a srác akiről mindenki beszéltek, ha ha ha ha!
A tréfa, a vicc van,
Na nem hiszhetem én!
Ez igazán a dolog,
Mit már lesz az enyém?
Van öreg, van csúnya,
Nem tudok, mi rosszabb
Remélem, hogy nevetéstől
Nem meghalok hamar
De Oogie-Boogie úr itt van,
Hát kérem, figyelem
Hisz látod legszörnyűbb csavót,
Az Oogie Boogie man!
És hallgass meg ezt műsort,
Amielőtt meghalsz
Ez műsor van a mestermű - ez Oogie Boogie dal!
Oogie Boogie úr vagyok!
Hé, engedj el engem, állat
Vagy sajnálsz ezt, igerem!
A gyerekek vár engem, na
Add vissza szánkót nekem!
Oogie Boogie:
A vicc van, a tréfa!
Na nem hiszhetem én!
Fogd be, csavó, o, fogd be már,
Mert tudnám, én sirném!
Bocsáss meg, vagy vicces
De nem megállhatom
Hogy indulni a munkát,
Mit szeretem nagyon.
Télapó: Miről beszélsz?
Oogie Boogie: A legjobb munkámról...
Én dobom el a kockát
Ő száll, mint akarom
Mert Oogie Boogie úr vagyok
Itt csak egy játékom!
De legjobb dolog, mi lehet
Ez elet a kockán
Nem az enyém, de tied, és
Ez játszva is van már.
Télapó: Állj meg, mondtam, vagy azt sajnálsz és mindenre te felelsz!
Oogie Boogie:
O, állj meg! O, kérem!
Csak ám a bohóc vagy!
Nem igazán megérted
Hogy sem ezt helyet hagysz?
Nem kérd meg, süket vagyok
És leszél az enyém!
Mert Oogie Boogie úr vagyok
És hamar véget ér.


I was afraid in the cold darkness
Uncertain of both tomorrow and today
Deep in my heart, I kept running away
Because 'I' am just that weak
I don't even have wings to soar in the sky
All I can do is look up at the endless sky
If I were to compare, it's like bottom of the sea
In the deep, dark bottom of the sea
A single thread of hope was floating
Casting away all 'I' have,
Thinking, yearning of the sky
I reached my hand out to the fragile rope, thinner than a needle
I was seeing a dream, the time you and 'I' spent together
I believed it would continue forever
Don't doubt this fleeting, fragile paradise
dubbed eternal
Even if I cover my eyes and wait for a miracle
This world will kill 'me,' right?
Running out of time, if I don't laugh now, I'll fall apart
Time is a cruel mistress
Let's cast away the tired and worn dreams
Isn't all that's in front of our eyes everything?
Let's face forward, walk on without hesitation
to the destination we'll reach eventually
One day, we'll forget everything

Sally's Song

There is something in the blowing wind
Like a tragedy is happening
I want to be together with him
But my heart is full of anxiety
Maybe, will I feel tormented?
Does he realise that this feeling is for him?
Does he realise that he means a lot to me?
Maybe, it is not going to happen
What will happen next?
Where should I head to?
Although I want to be together
With them that are excited
I try not to believe it
Will we be together?
No, it is impossible
It is not going to happen
He is not for me

Gianizm Scolding (Seven)

Expose your unique, different form right now, right here
It's the one and only of its kind in this world
After all, only you guys who don't know yourself gather
You should still be in time if you wake up now
What do you think of, and what do you seek?
Hiding a decisive spirit in my heart
I can surpass the inevitable that may happen
Tout that self-importance
Don't trifle me with trivial things
No matter what kind of jeering is thrown at me, there's no hesitation in my heart
I'll grasp these vexing emotions, and make them the power for tomorrow
I'll keep showing my own resolution and good faith
And I'll carry out the intentions I've imagined
Harboring the growing fury in my heart
At the end of oblivion, carve your name in this earth
Hiding a decisive spirit in my heart
I can surpass the inevitable that may happen
Tout that self-importance

An Evil God and a Rose

My small feelings
Make something grow violent
And I'm unable to hold back
The budding malice
'I want to see the end of your soul'
The evil god sweetly, kindly whispers
Unable to believe in each other
Now I wield a foolish power
It vividly dyed
This withered view
Since when did I forget
To think of someone else?
In this small world
We just destroy each other
There's no future overflowing with dreams
So I gave my body to the destruction created by an evil god
Unable to reject the color because of its cleanness
That flower bloomed
A wicked heart and rose
Unable to believe in each other
Now I wield a foolish power
The swaying world
Grieved for us
Before I know it, I'm wondering who I am
I forgot and don't know even now
The darkness that covers my broken self
Is laughing silently
Since when did I forget
To think of someone else?
My severed heart
Will never connected to another


An unignorable omen of fear
I felt it faintly inside
Trying not to be hurt
I laughed at it
Pretending ignorance
I held the breath a little
I didn’t show my weakness to anyone
The dream would not last long
That’s right
I passed the point of no return
I still love the days varnished thick with lies
I still love this broken, helpless world
Feeling that someday I can change
I compared myself so week
To a blue sky I saw before
I turned away my eyes too long
The sun has come too close
If you choose between better and worse
What will be burnt is…
That’s right
I always knew
The future like this was not so far off
Yes, I knew but
I couldn’t kill my ego easily
I still love the days varnished thick with lies
I still love this broken, helpless world
Feeling that someday I can change
I compared myself so week
To a blue sky I saw before
The boring town was dyed vermilion by the sunset
The cold wind taps my cheeks and denies “now”
After wandering over and over again
I found there the eternal darkness
Without even the bright stars
I still love the days varnished thick with lies
I still love this broken, helpless world
I cried, crumbling down in a desperate plea
While the sun and the wind laughed at me with pity

Oogie Boogie

Well, well, well, what have we here? the chubby 1
Disgusting huh? how exciting
So it's you that everyone talks about him
Don't, don't do that with my tired heart
You are plump, you are chubby, so come to me
He is both ancient and ugly, this is the destiny's deed
Would you like me to make soup with worms and beetles for you?
My dear Mr. chubby, you are my captive
You better give up, I'm Oogie Boogie
Let's dance together, let's handstand
I will sing for you in this last year.
Oohoo, ha
Oohoo, ha
Oohoo, Oohoo
I'm Oogie Boogie
If you don't release me, you will be punished
The children are expecting me
O fool, asshole, big mouth
Don't, don't like that, because I don't like it
Alright, don't be angry
O little eggplant
They wash you on the board with cedar2and scrub sponge
It's the time for me to kiss you
What the hell are you going to do?
I am a master at my job
I'm a dice roller and [???] and that's my job
I'm fraud and wager and shameless
I'm great and I feel good when you say ouch
Your life is in my hand, O dear ancient
Release me or I'll kick your ass, O stinky gunny
Oh bro, keep saying, I died laughing
Looks like you don't know what happened to you?
Yes chubby, crap!
Don't betray me!
Because dear Oogi Boogi will guide you to his stomach!
  • 1. that word means someone who is short and fat, let me know if you know a proper word
  • 2. The board which the dead are washed on it

Now and Forever

O my darling! be beside me
Know that I want you!
Since I looked at you
[Jack & Sally]
Your love will never be forgotten in my heart
You are with me now and forever
(And) we will be beside each other


My beloved
With you I want to gaze
at the moon in all its splendor...
...to sit together,
now and forever,
because now I know
that you are for me
and I am for you.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


What do I see ?

What do I see ? What do I see ?
Red, blue and green ?
What do I see ?
White snowflakes in the air ?
What do I see ?
I'm surely ill
Come on Jack
It's only a dream, a chimaera !
What do I see ?
What do I see ? What do I see ?
I can't believe my eyes
What do I see ?
Those kids are happy !
What do I see ?
In every corner
Those creatures are giggling
Hello smiles ! Goodbye sighs !
What's this whole hallucination ?
I'm moving !
What do I see ?
Instead of throwing corpse
They're throwing snowballs !
Life stands in for death
They're spending their times on rollercoasters
I finally see colours
I'm discovering sunshine !
And its warmth into my old heart
Is making real wonders !
Oh no
What do I see ?
They're kissing under the mistletoe ! They're laughing !
But these people are unique, magic !
There, they're gathered around the fireplace
To read a fairytale
What do I see ?
What do I see ?
Dwarves ? All around the pine tree ? There, there !
What does it mean ?
It's crazy !
They covered up with thousands of stuff
Lamps holding to strings !
And they're all having fun !
I may be mistaken, but I think
This is joy
This is joy
Oh, what a wonderful travel !
What do I see ?
Surprise ! What do I see ?
Asleep children ?
Oh, there's nothing under their beds
Where are... the ghosts ? The witches
Spreading fear and terror ?
There are only those quiet kids thinking about their moms...
What do I see ?
No more monster, there's no nightmare nor poverty here !
And instead, peace is reigning over the Earth !
Instead of screams, I'm hearing symphony music
And the smell of cakes is marvellous... !
Party is taking me away
In its big farandole ! I'm soaring...
Suddenly my heart is panicking, I'm flying !
At last my life is turning a corner,
I still need more !
I wanna see everything
I wanna know everything
And wanna have everything !
I must know, I must know
The name of this village !
Where... Am... I ?

Everything is a feast

Something, really, is running here
Something inconceivable, scary
You also cried 'present'
Take the city of the dead
Everything is a feast
Everything is a feast
A rain around resonates
Everything is a feast
Dead skeletons
Freezing cold
And they have all lost their speech
One voice
In the past
Leave the city
The dead
I hide here,
A little lower
Sword teeth
And the eyes like a fire
Behind the stairs
I am, kids
And spiders for hair
Everything is a feast
Everything is a feast
A scene terrible,
Dark ceremony
Waltz like it will
It gets to your ears
With a screaming
A celebration
So erotic
Something unusual
It will happen to you
Parts awesome
You have not even imagined it
Someone is hiding
To scare you
Everything is a feast
Secret, sad
Were you afraid?
Nah! Not us!
In the past, at 'two
At one hundred thousand
One way
Without going back
Shiver loudly
Speak loudly
Leave the city
Of the dead
I'm a clown
With a sweet face
Look, me
Now I'm going away
I'm the voice
Like tears dripping
I'm the wind
That scares you all
I'm the night
The blurred shadow
The nightmare
Who is looking for you
Everything is a feast
Everything is a feast
A scene terrible,
Dark ceremony
A celebration
A celebration
A gangway
Without fear
What is life?
Your soul comes out
We are good
A celebration
So erotic
Something unusual
It will happen to you
Our leader
It will come from behind
It will scare you so much
Where will you be dirty
Everything is a feast
Let's go!
Music, kids
Let the king pass
Our leader
Jack is 'The Skeleton'
All together:
Long live our king!
Everything is a feast
Everything is a feast
A scene terrible
Dark ceremony
In our little one
They all respect
The leader
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la

Bloody Friday Nightmare

It's somewhat of an eyesore
Just look at those humans, having no sense of danger at all
Have fun! Nai and Mea
To our hearts' content
It's cleaning time
Wanna join us?
We'll have some bloody dessert
We'll give you some too
It's a Friday nightmare
For each and every one
It's a bit boring doing this all the time
Because we do it so perfectly
We are Nai and Mea
Let us play all we want
But actually, it's a sudden change
We'll have some bloody dessert
If you want some right now
We'll paint your Friday night
All red
We'll have some bloody dessert
We'll give you some too
It's a Friday nightmare
For each and every one

What now?

What now? What now? I see colours everywhere
What now? I see something white and cold
What now?
It’s just a flight of fancy, I might be dreaming
Wake up, stand up, stop and halt!
What now?
What now? What now? Something insane is going on
What now? They’re singing a song
What now?
Here they’re going around the streets of the town
Walking in long, happy files
Have I possibly gone round the bend?
What’s going on? What now?
Look at the kids throwing snowballs and every cheek is red
They play and have fun and not a single one can be called dead
There’s frost on every window, oh, tell me what’s with me
I’m feeling warmth somewhere, it’s coming from inside
Oh my! Look there! A mistletoe above
A kiss! I see what they’re doing
I understand!
Old aunt is definitely reading some tale
I can hear the crackling of the fire
What now?
What now? Here they have placed a small spruce
How nice! But why taking it in?
And look! They hang small stuff on every tree
And wrap strings with small lights around it
And everyone smiles and feels so good
And I can feel that same feeling
I am so happy, I am so happy
Now I’m craving for something
What now?
Listen up, look out, but the kids are sleeping there
Just a look, nothing they should worry about
Here every ghost should in fact feel ashamed instead of scaring
Look how cosy can they feel far away in their dreamland
What now?
There are no monsters here, no nightmares lurking
There’re instead feelings giving warmth, and how!
And no shrieks, music can instead be heard on every corner
And everywhere there’s delicious smell from the food they’ll have
I hear! I see! I can finally feel it
I’ve never felt so good before
And now for the first time do I feel the warmth spreading round us
I’m feeling so good here inside
I want it! Oh, I want it!
I want it for myself
What is it? What is it?
Where have I ended up tonight?
Where am I?

Mondd, hogy ez egy rémálom

Mondd, hogy jutottunk ide
Látlak téged, de te nem vagy ott
Próbállak megmenteni, figyelmeztetni, életben tartani
Próbállak megállítani, de te fizetted meg az árát
Mondd, hogy ez egy rémálom
És te nem mész sehova
Próbállak megmenteni, figyelmeztetni, életben tartani
Próbállak megállítani, de te fizetted meg az árát
[1. versszak]
Látnod kellett volna, hogy ez jön, bébi
Látnod kellett volna a szemeimben
Nem mintha sosem mondtam volna
Nem kellett volna meglepetésként érnie
Nagy volt az adrenalin löket
De te mindig többet akartál
Én egy démon vagyok az árnyékban
És te beléptél a sötétségbe
Bevallottam ezt, nem tudom megállítani
Birtokló vagyok, keményen lehordalak
Elvettél mindent, amit neked adtam
De te mindig többet akartál
(Vigyázz, mit kívánsz)
Mondd, hogy jutottunk ide
Látlak téged, de te nem vagy ott
Próbállak megmenteni, figyelmeztetni, életben tartani
Próbállak megállítani, de te fizetted meg az árát
Mondd, hogy ez egy rémálom (mondd, hogy ez egy rémálom)
És te nem mész sehova ( és te nem mész sehova)
Próbállak megmenteni, figyelmeztetni, életben tartani
Próbállak megállítani, de te fizetted meg az árát (igen)
[2. versszak]
Keresztül fut az ereimben
És mindenen, amit megérintek
Vigyázz, mikor szeretsz engem
Csak a vér érdekel
Tudod, hogy én lennék a végzeted
De te mindig többet akartál
(Vigyázz, mit kívánsz)
Mondd, hogy jutottunk ide (mondd, hogy jutottunk ide)
Látlak téged, de te nem vagy ott (látlak, de te nem vagy ott)
Próbállak megmenteni, figyelmeztetni, életben tartani
Próbállak megállítani, de te fizetted meg az árát
Mondd, hogy ez egy rémálom (mondd, hogy ez egy rémálom)
És te nem mész sehova (és te nem mész sehova)
Próbállak megmenteni, figyelmeztetni, életben tartani
Próbállak megállítani, de te fizetted meg az árát
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
Whoo, ah!

Édes Álmok (Gyönyörű Rémálom)

Minden éjjel sietve rohanok az ágyamba
Remélve, hogy talán kapok egy esélyt, hogy láthassalak
Mikor becsukom a szemem
Fejben már máshol járok
Elveszve egy tündérmesében
Meg fogod a kezem és leszel a vezetőm?
A felhők csillagokkal borítják az egedet
És remélem esni fog
Te vagy a tökéletes altató dal
Miféle álom ez?
Lehetsz egy édes álom vagy egy gyönyörű rémálom
Bárhogy is van, nem akarok felébredni belőled
Édes álom vagy egy gyönyörű rémálom
Valaki csípjen meg, a szerelmed túl szép, hogy igaz legyen
A bűnös élvezetem nem megy sehová
Kedvesem, addig amíg itt vagy
Csak lebegni fogok a levegőben mert te vagy az én
Lehetsz egy édes álom vagy egy gyönyörű rémálom
Bárhogy is van, nem akarok felébredni belőled
Megemlítelek téged, mikor elmondom az imáimat
Minden egyes gondolatomban ott szerepelsz
Te, te vagy az állandó boldogságom
Azt remélem, hogy mikor felébredek ott leszel
És akkor igazából is átölelsz majd
És mondd, hogy mellettem maradsz
A felhők csillagokkal borítják az egedet
És remélem esni fog
Te vagy a tökéletes altató dal
Miféle álom ez?
Lehetsz egy édes álom vagy egy gyönyörű rémálom
Bárhogy is van, nem akarok felébredni belőled
Édes álom vagy egy gyönyörű rémálom
Valaki csípjen meg, a szerelmed túl szép, hogy igaz legyen
A bűnös élvezetem nem megy sehová
Kedvesem, addig amíg itt vagy
Csak lebegni fogok a levegőben mert te vagy az én
Lehetsz egy édes álom vagy egy gyönyörű rémálom
Bárhogy is van, nem akarok felébredni belőled
Tetováld a nevedet a szívemre
Hogy megmaradjon
Még a halál se választhat el minket
Miféle álom ez?
Lehetsz egy édes álom vagy egy gyönyörű rémálom
Bárhogy is van, nem akarok felébredni belőled
Édes álom vagy egy gyönyörű rémálom
Valaki csípjen meg, a szerelmed túl szép, hogy igaz legyen
A bűnös élvezetem nem megy sehová
Kedvesem, addig amíg itt vagy
Csak lebegni fogok a levegőben mert te vagy az én
Lehetsz egy édes álom vagy egy gyönyörű rémálom
Bárhogy is van, nem akarok felébredni belőled

Town meeting

Such strange things
as I've never seen before,
I wouldn't know, but I'd like to explain it all.
It's a world which doesn't look like this one
And I wish... I wish
To describe it to you too,
Like a magic dream, yeah.
But trust me if I tell you
It seems fake, I know,
But I swear it's there!
Uh, now I'll explain...
This is called present
and everything starts from there.
From 'there'?
Does it pee?
Does it poo?
Does it by any chance have a porthole?
The 'there'!
What a beautiful 'there'!
If you please...
I'll explain the reason why it is colored
And why there's a claret ribbon...
How come?
It's awful!
What about inside?
What about inside?
No one knows what's in there, no one knows!
Which is?
What is it?
The tsetse fly?
Maybe that monster that goes thirtythree!
Shut up a little, listen to me
Now I'll tell you what it is.
But pay attention:
We take a rather big stocking
And hang it to the wall we can...
Oh gosh, there's a foot down there!
What is it?
You look!
Isn't it greenish and stained with blue dye?
Let me explain...
There's no foot down there, but treats!
Games and toy trains in a track...
Where the heck is it?
What is it?
Now it's exploding and going boom!
Frightening the children
And eating us too.
What a wonderful idea
Christmas will be
I want to try it
Let's bring it in there!
Hold it right there!
What's the rush?
You're missing something, yet what is it?
Well, might as well give them what they want...
And there's
something more
That I'll tell you
In a bit
About their king's reputation
He screams so much that
Even you will shake in fear!
Yeah, so Merry Christmas, my friends...
If he's not in the mood
That monarch sometimes acts like a crab
Instead of a king!
When he flies up there, on the contraption
With his bags he goes...
What is he going to bring...
This is what we know...
And at night time
with the moon he goes
And he descends on you
Like the vulteres do!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Heh heh heh heh heh!
Well, I've made them all happy...
'Cause they don't know that
Christmas is something else
But what is it?
Oh, well...


Look, look
Oh, what a coloursplendor
And this! This feels so nicely soft
I don't believe my eyes, is this a dream?
Come on! Who has thought of this?
Look, look
That can't be?
Look, there they sing a song
They laugh and they dance and they sing
Really only nice things
Oh, my head is about to explode
What is this? Look
They throw with a snowball
Instead of with a head
They play here with toys and nobody's dead, too
A ice flower on the window
Oh, I don't know where I am
And in my bones glows a warm feeling
I don't know that
Oh, look, what is that?
They stand beneath a branch
A kiss, that seems unique to me
So faithful! They roast chestnuts
All enjoying a beautiful story
Look, and there
There stands sure enough a tree
That's weird, who'd ever thought that?
They hang all kinds of things in it
A point and lamps on the top
The people laugh and are happy
If I'm wrong, tell me
But this is fun, yes, this is fun
Is this what I wanted all those years?
Oh, what now?
The children are just asleep
But look, no ghost beneath the bed
No ghost, no witches
That scare you or tease you
Really only nice things in there sweet dreamworld
The monsters are absent
And you don't find any bad here
There comes a kind of happy
And warm feeling instead
I don't hear screaming
But I do hear music and horm
The smell of cake and cookies
You smell litterally everywhere
Singing, laughter
You hear it here the whole day
I've never felt so good
The emptyness inside me fills up for the first time
I want more, I want more
I want this, oh, I want this
Oh, I want this for myself
I have to know it, I have to know it
Where am I brought to?
What is this?

Sally's Song (Reprise)

My dear, please...
... I would like to accompany you
To see the moon in all its splendor.
For having you, today and forever,
Because our love is a reality
Until the end...
  • En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .


Merry Christmas to You

The time has come!
Merry Christmas to you!
We wish you joy!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you! We like the sound of that!
Christmas is ours this time
The hour has come!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
It's time for holiday presents
Yes, a night for pranks
Yes, they'll remember this
We wish you joy!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
A vampire is sending you a souvenir
Unlike anything the world has ever seen
It's so interesting
Together, with this song
There'll be a holiday, just wait and see
And there's Jack!
I waited for happy days
And my dreams have come true
Yes, my fantasy is here
I'll make a smart beret from an old rat
What a beret, what talent!
You'll amaze with such a present!
But I suggest a variant
Try using a bat
No, no, that's not right
It all falls apart before our eyes
Find something younger
That won't fall to pieces
Go ahead, we can do it
Together, with this song
There'll be a holiday, just wait and see
The time has come!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
Now a long-awaited hour has struck
It's time to celebrate
The moon will appear soon
Christmas is here!

Jack's Obsession (Korean)

Jack is strange, Jack is strange
Will he return to normal?
He's locked himself in that room
He won't say a word
It's like he's dead
Jack is strange, Jack is strange
I can't stop thinking about Christmas
It's the only thing I think of
I can't grasp it
The moment I think I've got it
It slips through my fingers
Like snowflakes in a fire
More and more it's like a distant memory
That's disappearing
It fades away like rain. What is it? What is it?
I'll discover the secret in these antiques
These toys are confusing, but I like them
They look simple, but something's hidden behind the door
And I don't have the key
I can't open it. What is it?
What is it? What is it?
I've read every book
I know the stories and rhymes
I know the Christmas carols well
My skull's so full it might burst
I've studied them, but I can't understand
I can't see the point
Or maybe I'm thinking too deeply
Have I misunderstood?
Of course! The light blinded me
The answer's in front of me
Now I see, it's invisible like music
But it's everywhere
I can't see it, but I can believe it
Christmas is simpler than I thought
Why should only they enjoy it?
I can make a tree too
I'm able to host Christmas. I know how to throw a splendid party

Opening (Japanese)

Once upon a time, a long time ago
There was a place you might have seen in a dream
From now on, I will tell you of an event that happened in the world of holidays
Have you wondered where holidays come from?
You don't know?
Now you'll learn the answer


Jönnek, felkúsznak a sarokból
Egy dolog biztos, nem érzem magam biztonságosan
Érzem a tapintást a vállamon
Megfordulok, miközben valami aggaszt
Elvesztettem a józan eszem?
Azt hiszem igen
Nincs egy teremtmény sem a közelben
De, amit nem tudsz,
Hogy a lélegzetem és a szívverésem egyre csak gyorsul
Azt kívánom, bárcsak vége, vagy csak egy álom lenne, de
Egy szörnyet teremtettem, egy poklot a fejemben
Sehova sem tudok menni, egyedül vagyok
Nagyon félek
Egy szörnyet teremtettem, egy bestiát az agyamban
Sehova sem tudok menni, egyedül vagyok
Az elmém tönkrement
Ébressz fel a rémálmomból
Várj, valami nincs rendben
Nem, valami nagyon nem oké
Már egy ideje ezt érzem, azt hiszem
Túl régóta
Ahogy a látásom elhomályosodik, a bőrőm pedig elhidegül
Fiatalnak tűnők, miközben csak öregszem
A földre zuhanok és üvöltöm:
Meg tud valaki menteni önmagamtól?
Egy szörnyet teremtettem, egy poklot a fejemben
Sehova sem tudok menni, egyedül vagyok
Nagyon félek
Egy szörnyet teremtettem, egy bestiát az agyamban
Sehova sem tudok menni, egyedül vagyok
Az elmém tönkrement
Ébressz fel a rémálmomból
A párkányhoz sétálok
És folyamatosan lenézek
Még mindig megfagytam a félelemtől
Leugrok a betonra
Bárcsak tudnék repülni
Akkor talán meggyőzhettem volna magam, hogy nem jött el az idő meghalni
Csak zuhanok gyorsabban és gyorsabban
Egyenesen a földbe érkezem
És amikor a testem a járdára omlik
Újból ott vagyok, ahol eddig voltam
Egy szörnyet teremtettem, egy poklot a fejemben
Sehova sem tudok menni, egyedül vagyok
Nagyon félek
Egy szörnyet teremtettem, egy poklot a fejemben
Sehova sem tudok menni, egyedül vagyok
Nagyon félek
Egy szörnyet teremtettem, egy bestiát az agyamban
Sehova sem tudok menni, egyedül vagyok
Az elmém tönkrement
Ébressz fel a rémálmomból

The Conspiracy Song [Kidnap The Sandy Claws]

[Lock, Shock and Barrel] [1]
Shall we snatch the Nicki-Horror?
I want to snatch him
Figure it out!
Jack wants us for this wickedness.
All three of us!
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Three small devils, like fire and brimstone. Wiii!
La LaLalalala La Lalala La LaLalalala lalalalala [2]
You snatch the Nicki-Horror,
finish him off!
If you have him once,
It's all over for him!
Even one trap would be decent,
What could be even better?
Just one decoy is still missing
And then, one-two-three and he falls in!
Stop! I have a better plan
For this red lobster man.
We initially cook him once
In a pan and he'll be cooked soon!
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
You snatch the Nicki-Horror,
You imprison him right away!
Never again let him out,
That would be really fine!
Mr. Oogie Boogie Man,
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
If everything takes over, then
He will be happy, and soon
He will cook the living daylights out of him! Uiiiii!
What we need is a tremendous
and then: knock, knock, knock,
And when he comes out: There will be no more Nicki-Horror!
No you blockhead, think about it, will you? We are way too smart for something like that!
If Nicki is in pieces, then Jack will certainly beat the living daylights out of us!
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Snatch Nicki Horror,
Thrust him into a sack!
Throw him into the blue sea
Till doomsday!
[Lock, Shock]
Because Mr. Oogie Boogie is the worst thing in the world,
And if he were to chase after me, I'll beat a hasty retreat.
He's going to be so happy,
That he'll reward us, perhaps.
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Perhaps he will also cook his Snake-Spider-Stew for us.
We are his helpers and we are also proud of that.
We are always at his service, there is a reward for that. [3]
The partners that I have are dumb!
I'm not dumb!
Stay silent, will you!
Pipe down!
Why don't you!
I know something. Listen to me,
Because this plan is damn fine.
Let's set a trap in the form of a gift box
in front of his door.
We will wait inside the chest,
Until he nearly bursts with envy,
finally opening it,
[Lock, Shock and Barrel]
Destiny will then take its course!
Snatch Nicki-Horror, stuff him into a hole,
Nicki would have almost run away, now we have him, don't we!?
Snatch Nicki-Horror, lock him in a barrel.
Mr. Oogie Boogie is certainly having his fun!
Snatch Nicki-Horror so that he becomes frightened.
Lock him in the cage, throw the key awaaaaay!