Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 25



In the middle of meaningless words I'm disappearing from the way
I don't know what's inside of me
I have still so much to say
When time is wasted
by throwing around words
and not listening
(Be quiet)
It's only a little step between darkness and light
Why do you hope to find answers by screaming?
For us it could finally be
a place, where
we could just listen to ourselves
Who could tell us a permanent truth?
When you look at yourself in the mirror
Do you feel like you are yourself?
You can only make blindfolded decisions
Stop, silence has a voice!
For us it could finally be
a place, where
we could just listen to ourselves
silence, free from thoughts
Only then
It's only a little step between colourlessness and colour
If you get used to it, can you find silence in yourself?
For us it could finally be
a place, where
we could just listen to ourselves
silence, free from thoughts
Only then
For us it could finally be
a place, where
we could just listen to ourselves
silence, free from thoughts
Only then
For us it could finally be
a place, where
we could just listen to ourselves

A small journey

A lonely journey until the twilight
A lonesome freedom, a sky piercing my chest
It's strange, we separate
And you come closer
Why I miss you this way?
I heard a voice in the wind
And turned around but it was only the dazzling sea
We were friends for a long time
We walked without answering
The night sky and the sunset glow
Seem to embrace each other
I want to pile up two ways of life
It's strange, we separate
And you come closer
Why I miss you this way?
Surely you'll lit your room lamp
And return looking up
I'll return to you

In the evenings

Chandeliers can be taken
I won't leave
I am and I'm shivering
Laughter lasts for now
For a short while
I continue crying
I can't put
Anything on the
Bare heart
It won't be covered anyway
How I wish
That we would talk
In the evenings I wear your hoodie
I'm walking on pretty thin ice
I won't call, I won't call, no
It hurts like I was in pieces
I would turn myself off if I could
I turn up the music volume
Turning on the lights in the rooms
Faces on the television
But I cannot feel
Behind the stone wall
The other world
In the evenings I wear your hoodie
I'm walking on pretty thin ice
I won't call, I won't call, no
It hurts like I was in pieces
I would turn myself off if I could

The Little Things

Please teach we what the important things in life are
I hear your voice
You loiter around just like a small boat lost in the storm
Listen carefully so that you do not get lost in the wind
Listen to that small voice. That very small voice
I love you I love you. That is a little thing
Kindness and tears, they are all very little things
It is fine if you forget everything when you close your eyes
It is really a little thing
There are important dreams
You glorify it
That person is strong for sure
Even if you are not there it is okay
It is a once in a life time opportunity
Go without looking back. Nobody can stop you
I love you I love you. That is a little thing
Kindness and tears, they are all very little things
It is fine if you forget everything when you close your eyes
It is really a little thing
The light of the moon is being hidden by the clouds
Nothing can be seen. Nothing can be understood
Just stand still, I am there with you
No matter how cold the night is
Nobody is worried, nobody is lost
The voice of the demon deep inside my heart...
The warmth, the warmth, someday it will become cold
The smiling face that I recall will also disappear some day
If you close your heart so that you do not get hurt, you need not regret
It is a really little thing
I love you I love you. That is a little thing
Kindness and tears, they are all very little things
It is fine if you forget everything when you close your eyes
It is a really little thing
It is a really little thing

The Small One

Versions: #2
I was just quietly watching
The sleeping face of the Small One
A bit of a wrinkle above the eyebrows
Wake up if you're having a nightmare
Remember the summer day when
I, being afraid of water, was hanging back
Pushed from the back I could finally swim
It's just like yesterday
I can hear the voice
Pointing to the path I should go to
In the swiftly flowing wind
I am singing alone
The Small One, that's what I am
That's what I am and no mistake
In the mirror lies an uneasy feeling
It alone will be tomorrow that never gives in
And now that I am getting back
To my childhood by inches
Back when I was praised for singing love songs
Without knowing what they would mean
Look up to the sky
Being filled with my voice
In the swiftly flowing wind
It will bring you up on high
I can hear the voice
Pointing to the path I should go to
In the swiftly flowing wind
I am singing alone
I realized the important things were by my side all along
Look up to the sky
Being filled with my voice
In the swiftly flowing wind
It will bring you up on high
I can hear the voice
Pointing to the path I should go to
In the swiftly flowing wind
I am singing alone

A small home in a big forest

Nobody is watching us, nobody, nobody
Nobody is hindering us, nobody, nobody
The green grass and a gentle breeze
Is the place where we'll always make a story
My heart jumps to you
And the inside of my chest shivers
A road to a secret home
Your heart jumps to me
And I'll give you the key of my heart
A small home in a big forest
Nobody is watching us, nobody, nobody
Nobody is hindering us, nobody, nobody
Blue springs and small birds
Whistle wonderful melodies
Maybe I'll get tied to you
Playing the strings of the half moon
I'll play the love symphony
Maybe we will kiss each other
An eternal rose coloured dream
A small home in a big forest
My heart jumps to you
And the inside of my chest shivers
A road to a secret home
Your heart jumps to me
And I'll give you the key of my heart
A small home in a big forest
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Everything you left unsaid

A glimpse to the future, you come talking to me
and tell that
you never were able to call me.
As you thought that it would anyways be too late to explain
and I am there
without telling that I were not able to forget you.
Aa aa
Im going trough all the sentences again
Aa aa
The ones you never said
My heart gets dizzy this high up
You let it drop down
Im still sure, I'm still sure
it was not only a dream.
A glimpse to the future, I never learnt to
be in a way, being able to close the feelings out
trusting for once ones reason(sense)
Further I cannot see, hoping that I cannot either
When you repeat it enough for yourself
you start believing it, i guess
Aa aa
Im going trough all the sentences again
Aa aa
The ones you never said
My heart always
gets dizzy this high up
You let it drop down
Im still sure, I'm still sure
it was not only a dream.
it was not only a dream
it was not only a dream
Can you remember when I told you that
all that secret
can you still remember it?
Can you remember when I told you that
all that secret
can you still remember it?
It was not only a dream
it was not only a dream
it was not only a dream
it was not only a dream

Capricious Fairy

The lovely dream I dreamt on Sunday, 
Seeing you it skipped and flew away.
I'm a bit of a sore loser but 
For you I pulled through and did my best.
Feelings of love dwell in my heart, 
This must be the faeries' mischievous game.
Dancing in the air, ever capricious.
In an alley filled with the scent of flowers 
I saw you two walking together and it hurt.
Happiness and sadness, smiles and tears, 
All these things I hold on to, I'm sick of them.
Feelings of love dwell in my heart, 
This must be the faeries' mischievous game.
Dancing in the air, ever capricious.
Feelings of love and the need to cry 
can't be put into words and accomplish nothing.
Feelings of love and the need to cry 
can't be put into words and accomplish nothing.

The Small Bar

I first saw you in the bar
A small bar with a white door
You were alone with your back to me
When I saw your long and thin neck
And found you very cute
Again I saw you in the bar
My usual bar covered with roses
You played the guitar with your fingers
Shaking a little as if mumbling something
I found you charming
I first talked to you in the bar
A small bar made of red bricks
Lowering your eyes as I gazed at you
You just remained silent from shyness
I wanted to hold you
As usual I'm waiting in the bar
A lonely bar you'll never return to
I can see your face In the candle flame
Where are you gone little girl, I can't forget you
Where are you gone little girl, I can't forget you

Little Photography

On the discolored Photo Album...
There's a sepia-colored hat...
And a smiling girl...
Your smile is dazzling and shines like light.
My mother was a little girl...
At the time of this photo...
A lost and distant summer day...
Who does not come back.
Under the shadow of the old tree...
Beside the door, she was hugging a puppy...
The little girl smiled...
She had short braids and gentle eyes.
My mother was a little girl...
At the time of this photo...
A lost and distant summer day...
Who does not come back.
My mother was a little girl...
At the time of this photo...
How long she will continue to shine...
Like that distant summer day.

Under A Nickname

Don't be quiet anymore, don't you hear me?
I've been following you around for a while now
You're beautiful and smart and unhappy
And there's a knot inside you
Your first guess is often correct
Saying it out loud is the hardest part
You have agreed too much and doubted
And you only see it now
You'll break your heart and you won't get a new one
What's the worst that could happen?
I don't think the sky could fall down
on your head or the planets shut down
if you flee from your hiding place
Sweep your hair from your face
Let the world see you clearly
Promise with every single sense
that you'll not live under a nickname anymore
A blank paper standing white in front of you
A lot of lost moments in the dark
They're left behind, you choose freedom
And pay its price
You're already been in too deep
Now your mind is like a creek in the spring
The stream tempts and you're scared
Go and wade
You'll break your heart and you won't get a new one
What's the worst that could happen?
I don't think the sky could fall down
on your head or the planets shut down
if you flee from your hiding place
Sweep your hair from your face
Let the world see you clearly
Promise with every single sense
that you'll not live under a nickname anymore
You have a name, shout it out loud
You have a name, shout it out loud
so that everyone hears
You have a name, shout it out loud
so that everyone hears
hears hears hears
What's the worst that could happen?
I don't think the sky could fall down
on your head or the planets shut down
if you flee from your hiding place
Sweep your hair from your face
Let the world see you clearly
Promise with every single sense
that you'll not live under a nickname anymore
Under a nickname, anymore

Only Star

In the coldness of the night
Someone will fill the void by your side
Love that only makes your
Sparkles even brighter in the dark
Though far away, the wind will still bring
The dreams so full of love
My dream is for you, my only star
My heart and and feelings contain you, my only star
Wherever fate brings you, I will still feel
Because we're staring at the same star
Only wish of my heart is
Inner strength in your challenges
Though far, the wind will bring
The dreams so full of love
My dream is for you, my only star
My heart and and feelings contain you, my only star
Wherever fate brings you, I will still feel
Because we're staring at the same star
Like the stars in the sky
You will shine...
My dream is for you, my only star
My heart and and feelings contain you, my only star
Wherever fate brings you, I will still feel
Because we're staring at the same star

I Thought a Letter Was Thrown at the Porch

I thought a letter was thrown at the porch,
but it was only shimmer of moon.
I picked up light from the floor
How light it was, the letter of the moon
And everything bent, like iron, on that side

Ez olyan, mint egy pici, pislákoló fény

Én lettem az egyetlen,
Aki rád nézvén,
Látja a múltadat, és a jövődet is,
A boldogságodat és összes szomorúságodat,
Mindig is azt hittem, hogy ahogy valaki öregebb és bölcsebb lesz,
Egyben kedvesebbé is válnak majd,
De én mindig olyan vagyok, mint a gyerekkori énem,
Jobban, mint bármi mást -
Úgy érzem, meg akarlak védeni,
Még ha megmozdulok ebben a sötétségben,
Amiről tudom, hogy lesben áll a horizont mögött,
Befészkelődve ebben a városban
Ami megvédett minket
A fagyasztó, durva téli hótól,
Amit még nem láttunk azelőtt,
Azt akarom, hogy tudd, hogy hátrahagytad a jeledet,
A legmélyebb seb a szívembe vésve,
Hozzád tartozik és sosem fog elhalványulni,
Ki fogok nyúlni és meg fogom menteni,
Az édes dalt ami egyszer
Megmosolyogtatott ...
És vissza fogom hozni neked
Minden egyes óra
Minden szobában némileg
És a hang visszhangzik a fejemben,
Mi csak fogaskerekek vagyunk, amik úgy forognak, mint a hazugságok
Amiket magunknak mondunk.
Teljesen egyedül sírtam és azt tettem, hogy egy hős lehetek
Erős és bátor, azt gondolván, megmentettem a napot,
De hezitáltam ahogy kinyúltam megsimítani az arcod,
Az ujjaim remegtek ...
Le akarlak rombolni,
Azt az énedet, aki meg van láncolva a sötétségben,
Lebegve valóság és álmok között,
Az ujjaim, amik nagyon próbálkoztak, hogy gyengéden cirógassanak,
Elkezdenek görbülni és csavarodni,
A dolgoknak nem érhetnek véget csak így,
És a saját érdekemben, csakis miattam,
Reménytelen kinyúlok, habár tudom,
Van esély, hogy sosem leszek elég erős,
Valahol az éjszakában,
Van egy halvány, ragyogó fény,
Szóval kérlek, miért nem
Vezetsz engem oda, ahol énekelsz,
Ohh ...
Úgy érzem, meg akarlak védeni,
És hiszem, hogy valahol van egy hely, ami nagyon
Fényes és meleg,
Kétség sincs efelől a szívemben,
És azokon a magányos éjszakákon, ahol a fájdalom megmaradt
És a kedvesség elhalványult,
Olyan messzinek tűnik,
El vannak temetve a hóban,
Azt akarom, hogy tudd, hogy hátrahagytad a jeledet,
A pici lángot, ami a szívemben gyújtottál,
Itt fog maradni bennem, mint egy sebhely,
Szóval csak mosolyogj nekem,
Kérlek, azt akarom, hogy énekelj -
A hangod áthatol az éjszakán,
Mint egy felébredt világosság,
Kivirágzik a sötétségben ... Szóval kérlek, oszd meg a dalodat ...
Én lettem az egyetlen,
Aki rád nézvén ... csak rád ...