Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 115

Találatok száma: 100426



Out from clouds the moon so fair
In a stream reflects and glows.
Through the mist and darkness there
In a boat a traveller rows.
Moonlight gleams ahead of him
On his way through waves of night,
Thought imagines merriment,
And the shore's not far in sight.
Suddenly it sinks, in shock,
Now he drinks the gloomy wave,
Though he struggles, like a rock,
Down he hastens to his grave.
Short's this kind of life right now!
Though we're optimistic thus,
In eternal life we drown...
Love and friendship, pardon us!


Here in the sea

Your place is here, not the human world...
The life here in the sea is much better than up there
Wanting what is not ours... There's no way to be happy!
Don't wish to go up there, see, I'm saying it myself!
Look at the world around you here under the sea
So many things and so many colors, what else do you want?
Here in the sea, here in the sea
It's better here, it's worse there I can swear
Beyond the sea life is bad
There is slavery
We float all the time here in the sea
In the sea everyone is happy, our life is to play
In the land it's very different, we are only useful only to be fried
Sometimes in the fishbowl, there is not much to know
If I'm tasty on the other hand, it's me they're going to eat
Oh no
Here in the sea, here in the sea
We are not fried, or cooked in fricassee
We are part of their list, they always send us the hook
I tell you, here there is no danger
Here in the sea (Here in the sea) Here in the sea (Here in the sea)
From good life comes the beat, I sing for you
Even the manta ray and the sturgeon will come sing a song
Everything playing, everything dancing here in the sea
The flute without pause
The carp with a harp
The bass in the compass
Makes a fantastic sound
The metals make ouch
The tuba knocks down
And this is the duke of Soul
The root then does percussion
The trout is crazy
But sings rock
And even the salmon
Goes in your hand
And this one blows
Here in the sea (Here in the sea) Here in the sea (Here in the sea)
If the sardine comes in a line it's for dancing
If they have sand, here there are original bands
The castanets are not that foolish, here in the sea
And a slug brings another slug, here in the sea
The snail doesn't wear a scarf
There gas to be rhythm, it's hot in here
What a confusion, but what fun
Yes, here in the sea!



From enemies we defend the fatherland of Lenin
Children of Felix Dzierżyński
So that the sky is bright above the country
so that the ground is lined with feathers under me and under you
Any day, any year
The nation eats and sleeps soundly
You will sleep peacefully
Because we generously protect you, KGB
Our service is dangerous and hard
And on the first look, almost invisible
If someone is with us sometime
We have time, we will help
Any day and any year
The nation eats and sleeps soundly
You will sleep respectably
Because we generously protect you, KGB



Tick tack, tick tack, hey
Hey 1, 2, 3, 4!
The mission has already started
Watch out! Don't go into sleep mode
this secrecy feels so good
a searchlight approaches
A to Z emotions we can't let out
The future wavers inside you
But I won't hand you over
Headed into an accelerated reality
speakers blaring
a call that won't stop
it's time to go
Don't stop
Whatever happens, it's alright
So this is me
it all happened in the blink of an eye
Running away further and further
I was confused my a false image because I could only see pieces at first
caught in a discordant time
can't dance, can't dash
so just escape!
Tick tack, tick tack, hey
A jumbled signal sending out a message
an earnest attempt to read
a false GPS signal
We don't need a map, just run for it!
For now we're taking over this world
boldly chasing a dream that grows bigger
a universe in my heart
reality accelerates
you lost control
the sirens keep blaring
the voltage increases
It's time to dance
bomb, bomb
come on
We can't get caught now
it's a stage show!
So this is true
I'll never stop
I make plenty of mistakes but
I'm the only one that can protect me so
I'll never stop


Roman fountains

I speak to you, fountains, that know
That she one day mirrored herself in your waters and drank
You know her beautiful mouth
I kissed her and I don’t forget her anymore
Whisper with me, or Roman fountains
Serenades of love to the woman I love
Oh Roman fountains, whispering quietly
You will say to her like this: 'I die of passion'
Shining waterfalls
When a moonbeam appears
Like silver strings
I feel you quiver with me
Whisper with me, or Roman fountains
Serenades of love to the woman I love
Whisper with me, or Roman fountains
Serenades of love to the woman I love
Oh Roman fountains!


Streetcar Rock

There's a friend of mine,
Like all the girls and guys,
He rides on the streetcar,
riding through the day and night,
I don't hold a grudge,
Him, I wouldn't judge,
On a daily basis,
I admire him quite much.
He's often quiet,
And he is kind of strange,
He has a poor-paying job,
but he doesn't complain,
When he pours a glass,
He shouts 'Hey hey!'
He always gets flowers
Before he meets his date.
On the streetcar, on the streetcar, he likes going back and fourth.
On the streetcar, on the streetcar, he likes riding evermore,
Hey hey! Hey hey! Hey hey!
On the streetcar, on the streetcar, he likes going back and fourth.
On the streetcar, on the streetcar, to his job and back once more,
Hey hey! Hey hey! Hey hey!
His job ends early and he doesn't drink beer.
Some say he's smart and he should be an engineer.
The one most proud of him is his wife
He never even smokes and he's very polite.
He dresses to make sure he's a professional sight.
Although I admit that I can be seen drinking wine.
A ride on the streetcar is sometimes what I like.
According to my mom's constant chatter
I hang out with other girls, but it don't matter.
It's better than having children who constantly whine.
On the streetcar, on the streetcar, riding through the day and night,
On the streetcar, on the streetcar, back and fourth from 9 to 5,
Hey hey! Hey hey! Hey hey!
On the streetcar, on the streetcar, passing through the neon lights.
On the streetcar, on the streetcar, taking in the full nightlife,
Hey hey! Hey hey! Hey hey!


Blues on the run

Dad's silence, Mom's hysteria.
I was six years old and had no idea what was going on,
I only felt my heart running in the back of my left chest.
Soft doubts, unshed tears,
I believed that tomorrow there would be a ray of hope.
To be recognized, to be admired,
I'm not me, Who should I be?
I've been thinking about it for a long time.
No one is to blame, but
Why can't I just be who I am?
Why can't I face them as they are?
Why can't I stay as I am?
To love, to be loved, and to not be loved,
and to still love others.
Everything is connected and repeats itself.
In the midst of repetition, change will eventually come.
Up, up, up the endless spiral staircase.
If one day we can understand each other,
Until then, it's just that,
With all the sorrow I can muster,
Lonely and gorgeous to the end
Blues on the run.
My dad, my mom, my sister, me.



Losing the courage of innocence like Icarus, we are living now
We spend our days in our own way, Clutching the question
When we look for the answer, it becomes a maze
If you know the answer is here, everything will take on a new tone
Beyond this wind, there must be a certain brilliance, I believe so
I'm sure those tears will dry someday
Even if it's hard to see now, even if it seems far away
With a little smile, and you'll be running in the wind
Don't be afraid, your eyes will get used to the darkness
Be careful, your eyes will even get used to the glare
The apple in the picture never breathes
Red, forever young, ever burning
I've decided I don't love anyone, but suddenly my heart flutters
I'd say it's okay, but it's not okay
I couldn't hold it in, I turned it into tears
In my eternal dream, I tried to paint both the past and the future
I closed my eyes because I was afraid to accept it
Riding on the tailwind, I'll take your hand and just run through today
Beyond the dusk, when the stars begin to weep,
Let's sing a sweet song together
Just a small voice now,
It doesn't have to be a voice
Let a song connect your lips with mine


On the side of victory

The bottom of an empty coffee cup is a black hole
I’m sure I’m gonna fall into it soon
If I don’t get a text or a call from anyone
A messy film plays on loop in my head
What do I leave behind if I’m suddenly dead?
Some houseplants and a sofa bed that I hate
I know who will save me
When life beats me up
Mondays feel so rough to me
But when you’re knocking on my door
I am, I am, I am on the side of victory
The mornings when I just don’t want to get out of bed
You drag me out and carry me
And I am, I am, I am on the side of victory
I drop packages on the conveyor belt
Every day the same station plays on the radio
They say it’ll rain sleet again
When I get off work, you wait for me at the parking lot
You guessed I didn’t bring an umbrella
You see how fucking annoyed I am, but you just hug me tightly
I know who will save me
When life beats me up
Mondays feel so rough to me
But when you’re knocking on my door
I am, I am, I am on the side of victory
The mornings when I just don’t want to get out of bed
You drag me out and carry me
And I am, I am, I am on the side of victory
Yeah, I am, I am, I am on the side of victory
Mondays feel so rough to me
But when you’re knocking on my door
I am, I am, I am on the side of victory
The mornings when I just don’t want to get out of bed
You drag me out and carry me
And I am, I am, I am on the side of victory
Yeah, I am, I am, I am on the side of victory



At the mercy of this life, it's the gift that you've given me
On the wings of fate, it's starting now, so listen up
Upside down, clap your hands
Until it becomes a force of habit, on your feet now
Hold nothing back, let's go! Though we're not in sync... that's no good
As if telepathically we act flirtatiously, a supply and demand economy of love. Yeah get the money
It will happen as god wills it, at that moment, all the sudden like a peace sign
At the mercy of this life, it's the gift that you've given me
In the midst of a storming sea now, enduring the crashing waves, this is what you wanted right?
Happy lucky time people flying about, competing with each other
It's only just the start of the beginning, listen
Right side circle around
Suddenly I can't help but smile
Left side open up, my heart is bubbling with excitement, but that's ok
Move! Move! Move!
Get it?!
ay-oh ay-oh mic check one, two
really? you're kidding me! Panic!
Maniac! Go!
Other people's problems are lame, how many people were blown away
even with this strength, we're still in a circle panicking, So we'll never make it in time
Try to rein in that maniac,ah, that was a close one
The answer we came up with was something like a peace sign. Good day
At the mercy of this life, it's the gift that you've given me
In the midst of a storming sea now, enduring the crashing waves, this is what you wanted right?
Happy lucky time people flying about, competing with each other
It's only just the start of the beginning, listen
At the mercy of this life, it's meaningless
In the midst of a storming sea now, enduring the crashing waves, this is what I wanted but
At the mercy of this life, I only wanted a glimpse of what it was like
In the midst of a storming sea now, enduring the crashing waves, listen up!


The house on the hill

The house on the hill is beautiful
Maria marvels at at it, then says:
'I'd love to be able to buy it,
It'd be a dream!1
I'd love to be able to buy it,
It'd be a dream!
The house on the hill's white,
White as a sheet
If you look at it, it seems to laugh,
It really is the house she wants
If you look at it, it seems to laugh,
It really is the house she wants
It really is the house she wants
It really is the house she wants
It's so big, that house on the hill
With many rooms that have windows and balconies
We'd be so happy there, together
Me, my husband, and my children
We'd be so happy there, together
Me, my husband, and my children
My dad was a tradie
He died, still covered in lime dust
He made that house on the hill,
He made it for four lords
He made that house on the hill,
He made it for four lords
And those lords come in Summer
They stay for just two months, then leave again!
I keep it just 'cause I can
And I'm without a house
I keep it just 'cause I can
And I'm without a house
And I'm without a house
And I'm without a house
The house on the hill is beautiful
Maria looks at it, then says:
'I'll never be able to buy it!
Us in poverty, our dreams won't come true!'
'I'll never be able to buy it!
Us in poverty, our dreams won't come true!'
  • 1. lit. 'it would be my heaven'


The Rules of Beautiful Love

For your sake, I've committed a great crime
Even if I'm bound by chains, I don't care
I dance to the blue sky with your white hands
That rose hair ornament haunts me
For your sake, I take vilification
Even if I die in this jail, I don't care
More than sand sparkling in the red sun,
More than a singing guitar, I'm fired up
When you died, on your white cheeks
I placed my lips, I'll sleep too
The stars disappeared and died, the flowers peeked through, too
To the bitter end, I won't part with you
Only you I'll follow for eternity, only you I'll follow for eternity
Only you I'll follow for eternity, only you I'll follow for eternity


My Pop

There's just one chance and instead of seizing it,
...I cried in the locker room
Like Cyndy Lauper,
...I want to make everyone around me happy
Gonna be late for my class again because of my part time job
My dream is wilting away but...
...don't cry, I'll keep on dancing
Convert all my power into love
I want to believe only in myself
My pop,
To fall in love?
I don't even have time for that
It sounds a bit lonely but...
...my pop,
...I have a big dream...
...and to make it happen,
...I can't afford to complain...
...because I'm not giving up right now
There's no other choice but to carry on
I can't rush despite of how old I am
Gonna give my best regardless of my age
Remember the success stories I read, I can't give up...
...or someday I'll regret it
I want to focus only on tomorrow
My pop,
I also want to experience to be in a relationship...
...and I want to fall in love but...
...my pop,
...I have a big dream and to make it come true,
...right now I need to overcome all my negative thoughts
There's no choice but to go on
My pop,
...sometimes I lose control of my feelings...
...and end up crying but...
...my pop, I have a big dream and to make it happen...
...I need to look into the mirror and cheer myself up...
...because I'm not giving up right now
There's no other choice but to carry on


Turkish Blood

Let the great days return
God give Hun's life
The wolves eat the divided ones
unite, unite!
Life is passing by
Dreams are also passing by
make good use of what you have
Not for the end times
Who needs your orphan's head?
You were born for your country
Turan's son should not be left behind
Don't let Turan Tug fall down
Let the great days return
God give Hun's life
Those who are divided are eaten by wolves, unite, unite!
Who can keep you down
Private Idil's race!
Reborn brave man
Turkish blood rising again
When Turkish blood runs rampant
There will be no darkness left in this world
Brightening the day's eyes
It spreads light to all humanity
When Turkish blood boils
There won't be any darkness around
The whole world shakes at once
When the day shines
Let the blood of the country return to your hands
come back without staying somewhere
Don't yawn, come to your senses, O wide steppe of Turan
If the invisible hand is wise
You fall prey to those who appear
Don't yawn, come to your senses, O Turan's own son.
Created from fire and water
Almighty Turan son Turan
You save the world from the wings of the black night
Break the black game and tear it up
Uproot it and throw it away
Where is the lord of Gökbörü?
Where is the friend of the steppes?
Where is your thunderstorm?
Where is your son who races with the winds?
Won't the smoke disperse again?
Won't Turan be born again?
Let the great days return
God give Hun's life
Ancestral spirits that remain on the tongue, come to life, come to life, you
Great days are still ahead of you
The Turks are rising again
Those who are divided are eaten by wolves, unite, unite!
Let the great days return
God give Hun's life
Ancestral spirits that remain on the tongue, come to life, come to life, you
Great days are still ahead of you
The Turks are rising again
Those who are divided are eaten by wolves, unite, unite!


And whoever you are

And roofs will fly off of the people
And people will fall down from the roofs
And they'll fall more often than rain
And one day you'll fly away to them
A homeless man wants so much to go home
I thoughtlessly long for that light
You're just as alive as before
And I'm just as not
And whoever you are
One day a dream will lead you off the ledge
We fall into the sky
A little later we lightly fall down
And whoever you are
One day a dream will lead you off the ledge
We fall into the sky
A little later we lightly fall down
I waste yet another day
So it doesn't hurt and so I'm not breathing
I have only a shadow
And my sick soul
Don't believe 'grief for the grieving'
It's not worth looking into my eyes
In them, it's clear who's alive and who's dead
Who's happy and who didn't escape
And whoever you are
One day a dream will lead you off the ledge
We fall into the sky
A little later we lightly fall down
And whoever you are
One day a dream will lead you off the ledge
We fall into the sky
A little later we lightly fall down


Suicide Parade

In the center of hell, where I crawled out
Some dreg that only prolongs life
I can't even buy love
Civilization becomes deformed, swallowed up by religiosity
She watches from a ghost tower that eats the sky
An alarm mixed with noise begins to scream
In the night of martial law, lifeview becomes distorted.
No Damsel In Distress
'Are you ready?'
Chant upon collapse, inferior humans
Suicide Parade
Resonance Preach Final chant
Turning into words cursing God
Smile since it's all a dream
Blackout in the depths of the brain where love has died
It's a strange world
Frenzy Abyss Source
Stepping over corpses, you can pass
Rifles competing for the bloody death count
Superstition seen in a dream due to magic.
I'll give you my worthless heart
Even if I have the means to save you
Ah, who would love me with such an ugly appearance?
To such fools
Apply flattened propaganda
A paranoid label that only punishes
“Charity is dumb.”
The indulgence I held tightly
Is but nonsense theory
Human body forgery
Does the clown in suit see dreams?
Faith's alienation covers up actuality
The dice seems like a transparent eye
Pure guiltless salvative id
I threw away even my first and last happiness
Suicide Parade
The roar of life and death
Let's shoot into those fearless eyes
I knew it was all a dream
You're a liar
Talkative swindle
The boy wearing a demon mask
I forget even my own face and point the gun at me
Become a monster full of malice
A march of half-mad screams
Suicide Parade
Resonance Preach Final chant
Turning into words cursing God
Smile since it's all a dream
Blackout in the depths of the brain where love has died
Suicide Parade
It's fine if I die today
I always thought so
When I touch you, my heart grows
I wanted to be alive
That was the beginning of the nightmare



Ungarn mentalität
Unikum kvalite
Ungarn mentalität
Unikum kvalite
Ungarn mentalität
Unikum kvalite
Eyo bitch
Suck my dick ja
Fuck off politic
You may protest outside
While the boss is playing soccer
Peter Srámek type ja
I'm taking what I'm entitled to
An S500 whale1
Jimmy is the king2
Stop yapping to me
A good woman forgives everything
Listen, G G!
The 'check engine' sign came on3
I've got no, no eyedrops
Put on my sunglasses!
Ungarn mentalität
Unikum kvalite
Ungarn mentalität
Unikum kvalite
Microphone chеck
There's a bomb threat4situation inside, inside
I'm fucking doing it on the top of the car, the blues5won't take me down
My mentality is top-notch
Yours is weak
You tend to get addicted to grass6
I woke up at 5 AM because of my job but now I'm going to lay down
Fucking jetlag!
Maradona, Diego7
The Gozsdu is full
The MILFs are loaded8
Maradona, Diego
A little ball[9
Some coca cola10
Ungarn mentalität
Unikum kvalite
Ungarn mentalität
Unikum kvalite
Ungarn mentalität
Unikum kvalite
Ungarn mentalität
Unikum kvalite
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. A warning light on the dashboard.
  • 4.
  • 5. The police.
  • 6. Marijuana maybe.
  • 7.
  • 8. With some kind of drug, I guess
  • 9. Soccer ball.
  • 10. Maybe it's a euphemism for cocaine.


Don't you come here

Don't you come here
Don't you come
Don't you come here
Don't you come
Don't you come here
Don't you
Don't you come here
Don't you come
Here, you'll be the only one
Lord, how angry is the winter
Writhes down smoke,
Don't you come to
Roads like these
Sins have hidden in the trees
Black is the sky
Wind thrashes through the prison
Frozen bleeds the winter season
Don't you come here
Don't come in
But Lord and ruins are within
This here road
Bodies mark
They are counted in the dark
You best forget
This place's lot
Quicksilver-harsh and poisonous the blood
Into poppies
People turn 1
Heart is hook-split by the storm
Wiped out names and
Wiped out towns
Sorrows hang, if bone-hard, rough
Birds were thrashing
In the dark
Against prison built and dark
Wiped out names and
Wiped out towns
Sorrows hung, if bone-hard, rough
Birds were thrashing
In the dark
Against prison built and drab
Don't you come to
Roads like these
Sins have hidden in the trees
Black is the sky
Wind thrashes through the prison
Frozen bleeds the winter season
Don't you come to
Roads like these
Sins have hidden in the trees
Black is the sky
Wind thrashes through the prison
Frozen bleeds the winter season
Don't you come here
Don't you come
Don't you come here
Don't you come
  • 1. In Ukraine, poppies are a symbol of lives lost during WWII and, subsequently, the russian invasion of Ukraine.


Did you think it was just enthusiasm

For years, I waited for you, loved you, hoping you would reciprocate my love,
Looking at the roads every day, hoping that one day you would come back to me
Did you think my love was just enthusiasm?
Did you think it would end in a few days?
Where did you see such love?
Ahhh, neither Leyla nor Mecnun loved like this
Ahhh, neither Leyla nor Mecnun loved like this
I wish you had reciprocated my love
Then I wouldn't cry like this every night
I loved you madly, neither Leyla nor Mecnun loved like this


Against me

Starting the day with you is obligatory for me
I don't know who is responsible for my condition
If I add one more glass, would it be a problem?
Tell me, will these tears of mine ever dry one day?
We became the talk of the town, I don't know why
Did you really get cold towards me?
Look, my suffering is still not over
Would it be right to say so?
You need to come back urgently
This body is longing for a sentence from you
Tell me a reasonable reason
If I see it, will my heart cool down?
I can't understand, believe me
I always agreed with whatever you said
The wound is not easy to heal
I can't wait, time is against me



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nélküled, nélküled, nélküled
Nélküled, nélküled
Nélküled egy sziluett vagyok
Nélküled egy sziluett vagyok
Nélküled, nélküled, nélküled
Nélküled, nélküled, nélküled
Nélküled egy sziluett vagyok
Nélküled egy sziluett vagyok
Nélküled egy sziluett vagyok


Soha ne mondd, hogy halál

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nem lenne szórakoztató és nem lenne új?
Nem lenne más és nem lenne igaz?
Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?
Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?
Nem kérnél bocsánatot és nem lennél tiszta?
Nem lennénk őszinték és nem lennénk többek?
Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?
Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?
Csak istent akarsz játszani
De én bezuhanok, kiesek
Csak istent kell játszanod
És én bezuhanok, kiesek.
Soha, soha, soha, sohasem
Soha, soha, soha ne mondd, hogy halál
(Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?)
Soha, soha, soha, sohasem
Soha, soha, soha ne mondd, hogy halál
(Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?)
Soha, soha, soha, sohasem
Soha, soha, soha meg ne állj
(Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?)
Soha, soha, soha, sohasem
Soha, soha, soha ne mondd, hogy halál
(Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?)
Nem próbáltál megbocsátani és nem próbáltál maradni?
Nem próbáltál felnézni és nem próbáltál imádkozni?
Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?
Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?
Csak istent akarsz játszani
De én bezuhanok, kiesek
Csak istent kell játszanod
És én bezuhanok, kiesek.
Soha, soha, soha, sohasem
Soha, soha, soha ne mondd, hogy halál
(Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?)
Soha, soha, soha, sohasem
Soha, soha, soha ne mondd, hogy halál
(Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?)
Soha, soha, soha, sohasem
Soha, soha, soha meg ne állj
(Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?)
Soha, soha, soha, sohasem
Soha, soha, soha ne mondd, hogy halál
(Nem azt mondtad? Nem azt mondtad?)


Egy pillanattal elválasztva

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Zenei alap]
Téged szeretlek a legjobban
Téged szeretlek a legjobban, most még jobban szeretlek
Szeretlek, téged szeretlek a legjobban, most még jobban
Téged szeretlek a legjobban, most még jobban szeretlek
Téged szeretlek a legjobban, most még jobban szeretlek
Téged szeretlek a legjobban, most még jobban szeretlek
Szeretlek, téged szeretlek a legjobban, most még jobban
Téged szeretlek a legjobban, most még jobban szeretlek
Téged szeretlek a legjobban, most még jobban szeretlek



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Egész életemben
Csak a megfelelő pillanatra várok
Gondolkodom, hogy valamikor, valahogy legyen
De most mindenem megvan, amit szeretnék
Az idő elrepül
Szóval ne hagyd, hogy elteljen
Nem kell túlságosan várni valamit
Mert most mindenünk megvan, amit szeretnénk
Sosem láttam azt a világot, amelyet veled kezdtem el
Te vagy az, ami hiányzott, de sosem tudtam róla
Az idő mindig jó, ha veled töltöm
Most mindenünk megvan, amit szeretnénk, szóval miért várunk a valamikorra?
Mert azt hiszem, már eljött
Miért várunk a valamikorra?
Mert azt hiszem, már ott vagyunk
Sosem láttam azt a világot, amelyet veled kezdtem el
Te vagy az, ami hiányzott, de sosem tudtam róla
Az idő mindig jó, ha veled töltöm
Most mindenünk megvan, amit szeretnénk, szóval miért várunk a valamikorra?
(Jólesik, amink van
Jólesik, amink van)
Nem hazudok
Amink lett volna, jólesik
Ne aggódj, állj mellém
Csak várok
Mert most mindenünk megvan, amit szeretnénk
Sosem láttam azt a világot, amelyet veled kezdtem el
Te vagy az, ami hiányzott, de sosem tudtam róla
Az idő mindig jó, ha veled töltöm
Most mindenünk megvan, amit szeretnénk, szóval miért várunk a valamikorra?
Miért várunk a valamikorra? Miért várunk a valamikorra?
(Jólesik, amink van
Jólesik, amink van
Jólesik, amink van
Jólesik, amink van)


Játszd el, amíg meg nem valósul

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Azt hiszed, ide fogsz jönni és összetöröd a szívem
Jobban látok a sötétben
Otthagysz állni az esőben
És én, én nem hiszem el, én nem hiszem el, én, én
Elbuktad az összes pénzed a feketén
Eladtad a lelked, de nem tudtad visszanyerni
Nem adtak neked mást, csak egy csomót a kezedre
És én nem hiszem el, én nem hiszem el
Magasan szállok egy elpazarolt élet szárnyain, oh-whoa
Királyok lehetnénk, csak néhány kölyök Pacific Heightsból
Csak nézd, ahogy eljátszom, eljátszom
Amíg megvalósítom, megvalósítom
Csak nézd, ahogy eljátszom, eljátszom
Amíg megvalósítom, megvalósítom
Igyekszem utat törni magamnak és sosem hagyom abba
A valódi életem ehhez nem hasonlítható
Csak hagyj álmodni, soha ne ébressz fel
Nem, én nem hiszem el, én nem hiszek
Minden éjjel esküszöm, érzem, hogy jön, oh
A semmit szakítani valamivé, valamivé
Magasan szállok egy elpazarolt élet szárnyain, oh-whoa
Királyok lehetnénk, csak néhány kölyök Pacific Heightsból
Csak nézd, ahogy eljátszom, eljátszom
Amíg megvalósítom, megvalósítom
Csak nézd, ahogy eljátszom, eljátszom
Amíg megvalósítom, megvalósítom
Minden éjjel esküszöm, érzem, hogy jön
A semmit szakítani valamivé, valamivé
Magasan szállok egy elpazarolt élet szárnyain, oh-whoa
Királyok lehetnénk, csak néhány kölyök Pacific Heightsból
Csak nézd, ahogy eljátszom, eljátszom
Amíg megvalósítom, megvalósítom
Csak nézd, ahogy eljátszom, eljátszom
Amíg megvalósítom, megvalósítom


Örökké tart

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tartson örökké ez az éjszaka
Tégy kockára mindent
Tartson örökké ez az éjszaka
És hagyd magad mögött az egész világot
Tartson örökké ez az éjszaka
Tégy kockára mindent
Tartson örökké ez az éjszaka
És hagyd magad mögött az egész világot
Tartson örökké ez az éjszaka
Tartson örökké ez az éjszaka
Tartson örökké ez az éjszaka
Tégy kockára mindent
Tartson örökké ez az éjszaka
És hagyd magad mögött az egész világot (Hagyj mindent magad mögött)
Tartson örökké ez az éjszaka
Tégy kockára mindent
Tartson örökké ez az éjszaka
És hagyd magad mögött az egész világot
Csak tégy kockára mindent


In Love With You

I wonder how I look when I'm gazing at you
Saying 'I don't even have the slightest bit of bravery', instantly feeling down
Gnawing down on my lips, still in fear
I want to somehow monopolize that mean face of yours
Is just thinking of saying 'I won't be petty' petty enough?
Me, looking at you, is changing
God, even an ounce of bravery is enough, so please give it to me
I feel like I can get stronger if I can just get one step closer to you
I want to somehow monopolize that mean face of yours
Is just thinking of saying 'I won't be petty' petty enough?
There's no going back anymore
I want to be in love with you 'till my heart's gouged out!
Right now, if you were to appear right before my eyes
So that I don't take my eyes off you, I'll make this voice resonate through my whole body


My Darling

Cicciolina I am not
And my heart does not go ram pam pam
On fire1 I am not
But I can work my own magic2
(My God...)
The lights, they urge me to move
Move to the beat
My Venus lustrous, it blazes
Body language, I move
Move to the beat
Soon, something divine will play out
My, my, my, my darling
My darling, such mystique
A music box that plays for you
I can show you the sky now, sky now
Show you the sky now, disrobed of its ornaments
My, my, my, my darling
My darling, such mystique
A music box that plays for you
I can show you the sky now, sky now
Show you the sky now, disrobed of its ornaments
The lights, they urge me to move
Move to the beat
My Venus lustrous, it blazes
Body language, I move
Move to the beat
Soon, something divine will play out
My, my, my, my darling
My darling, such mystique
A music box that plays for you
I can show you the sky now, sky now
Show you the sky now, disrobed of its ornaments
My, my, my, my darling
My darling, such mystique
A music box that plays for you
I can show you the sky now, sky now
Show you the sky now, disrobed of its ornaments
  • 1. I wanted to keep the Eurovision reference in the translation, so I opted for Lithuania's entry 'On Fire' by The Roop from 2020.
  • 2. This part is also somewhat of an Eurovision reference, this time to 'Work Your Magic' by Dmitry Koldun, which competed for Belarus in 2007 – back when the contest was held in Finland!



I rede you, Loddfafnir!1
And hear my rede,
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
If evil thou knowest,
As evil proclaim it,
And make no friendship with foes.
I rede you, Loddfafnir!
And hear my rede,
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
In evil never joy shalt thou know,
But glad the good shall make thee.
I rede you, Loddfafnir!
And hear my rede,
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
Look not up
When the battle is on,
Like madmen the sons
Of men become
Lest men bewitch thy wits.
I rede you, Loddfafnir!
And hear my rede,
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
If evil thou knowest,
As evil proclaim it,
And make no friendship with foes.
  • 1. Loddfáfnir is a character in the Eddic poem the Hávamál, to whom the discourse on morals, ethics, and correct action is directed.


Break Up Is The Ordeal Of My Love

I've waited the long years with patience.
I've hid inside all the secrets.
I've waited the long years with patience.
I've hid inside all the secrets.
My fate blocked the roads now.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
My fate blocked the roads now.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
What was there to leave behind?
My desires always left unfinished inside me.
Separation took away the one I love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Separation took away the one I love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
What was there to leave behind?
My desires always left unfinished inside me.
Separation took away the one I love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Separation took away the one I love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Are you the wind that blows from far away?
Would you say 'I've come to thirst your love?'
Are you the wind that blows from far away?
Would you say 'I've come to thirst your love?'
Are you the one that flows from my eyes?
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Are you the one that flows from my eyes?
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
What was there to leave behind?
My desires always left unfinished inside me.
Separation took away the one I love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Separation took away the one I love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.
Break up became the ordeal of my love.


A Country Western Song

Yeah I'm making a country western song
It takes me five minutes to do
Doesn't it sound fantastic, like something new
Yeah I'm making a country western song
Don't you like my country western song
Doesn't it have the right Faroese ring
Isn't this the best, simply number one
Yeah don't you like my country western song
And then you ask why I'm making it
And then you ask if I like it
And then you ask if I can do it
I can just answer you this
It's you all who like the song, and not me
If I could stop I would right away
But country western you've chosen
It's yours one and all
So I can do nothing but play country western
Grandma it's me, yeah, your son
Gardarsjógv with grandpa by Stabbaá
That lovely music, like the world's best wine
And this song, I write for you
And then you ask why I'm making it
And then you ask if I like it
And then you ask if I can do it
I can just answer you this
It's you all who like the song, and not me
If I could stop I would right away
But country western you've chosen
It's yours one and all
So I can do nothing but play country western
No I can do nothing but play country western


The Wind

The wind in nodes,
These chestnut trees are wet,
And people look for miracles they'll soon
A touch of past, these magical events
Are running deep in hearts,
All that they dreamt
Was placed into deep chests,
These solemn signs
Are laid in warmth to rest.
The sweetness of this autumn's sunny jam
Concocted in its soft and gleaming realm,
In heart of hearts, so gently resonates,
Names of beloved touched by gilded rays.
