Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 351


A hit ereje

*Levitas, libidinositas
Felitas et agnus deum
Puritas et immaturitas
Nuditas in credum verum
Áldott legyen a jámbor leány, szent legyen a szíve
Tetőtől talpig az Úrnak szentelve, fájdalommentesen
Szent legyen ő érintetlen, félő kísérője
Imára feszített ajkak, szégyenszemre szétválasztva
Aki mer, annak sokat kell elviselnie
Ne merj panaszkodni, állj készen
A hét csapásra, kétségbeesés nélkül
Ő lakmározik a dicsőségedben
A hit ereje, vedd a hit erejét
A hit ereje az Úr szolgálatához
A hit ereje, a hit erejével viseld el.
A hit ereje felemészti azt
Szent hűséges csendháborítás, áldott legyen ő
Isten áldása a kereszténység felé fordult, egyesült a kereszténység.
Szent legyen a fényes ragyogás, nézd meg, mit rejtett el.
Őrizd meg a szeretet hitét tisztán az utolsó napig.
Megtanítja őket megtagadni a hitet
A rózsafüzér vezessen
A mag a földön, szenvedve szaporodik
Megerősíti isteniségét
A hit erejével, a hit erejével viseld el.
A hit ereje, legyen alávetetted
A hit ereje, a hit erejét szolgálja.
A hit ereje a szeretet áldása
Ha az imádságban egyáltalán nem sikerül elkápráztatni őt.
A hit erejével kényszerítsd a tisztaság elpusztítására.
Megtanítja őket megtagadni a hitet
A rózsafüzér, hogy vezessen
A mag a földön, szenvedve szaporodik
Erősítsd meg isteniségedet
A hit erejével, a hit erejével viseld el.
A hit ereje, legyen az alávetetted
A hit ereje, a hit erejét szolgálja.
A hit ereje a szeretet áldása

Song No. 53

A passing ship brought me
The windows of my school
It was a rounded square
Two monkey puzzle trees in the middle
A gate would open at six
And the sun would stay inside
Outside, the empty square
The windows of my school

The Angel Angel

And the sea gave her a name
And the wind, a surname
And the clouds, a body
And the fire, a soul
The land, nothing
That unstable kingdom
Hanging from eagles
Doesn't know about her
No man ever
Wrote her shadow

Total Eclipse

I have now lost the habit of saying 'Enough'
and the last chance to be reborn from this room.
I hold onto pieces of my memory, I find your smile amidst the crowd.
There I was... pretending to be guilty of nothing.
And my mind goes back to look
at our lives passing by.
While avoiding a total eclipse,
we've burnt two metres away from the sun.
Contemplating a constant escape.
Pursuing frivolous happiness,
without stopping even for a moment
to ask ourselves what tomorrow will be like.
You call it by its name if you want to.
I can't call it love, it's a circumstance.
Pills of joy are of no use to me, I yearn for that time.
There were you... who suddenly stole from me, at the same time,
Your hands, your skin, your scent,
our past lives.
While avoiding a frontal collision,
we've crashed into each other for good.
Contemplating a constant escape.
Pursuing frivolous happiness.
On the day where everything is real and distant,
a bath of light will surprise us
Still embraced!
Now and still embraced!
Avoiding a total eclipse,
pursuing frivolous happiness,
On the day where everything is real and distant,
a bath of light will surprise us
still embraced.

Unavoidable Nonsense

Unavoidable and even more so now,
like an error in geometry,
this heartbeat between us both,
your mouth stuck to mine.
And your hands on me,
and my hands on you.
It's quite possible for this to be
some pretty nonsense.
Make me enter your labyrinth.
I lose my way inside you.
You and I are living magnets.
What's the rest of the world?
And this madness will give us
incredible energy,
a trip where reality
merges with fantasy.
And how many nights will I sleep
to the blue rhythm of your smile?
I desire you and you desire me.
Unavoidable nonsense.
Only you exist.
Only I exist.
A joint place of madness
and a bit of reason.
We'll stay forever here
until routine calls in.
And inevitably it will come,
the day we'll have to change lanes.
In bed, we'll be distant
like lovers from a previous century
distributing memories and albums
and small pieces of our love.
And in the place of eternity,
of this glorious nonsense,
our love will consume
in some insipid agony.
Only you exist.
Only I exist.
A joint place of madness
and a bit of reason.
Even more unavoidable now,
this heartbeat between us both.
Your mouth stuck to mine,
unavoidable nonsense.

In Love

The love you make to me and the kisses you give me,
your smell on my skin
never leaves me.
I’m the one that spoils you, i’m the mountain,
the tablecloth, the dessert and the lover.
I’m the one that cures you, I’m your diet

Techno Pop

Music non stop, Techno-pop
Music non stop, Techno-pop
Music will convey ideas
And it will continue forever
Music non stop, Techno-pop
Music non stop, Techno-pop
Music will convey ideas
And it will continue forever
Electronic sound
Synthetic decibels
Music non stop, Techno-pop
Music non stop, Techno-pop
Synthetic electronic sounds
Industrial rhythms all around
Music non stop, Techno-pop
Music will convey ideas
And it will continue forever
Electronic sound
Synthetic decibels
Music will convey ideas
And it will continue forever
Electronic sound
Synthetic decibels
Music, music, music, music
Synthetic, synthetic, synthetic, synthetic
Music will convey ideas
And it will continue forever
Electronic sound
Synthetic decibels
Music non stop
Music non stop
Music non stop, Techno-pop
Music non stop, Techno-pop
Synthetic electronic sounds
Industrial rhythms all around
It will continue forever
Music as a conveyor of ideas
Music, music, music, music
Non stop, non stop, non stop, non stop

Jaina's Song

«Be afraid, be afraid of the daughter of the salty wind»
Were the last words he uttered
Which he delivered to the trade winds
As he sank beneath the tide
In the blood-soaked waters of Theramore
Where lie a thousand shattered bodies
Where the Admiral died, delivered to his fate
By his daughter, he was left behind
How come, how come, oh the daughter of the salty wind?
How come have you forgotten your own flesh and blood?
The glory and joy of our dear Dealin?1
How could she even dare?
As she ran away beyond the currents
He sailed to the sunset,
As a devoted father, he never gave up hope of her
Praying that she was still alive
But upon those distant shores, all that was waiting for him
Was the ancestral foes of the Horde
And at that very moment, he confronted those malefic foes
While his daughter didn't move even a muscle
Then beneath the waves torn he's buried
Betrayed by his own flesh and blood
Just before his sun's set, he shouted at his people


I so wanted to find
A person like I
To whom i can confess
Something about me
When a great love happens
Just like you and I
Time passes us by
I don't remember what happened
I so wanted to find
A person like I
To whom i can confess
Something about me
But that's not why I'll be left
Questioning my mistakes
You need to search
Find what you lost
I so wanted to find
A person like I
To whom i can confess
Something about me
I so wanted to find
A person like I
To whom i can confess
Something about me

How much longer?

minutes become hours
and weeks become months
but we haven't had the time
to talk about us
we haven't had the time
let's see what happens
it sounded like a plan
even though our feet
had long been raised from the ground
who even knows how long ago
it started seeming like
it doesn't hurt anymore
autumn is here again
and we press the knife
deeper and deeper
how much longer
do we lie to ourselves
this flame for us
doesn't disappear anywhere
how much longer
do we escape from each other
I know that it could be
better for everybody
but not for us two
some are pretty big
and some are gone
I'm counting the scars
left from untreated wounds
there's still scars left
we are burning ourselves from the inside
hiding the truth like that
from everybody
and nobody notices
nobody notices that
what did you ask
whatever I answered
it's better for you to forget
it wasn't important back then
and it isn't important right now either
how much longer
do we lie to ourselves
this flame for us
doesn't disappear anywhere
how much longer
do we escape from each other
I know that it could be
better for everybody
but not for us two
how much longer
do we escape from each other
I know that it could be
better for everybody
but not for us two

Mr. Comandante

Look now, this is Mr. Comandante
He neither enjoys life, nor is he satisfied
There's always something putting him off, I think he's a bit nervous...
Don't think that we can't see
With shadows under the eyes you obviously don't get sleep
And you're lazy, I even think it's hurting you (It's just not your day)
You're lying in the shade again
You're in a dark mood
Running circles in your head to the max
And completely lost it
Mr. Comandante, come on to our party
Show 'em your Happy face, see how it shines
Mr. Comandante, come on, join the party
Let loose and be happy bro, time is running out
Go without chess, it's not your day but
Put your glasses up, yeeahh
Whole town's so happy around
No need for you to feel down
You're lying in the shade again
You're in a dark mood
Running circles in your head to the max
And completely lost it
Mr. Comandante, come on to our party
Show 'em your Happy face, see how it shines
Mr. Comandante, come on, join the party
Let loose and be happy bro, time is running out
We have our big smiles up
Taking pictures only during breaks
My status is in a relationship
I'm not looking for a woman of my dreams, not in a hurry
I'm so cool I cut in front on the checkout
Before getting married time for divorce
I find it a bit funny, I feel a bit hot
Tell me who shot, did you say something
La la la, come on now, 4D again but the second part
Come on take it, come on listen now
I'll tag you, I show my smile
Happy faces non-stop
Hold on tight, you winked at me
You know who's the champ, Imma lift the trophy
You don't believe me?
Ready for a picture, waves of hands
The sea is wild
Shout out loud, I wanna hear some noise, 4D...
Chorus: (x2)
Mr. Comandante, come on to our party
Show 'em your Happy face, see how it shines
Mr. Comandante, come on, join the party
Let loose and be happy bro, time is running out

Véges-végig te

Tudod, hogy szükségem van a szerelmedre
Te tudsz rám úgy hatni
Addig, amíg az enyém a szerelmed
Tudod, hogy soha el nem megyek
Amikor azt akartam, hogy legyél része az életemnek
Semmi kétség nem volt a fejemben
És mindig is te voltál az, hölgyem
Véges-végig te
Én tudom, hogy mennyire támaszkodom rád
De csak te látod
A változások, amiken keresztül mentem
Nyomot hagytak rajtam
Te mindig olyan stabil voltál mint a sarkcsillag
Mindig is te voltál az, hölgyem
Véges-végig te
Csak azt akarom mondani, hogy én e-képpen
Akarok mindent közölni veled
Amit korábban sosem tudtam kimondani
Igen, én e-képpen mondom el neked
Hogy minden egyes nappal jobban szeretlek
Mert te hittél bennem a legsötétebb éjszakámon át
Valami jobbat ültettél belém
Bevittél a fénybe
Eldobtam azokat a balga álmokat
Magam mögött hagytam mindet
És mindig is te voltál az, hölgyem
Véges-végig te
Csak azt akarom mondani, hogy én e-képpen
Akarok mindent közölni veled
Amit korábban sosem tudtam kimondani
Igen, én e-képpen mondom el neked
Hogy minden egyes nappal jobban szeretlek
Ha kételkednék magamban, ha kifutna a lábam alól a talaj
Nem fogok máshoz fordulni
Csak cserben hagynának
Amikor azt akartam, hogy legyél része az életemnek
Semmi kétség nem volt a fejemben
És mindig is te voltál az, hölgyem
Véges-végig te

The shipwreck

What do we deserve in this land, man
since music for us is a charm
come and talk to me, let it all out, give me the inspiration to speak them out.
Our smiles, my brother, worth a million.
I became a rock to those who feel me
but also to those who are pushing me off the cliff
I stick my roots deep inside the earth
but they do not have the power to cut out my tongue.
My mother, proudly, calls me her pride
since i am standing on her side like a lion
Nothing and nobody can break us, man,
i have my inspiration hearing Vamvakaris
They are killing me here, because of my debts
in order to make the voices inside our minds muted.
I do not want pills, i just want a pen to be cured
we do not write about asses and drugs.
Do not hang around in the parks, they say,
do not wander around, study
do not have tattoos on your body, shithead, live, wake up, study
Work up till night, support a family
This fucking routine of yours, is a sickness to me.
I am weird to everybody in this place,
a shithead, i'm writing rimes to get away
At least now, the 'madam' who gave me a zero would hear me
and would find out why i've burnt down the damn school, man.
What i am hiding inside my brain, nobody knows
and if you ever try to get it, dude, it does not benefit you
The nights that you were shouting at me ' Damn Vaso, get up'
i was hiding in the hug of my pen and my verse.
What do we deserve in this land, man
since music for us is a charm
come and talk to me, let it all out, give me the inspiration to speak them out.
How much do the nights when i am writing, cost, so as i could be able stand up on my both feet again
Come and tell me what is bothering you, so i will strike evil at its root
I'm searching in my drawers to find something, but,
i just found photos of us, when we were little
when everything was calm, simple and humble,
now i am only wondering if i felt something or did i just fucked
Why are we always considered to be the useless ones, before your eyes
just because my father left and i'm waiting for him to come back
Why is it now that i feel the urge to let all my hatred out
Why, man, people judge you on what you are wearing?
I speak straight , i don't give a fuck if you are listening
or not
i don't give a fuck if you are feeling me
or not
i don't give a fuck of what you have said about me
i don't give a fuck if you get offended, and if you are about to accuse me
i don't give a fuck if the cop, locks me in.
I still remember, you shithead, your eyes
with this evil look, the desperate one
even if they were all red, they like rose petals
falling in the streets of old Nicosia
Do you remember us sitting hand to hand, babe
on the roof, counting the stars
Do you remember shouting at me ' where are you headed without a rudder'
well, now i have already sunk, i am just a shipwreck.
I don't feel anymore, i don't live anymore, but it's my fault, never mind
since the pain keeps haunting me
If it wasn't for rap rescuing me, helping me get it all out
i would have been OK in my grave, you bastards.
What do we deserve in this land, man
since music for us is a charm
come and talk to me, let it all out, give me the inspiration to speak them out.
How much the night when i am writing cost, so as i could be able stand up on my both feet again
Come and tell me what is bothering you, so i will strike evil at its root

May Day of 1945

Looking into the blue expanse of the sky,
We cannot recollect without tears.
The May Day of 1945,
The year that brought victory.
The May Day of 1945,
We cannot recollect without tears.
The May Day of 1945,
The year that brought victory.
The beauty of what nature gives us,
The soldiers stayed in the fire.
The May Day of 1945,
Was the last point in the war.
The May Day of 1945...
The May Day of 1945,
Was the last point in the war.
No companies or platoons were lossless,
But those who survived,
The May Day of 1945,
Saved everything for their grandchildren.
The May Day of 1945...
The May Day of 1945,
Saved everything for their grandchildren.
The cheerful homeland - with peace and freedom,
Ironclad, strong like granite.
The May Day of 1945,
Our memory lives on forever!
The May Day of 1945,
Our memory lives on forever!

I will get hurt

The life I lived before was too empty
I understood this when I saw you
It is as if spring water fell on me
I regret why I saw you so late
Look the boats opened
Middle of sea is too beautiful
The beauty if because of you
I really get hurt if I couldn't listen to you
Look the boats opened
Middle of sea is too beautiful
Life with you is beautiful
I understood this when I met you
This happiness is enough for me
But will get hurt if I couldn't fill
Look the boats opened
Middle of sea is too beautiful
Loving you is beautiful
I will get hurt if I couldn't hug you
Look the boats opened
Middle of sea is too beautiful
Life with you is beautiful
I will get hurt if you didn't feel me

Your dawn is coming

Your dawn is coming, your victory is approaching, your era is returning we won’t leave
Even a foot of your earth by God your siege will break oh Palestine
We won’t forget and the wound of many years will heal and we’ll regather again
Whatever happens whatever takes place we won’t mind and we won’t care (nothing will stop us)
Your dawn is coming, your victory is approaching, your era is returning we won’t leave
Even a foot of your earth by God your siege will break oh Palestine
We won’t forget and the wound of many years will heal and we’ll regather again
Whatever happens whatever takes place we won’t mind and we won’t care
Oh my land the fairest of all lands no matter how many lands I see
Even if there are great distances between us the scent of your soil runs in my veins
I miss the shade of your trees, the breeze of your air
Your meadows your groves, woe is me
Oh my land the fairest of all lands no matter how many lands I see
Even if there are great distances between us the scent of your soil runs in my veins
I miss the shade of your trees, the breeze of your air
Your meadows your groves woe is me
Oh Aqsa (Jerusalem’s holy mosque) the home of faith, in every book and in every religion
It’s written that till the day of judgment, we are your true people
Your liberation is coming with our everlasting endurance
Your return is the utmost objective, to pray and to bow to God on your soil
Oh Aqsa (Jerusalem’s holy mosque) the home of faith, in every book and in every religion
It’s written that till the day of judgment, we are your true people
Your liberation is coming with our everlasting endurance
Your return is the utmost objective, to pray and to bow to God on your soil
Your dawn is coming, your victory is approaching, your era is returning we won’t leave
Even a foot of your earth by God your siege will break oh Palestine
We won’t forget and the wound of many years will heal and we’ll regather again
Whatever happens whatever takes place we won’t mind and we won’t care (nothing will stop us)
Your dawn is coming, your victory is approaching, your era is returning we won’t leave
Even a foot of your earth by God your siege will break oh Palestine
We won’t forget and the wound of many years will heal and we’ll regather again
Whatever happens whatever takes place we won’t mind and we won’t care (nothing will stop us)
We will return, we will return
Oh my land, a grain of your sands
Equals all the treasures of the universe
Fear not, your heroes are coming
We won’t give you up whatever happens
We will return, we will return
Oh my land, a grain of your sands
Equals all the treasures of the universe
Fear not, your heroes are coming
We won’t give you up whatever happens