Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 118


At the Belarusian

We meet at the Belarusian
Around the corner, near the descent
Without makeup, let it be
To all these stations
I told long ago
I tried, I wanted, I couldn't
I'll be late of course
You won't wait on purpose
We'd do everything in spite
It hurt, but it's over
I will have 5 minutes, it's enough
You will be back in 5 minutes
If it was a great couple
I would not believe in life
If we're lucky
I do not know yet
I'll make up my mind
I will make you up
If we're lucky
Exactly, of course
I'm travelling on yellow
To the final station
But what if we don't meet
Will pass through as if nothing had been
Will clutching greedily with our eyes
But won't even remember the name
And there won't be enough time, no
To say how handy you were And
I'll may be able to find
I'll still find you
If we're lucky
I do not know yet
I'll make up my mind
I will make you
If we're lucky
Exactly the same, of course
I'm travelling on yellow
To the final station
(Voice in the subway train)
Final station, the train does not go further, please get out of the car

Two steps are between...

Versions: #1
Between you and me there are two steps.
This world has been hard cut between foes and friends.
If had I choice,
I would be your twin.
But, we are soldiers in the war by the will of fate.
You blow backhand, I fire point blank.
But all in all, we'll have the same end.
After us they ...
will understand by whose fault we are dead.
And today - take it easy.
It's just the war.

One Thousand and One Nights

The queen born in the kingdom of sand
Was more full of curiosity than anyone else
'Tell me something delightful before I sleep' she said
And gathered soldiers from all across the land
But the boasts of battles,
And the sermons of the elderly,
Did not sway the queen's heart in the slightest
And the world was full of dullness
I am like a wasted sandy land
If this feeling is called 'loneliness'
Then what would I call
The world on the other side?
I don't understand even the most obvious things,
But I can not pretend as if I know them
There must be, in this world of swirling sand
A meaning that shines like stars
The meaning that I'm searching for
If you are the one who knows these obvious things,
Please teach them to me
Here in this world of swirling sand
And by the light of the crescent moon
Let me listen to your Arabian Nights
One soldier came
To the queen in the kingdom of sand
And told stories of things she had neither seen nor heard of
Until she fell asleep
He spoke of rainbows stretching across ultramarine skies,
And seeing snow that looked like magic
Yet he told her, there was no where else in the world
With such beautiful stars as here
I came across him on this wasted sandy land
If I can no longer see him, I won't be able to understand
It's almost as if 'Beloved' and 'Painful'
Can be thought of the same way
When I grow to not understand the even most obvious things
Ah, am I in love?
It's almost as if, in this world of swirling sand,
Everything's glittering,
Like shining stars in the sky
Despite being happy, I become lonely
Despite being sad, I grow to feel my love
And sometimes even the things I long to know
I say I do not want to know
Riding on a magic carpet through the skies
Where on earth did I come to?
I thought this was the other side
To that lonely world
But why am I still by myself?
When I grow to not understand the most obvious things
Ah, am I in love?
Opening the windows and gazing at stars
The sand swirls when I sigh
Let me listen to your Arabian Nights

Understand Me

Understand Me
Verse 1
You and I are sitting against each other,
Once again anguish takes possession of me,
Every time when there is parting between us,
I understand again that love is short-sighted.
Understand, understand, understand me
I do not want to lose you,
Understand, understand, understand me
I'm ready for anything for you.
But you haven’t tired of playing in silence, and I am exhausted from a long wait, a wait,
You are not tired of the stupid promise, but I want to hear excuses this time, excuses,
I ask a little attention for myself, if you do not want my misery, misery,
I ask you to fulfil my desire, if you do not want parting with me, parting.
Verse 2
Memories bind you and me,
Mutually jointly cute dreams,
But from our last meeting with you,
I can’t get your confession.
Understand, understand, understand me
I do not want to lose you,
Understand, understand, understand me
I'm ready for anything for you.
But you haven’t tired of playing in silence, and I am exhausted from a long wait, a wait,
You are not tired of the stupid promise, but I want to hear excuses this time, excuses,
I ask a little attention for myself, if you do not want my misery, misery,
I ask you to fulfil my desire, if you do not want parting with me, parting.
I burn, burn, burn
I burn from my pain,
And beg you not to look away, do not irritate my heart again.
I wish, wish, wish
I wish your mutuality,
And beg you to open soul to me, to surround me with own love.
Understand, understand, understand me
I do not want to lose you,
Understand, understand, understand me
I'm ready for anything for you.
But you haven’t tired of playing in silence, and I am exhausted from a long wait, a wait,
You are not tired of the stupid promise, but I want to hear excuses this time, excuses,
I ask a little attention for myself, if you do not want my misery, misery,
I ask you to fulfil my desire, if you do not want parting with me, parting.

Call Me, Darling

Versions: #1
Once again a wind of unkind variations
Will take you far off
It won’t give me even a shading instead,
It won’t ask me
Whether I wish to fly with you and to leave
Like a light yellow leaf
And like a bird of my dream.
Call me, darling, with you now
I will come in spite of darkness.
I will follow you, darling,
Notwithstanding all Oracles.
Everywhere I will come
Where you will draw the sunlight
Where broken desires
Once again regain their power and height.
Through the years in vain I was looking for you
Among the passers.
I believed you’ll always exist in my life,
But you’re departing.
In the crowds of people you will never spot me.
But as I love you, my dear,
I let you go. Be free!
Call me, darling, with you now
I will come in spite of darkness.
I will follow you, darling,
Notwithstanding all Oracles.
Everywhere I will come
Where you will draw the sunlight
Where broken desires
Once again regain their power and height.
Every day when night time descended again
To lull the city
I got running at once from my house away
To cold and yearning.
Seeking among impersonal night dreams your face,
But in doors of new days
I enter alone again.
(3 х)
Call me, darling, with you now
I will come in spite of darkness.
I will follow you, darling,
Notwithstanding all Oracles.
Everywhere I will come
Where you will draw the sunlight
Where broken desires
Once again regain their power and height.

Love Me (2)

Love Me
Verse 1
I'm in paradise with you, day by day, ready to disappear together,
You smile like a heavenly angel, can’t take eyes off,
All the gentle words you whisper to me millions of times
Transform our love into a precious diamond.
I feel fire, fire, fire coming from you,
You feel fire, fire, fire coming from me.
Blood is boiling in our veins,
Don't let me go out of hands love,
A lucky star shines on us,
Tell me we have one destiny,
Because I'm ready for anything for you,
You are my sacred dream.
Love me, love me without sparing your fire.
Verse 2
The whole past before us we have removed from life away,
Our philosophy is to be together as one happy family,
We feel vibes of unearthly love for each other,
And we are enjoying together with you our desired fate.
I feel fire, fire, fire coming from you,
You feel fire, fire, fire coming from me.
Blood is boiling in our veins,
Don't let me go out of hands love,
A lucky star shines on us,
Tell me we have one destiny,
Because I'm ready for anything for you,
You are my sacred dream.
Love me, love me without sparing your fire.
Our vibes coming out without shame,
We loved each other forever,
We are not afraid of either a gale or a storm,
We are not afraid of either grief or longing.
Because you love me, me, me,
And I love you, you, you.
Blood is boiling in our veins,
Don't let me go out of hands love,
A lucky star shines on us,
Tell me we have one destiny,
Because I'm ready for anything for you,
You are my sacred dream.
Love me, love me without sparing your fire.

Lie to me

Lie to me, just make it last forever,
So I would neither ask why, nor recall when and where,
So I’d believe the lies freely without any thought,
So I’d follow into the dark at random, even if I ought not.
And not to know who came, who blindfolds,
Who leads thru the maze of unfathomable halls,
Whose breath burns hot next to my face,
Who squeezes too tightly in his embrace. 1
And then, I awake just to see the fog and the night,
You will lie and yourself by this deceit you will abide,
You will lie to me, utterly and forever,
So I would neither ask why nor recall when and where.
  • 1. lit. squeezes my hand so firmly in his hand.

Love Me

Love Me
Verse 1
This is not the first time that life has been worrying around,
But I'm with you and my heart is not afraid of strange eyes,
We both know our love, like a precious diamond,
And the world from the outside is simply created, simply not for us.
Or maybe it's just a dream
Or maybe it's just a sleep.
Love me
As if in the year of the last calendar,
Believing that I was created just for you.
Take me away
With you to the beautiful blue skies,
Believing that you were created only for me.
Verse 2
You kiss me gently for the millionth time,
I again fall into joyful ecstasy with you,
We both know our love is not a game of feelings,
And our fates magically write, our magic romance.
Or maybe it's just a dream
Or maybe it's just a sleep.
Love me
As if in the year of the last calendar,
Believing that I was created just for you.
Take me away
With you to the beautiful blue skies,
Believing that you were created only for me.
Stars in the sky
Burning sparks in our eyes,
Feelings again in words
Surrender to passion in both hearts,
We entrusted each other with dreams,
And created happiness out of beauty,
Love me
As if in the year of the last calendar,
Believing that I was created just for you.
Take me away
With you to the magical emerald shores,
Believing that you were created only for me.

Szeress engem

[Első szakasz: Endspiel]
Verőfényes nap, napfelkelték és ködök
Anya, gyógyítsd meg a nyílt sebeimet
Itt tölti ki a hideg a sebezhető tavaszt
Rokonok ölelése, manna - ezekben vagyok
Szomorúság omlik a városra és hova tegyem?
A régióban a törvény és minket nem érdekel
Ez a provincia bőre - buja bűnök
Elrejtem a gondolataimat a helyi macskáktól
Ez egy győnyőrű élet, napsütés
Pozitív hegyek szívják el a sorokat az éhezőkért
Megragadom a csipőjét, ránézek a felhőkre
Miért nem esedezik senki egy jó bolygóért?
Nem hívott engem, ez nem jó
Kevés napalmunk van, kicseszünk a hangulattal
Darabokra törtem, nem la-la-la, nem na-na
Különböző fegyverekkel kezdenek lövöldözni
[Refrén előtt: Endspiel]
Ha szerelmes, kinyítja az összes ajtót
Játszani réges rég akartunk vele
Összetesszük a kezünket, bajkeverők, előjöttek
Itt az életem, és ő inspirál
Ha szerelmes, kinyítja az összes ajtót
Játszani réges rég akartunk vele
Összetesszük a kezünket, bajkeverők, előjöttek
Itt az életem, és ő inspirál
Szeress engem, drágám, tűrj meg engem
Drágám, bocsáss meg, hogy egyszer berúgok
Nem viszem el egy csepp könnyedet sem
Szeress engem, drágám, tűrj meg engem
Drágám, bocsáss meg, hogy egyszer berúgok
Nem viszem el egy csepp könnyedet sem
[Mádosik szakasz: MiyaGi]
Ugyanakkor az akarat szele, elfújta a felhőket
A nagyra becsült álmom mondja: 'Ne pislogj'
Biztosan minden úgy lesz, ahogy kell - kezeket fel
És a tengerbe fulladtam a vonzó érdeklődéssel
És a szemeid láttán, feltárom a kifejezéseket
Készen állok vitatkozni nem hiába ez a nóta hívogat minket
Nem hiába ez a nóta hívogat minket
Nem hiába ez a nóta hívogat minket
A szerelem csókokkal etet, kapj be egy adaggal
Legalább - ez a szenvedély, és készen állok elveszni benned
Az égből hulltak a csillagok a mélybe, mi pedig velük
Törj össze, ezer darabban esünk, esünk, esünk
Ismeretlen arcoktól el messze, messze, messze
Megszólítottuk a féltve őrzött csodák jelét
Ezen az egész világon kész vagyok vétkezni érted
És az ablakunk mellett délibábok haladtak el -
Ezekben a pillanatokban dédelgess
Szeress engem, drágám, tűrj meg engem
Drágám, bocsáss meg, hogy egyszer berúgok
Nem viszem el egy csepp könnyedet sem
Szeress engem, drágám, tűrj meg engem
Drágám, bocsáss meg, hogy egyszer berúgok
[Harmadik szakasz: Simptom Onzheon]
Én a vékony jégen veled vagyok, veled vagyok
Én a vékony jégen veled vagyok
Nem vagyunk bűnösök. Tűrj meg engem, mint régen
Gyerünk, maradjunk, vesszünk el a fotók emlékeiben
És többé nincs szükségünk levegőre, hogy lélegezzünk
A városom Kapkan, és oda jutottam
Kevés az esély itt embernek maradni
Fogom magam és visszamegyek
Oda, ahol nem csak barátok voltunk
Hiszek a színes világban, ahol legyőzhetetlenek vagyunk
Másrészt a szerelem messze nem indíték
Mi felfordulunk, felfordulunk, felfordulunk
A köves világunk, ahol égünk...
Csak fogd a kezem. Itt vagyok veled, a vékony jégen
Csak fogd a kezem, amíg itt vagyok a mélybe megyek
Csak fogd a kezem. Itt vagyok veled, a vékony jégen
Csak fogd a kezem, amíg itt vagyok a mélybe megyek
Szeress engem, drágám, tűrj meg engem
Drágám, bocsáss meg, hogy egyszer berúgok
Nem viszem el egy csepp könnyedet sem
Szeress engem, drágám, tűrj meg engem
Drágám, bocsáss meg, hogy egyszer berúgok
Nem viszem el egy csepp könnyedet sem
Egy csepp könnyet sem...


Versions: #2
Therefore, the maritime ocean
Therefore, the dawnlike dusk
Therefore, the north, the south
Therefore, the west and the [direction of the] east
Therefore, the maritime ocean
Therefore, the dawnlike dusk
Therefore, the north, the south
Therefore, the west and the [direction of the] east
Therefore, the land, the star, the winter and the summer
Therefore, the autumn and the springtime
Therefore, the ray of the sun and the shadow
The fire, the water,
The sky, the moon,
The winter, the summer,
The autumn and the springtime.

Don't Look for Me

Verse 1.
The night is on my shoulders.
I erase from memory
Everything that was built
On a fragile foundation.
All words, promises, faith - for demolition.
The ashes of our love and the summer wind carried away.
Chorus 2 times. TENCA.
You do not look for me, please do not.
Your nectars were bitter poison.
Let the sky take all this nonsense.
I am no longer with you.
Verse 2. TENCA.
Morning, I collect things, I have to go
I and you yesterday, were in fact couples
From heaven with gifts, in the role of my lady, you
But now everything is forgotten on, forget it, to the bottom
Everything became easier, everything became worthless
I close my eyes to at least remember that evening
They treated each other, you are my bitter one, my chilly
I will forget your eyes, our, bl.d, starry nights
Do not look for me anymore, all attempts are in vain
There will be no medicine from a broken heart.
Stay alone, or with someone lucky
Take your wings, the flight is over.
Chorus 2 times. TENCA.
You do not look for me, please do not.
Your nectars were bitter poison.
Let the sky take all this nonsense.
I am no longer with you.

* when your regrets get light

translated by Dmytro Zelenskyy
January 10th, 2018
Nothing‘s above the benefaction
to know the path you had complete
to consummation and perfection
and anyway then have to quit,
when with both heart and intellection
accept as* equal dark and bright,
when your regrets on years dissection
and their emptiness get light.
There is no better pill from fear
of shunless turn to dust in dust
than understand that you are* here
haphazard option on Earth crust.
When dearest friends gone to the valleys
unreachable - that far away,
when taking risks isn’t in your allies -
they’re sadness, sufferance and pray.
When second time enter the river -
at very bottom you’ll stay dry,
when you forgive the human being
for all successes and sins’ tries,
when from a* sight
and from a* sighing
you’ll see what happened to a soul,
when you feels awkward socializing,
while being comfortable for all.
Nothing‘s above the benefaction
to know the path you had complete
to consummation and perfection
and anyway then have to quit…

Changed, Changing

I cheated by the left and right
Harmful habits
I'm going to have to make a massacre
Like striking a match
I intentionally betrayed
With ease and with confidence
Why doubt when you can just
Lucky to come from nothing
Changed, changing and will change
This life for the better
And lost, and losing and will lose
From the freedom of this raging head
I cheat with a carefree smile
Every last note
How many times was it called a mistake?
What I took the jackpots with
I'm calling into question
Cutting out the opinions of others
And you need to do it more often when you're flying
Dropping down the burden
Changed, changing and will change
This life for the better
And lost, and losing and will lose
From the freedom of this raging head
I'll change 500 times in six months
Selected routes
To rewrite the turns of fate
I'll just have one minute
If in a bad position
Waving a wing of intuition
I'm changing everything just to stay
Faithful to myself
Changed, changing and will change
This life for the better
And lost, and losing and will lose
From the freedom of this raging head
Changed, changing and will change
This life for the better
And lost, and losing and will lose
From the freedom of this raging head
Copywrite (©) Lyrical Myrical
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

Treat Me With Champagne

There where we no longer are there is light cigarette smoke
Dear perfume, dear men
By telling a false story and interrupting our dance
The restaurant's trio no longer plays in harmony with us
We didn't tell each other our names
Two small bridges in the spotlight of a tiring moon
In this ghostly dream, lies are twice as beautiful
And the fog of your kiss becomes transparent
In this ghostly dream, lies are twice as beautiful
And the fog of your kiss becomes transparent
Treat me with champagne, swim in immodest caresses
Roses on the edge of the bed blush with shame
Be vicious and careless, be shy and gentle
And then, perhaps, morning will never come
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
A crazy clarinet, somewhere in the distance
Playing the last chord in the dark, dies
And on the table we have the eternal poison in the crystal
And bottomless eyes promise of paradise
We didn't tell each other our names
Two small bridges in the spotlight of a tiring moon
In this ghostly dream, lies are twice as beautiful
And the fog of your kiss becomes transparent
In this ghostly dream, lies are twice as beautiful
And the fog of your kiss becomes transparent
Treat me with champagne, swim in immodest caresses
Roses on the edge of the bed blush with shame
Be vicious and careless, be shy and gentle
And then, perhaps, morning will never come
Treat me with champagne, swim in immodest caresses
Roses on the edge of the bed blush with shame
Be vicious and careless, be shy and gentle
And then, perhaps, morning will never come
Yes, yes, yes, yes
Copywrite (©) Lyrical Myrical
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

I have left Russia, I do not exist...

I have left Russia, I do not exist, -
My girls are all in snot and tears today!
And now I plant my sunflower seeds
On a foreign Champs-Élysée
At *Presnya, someone in the tram have blathered on :
'Finally, he took off, he disappeared!
So, let him his foreign songs
Write about the Palace of Versailles, over there'.
I can hear behind exchange of the news:
' But he is not the one! That one has left, ask him!'
'Ah, he is not the one? - and giving their elbows some use,
And seating on their knees in the taxi.
The one, I did time with in Magadan,
From civil war my little friend-
Telling, that I write to him: 'Ivan!
I'm bored, Vanya, common, bro, join the rank!'
That I'm already asked to return-
Humiliated myself, sucked up and begged...
Nonsense! It probably, was never on, -
Because I have never left!
Those who believed, the presents they have earned, -
So, like in a movie, to have a happy end:
Take with you Arc de Triomphe,
Quickly pounce on Reno plant!
I'm laughing so hard, I try not to piss:
How did they believe in this rave?
Do not worry, I didn't go to Paris,
And do not hope, I'm not going away!

Hold Me Tight

Oh no, it looks like you're too close
I lost this fight to your eyes
But even if I'm in the risky zone from now on
I will be with you until the end anyway
My love is unconditional and pure
You managed to lift me up to heaven
But who am I to you on your list?
Don't step back
Hold me tight
Don't let go of my hand
I will love you forever
Don't let go of my hand
Don't make me sick
This way it will be easier for me
Don't let go of my hand
Keep our love safe
Don't make me sick
Hold me tight
Oh no, it looks like I was late
I lost the war to your lips
But I foresaw the defeat
And with you we're on opposite sides now
You're absorbing me like the universe does
And I have nowhere to go from you
Alas, I don't expect mercy from you
My heart is in your hands
Hold me tight
Don't let go of my hand
I will love you forever
Don't let go of my hand
Don't make me sick
This way it will be easier for me
Don't let go of my hand
Keep our love safe
Don't make me sick
We're on the way, you are my love
Just don't be sad, I'm with you
We're on the way, you are my love
I believe that we're on the way, you are my love
At the abyss I'll be with you
Don't let it slip away, I'm your love
Hold me tight
Don't let go of my hand
I will love you forever
Don't let go of my hand
Don't make me sick
This way it will be easier for me
Don't let go of my hand
Keep our love safe
Don't make me sick
Hold me tight

No Time For Me

Yes you are here now
But probably you will leave soon
I would leave everything as it is
But you will turn it upside down again
We wanted it like in a movie
But all these are just words.
Yes, we used to be a team
But only emptiness remained
But now I'm
Waiting for dawn with you
But you seem to have become a stranger.
To me
And I know
I'm gonna lose you again
I'm letting you go so far
Forever and ever
Every day you swear that everything is forever
But today you have no time for me
You have no time for me
Every day you swear that everything is forever
But today you have no time for me
No time for me
Tears fall from the eyes
Killing the day again
In my head there are fragments of phrases
And your shadow is everywhere
Tell me how to forget you
Nowhere else to run
In the darkness of your soul
Nothing is to be found
But now I
Waiting for dawn with you
But you seemed to be a stranger.
For me
And I know
What's gonna lose you again
Let go so far
Forever and ever
Every day you swear that everything is forever
But today you have no time for me
You have no time for me
Every day you swear that everything is forever
But today you have no time for me
No time for me

Love me

[Verse 1]:
I will draw a new world for you.
And we will melt with you drop by drop.
My palm touches urs
And we suddenly weave in the night.
Ice will melt on your lips.
Flaming heart from touching.
And you will forget what fear is.
Feel the tenderness of these movements.
Love, love me so gently
I'm all into you eternally.
Love, love me so much.
I want unbearable.
Love, love me so gently.
I'm all into you eternally.
Love, love me so much.
Without you, unbearable.
[Verse 2]:
I feel good when you are with me.
I plunge into the world of my illusions.
Close your eyes - fly with me.
Just feel streams of tenderness.
Ice will melt on your lips.
Touches are electrocuted by veins.
And you will drown in my arms.
Remember the tenderness of these moments.
Love, love me so gently
I'm all into you eternally.
Love, love me so much.
I want unbearable.
Love, love me so gently.
I'm all into you eternally.
Love, love me so much.
Without you, unbearable.
And you love, love me so gently.
I'm all into you eternally.
And you love, love me so much.
Without you, unbearable.

Falling in love with me!

I am going to work,towards the mens at the parking,
with some 'blue sign' under my eyes.
wind and chimes is tattoo - mine.
In life didn't see nothing but me- Falling in love with me.
I used to smok selected and sorted Tabaks
And my jacket was flying up by the wind,
And the sea trails sweeping me-
and I grief didn't see- falling in love with me!
And in the sea trails , I disappear .
and I grief didn't see- fallin in love with me!
Under my mustache I looked happy and joyful
And my footsteps printed on the courtyards dast.
I am full filled with passion- I was hot like a fire.
I didn't see my happiness - falling in love with me
I am full filled with passion ,desier and fire,
I didn't see happinesse my -falling in love with me!

Find Me

Somewhere there, where I am still yours.
There is a rustle of confessions.
I know that we won´t go back to yesterday.
But I am begging you again.
Find me!
I´m cold with you.
Find me!
You´re my dear!
Find me!
I´m breaking the walls.
Find me!
Find me soon.
Give me a sign, feelings lowered, a flag.
Even though there wasn´t a war.
In places, but not with those and not there.
I´m here, but where are you?
Find me!
I´m cold with you.
Find me!
You´re my dear!
Find me!
I´m breaking the walls.
Find me!
Find me soon.
Somewhere at the bottom where are gold bars.
Our love, we were so close.
Now I´m running somewhere without looking back
And the answer like the one on the repit: 'Everything is fine!'
After all, the same eyes, the same palms.
I remember everything, but my heart doesn´t.
But I don´t want to call you ex.
I got lost, find me, do you hear me?
So where, where, where are you?
So where, where, where are you?
Find me!
I´m cold with you.
Find me!
You´re my dear!
Find me!
I´m breaking the walls.
Find me!
Find me soon.

Ölelj át

Én nem tudok élni nélküled,
De ez a sorok között van.
Az egész életem egy harc,
A szerelem és a büszkeség között.
Ha valaha látnád azt, amit az Isten is lát,
Akkor tudnád, hogy mennyire nagyon veled
akarok lenni.
Ref. :
Ölelj át szorosan!
Látod, futok hozzád.
Egyedül csak a te szerelmed fénye képes meggyógyítani a szivem,
Meggyógyítani a szivem.
Ölelj át szorosan!
Ne mérj egy álmot szavakkal.
Egyedül csak a szerelmem fénye van kettőnk közt. Kettőnk közt.
Tudom, hogy itt vagy, tudom hogy az enyém vagy.
Annyira természetesnek érzem ezt, mikor veled vagyok.
Nem kapok levegőt, mikor nem vagy melletem.
Egy szerelem nélküli világ elvész,
Csak a felhők mögött látom a fényt.
A vágyad napfényét.
Ref. :
Ölelj át szorosan!
Látod, futok hozzád.
Egyedül csak a te szerelmed fénye képes meggyógyítani a szivem,
Meg gyógyítani a szivem.
Ölelj át szorosan!
Ne mérj egy álmot szavakkal.
Egyedül csak a szerelmem fénye van kettőnk közt. Kettőnk közt.

There's no attraction anymore

Maxim Fadeev:
Let’s stay free.
Let’s throw the masks and the silks at feet.
And though my actions didn’t have any logic,
I don’t know how to live another way.
Let’s start moving first,
Today I'm playing white,*
And you, go forward your own way,
Get safe in the twilight of dark rooms.
Chorus: Maxim Fadeev & SEREBRO
One hundred steps backwards, quietly on toes.
Fly, my soul, don’t stay here.
One hundred steps backwards.
There’s no attraction anymore.
One hundred steps backwards, quietly on toes.
Fly, my soul, don’t stay here.
One hundred steps backwards.
There’s no attraction anymore.
Backwards, from holidays to Tuesdays.
Backwards, from the finish to the baselines.
Maxim Fadeev:
And though my actions didn’t have any logic,
I don’t know how to live another way.
Chorus: Maxim Fadeev & SEREBRO
One hundred steps backwards, quietly on toes.
Fly, my soul, don’t stay here.
One hundred steps backwards.
There’s no attraction anymore.
One hundred steps backwards, quietly on toes.
Fly, my soul, don’t stay here.
One hundred steps backwards.
There’s no attraction anymore.

Take me with you

Versions: #3
Again the evil wind of change carries you away,
Leaving me without even a shadow in return,
And he does not ask,
Maybe I want to fly away with you,
Like autumn yellow fallen leaves,
A bird after a blue dream.
Take me with you,
I will come through the evil nights,
I will depart after you,
Despite what is predicted in my journey,
I will go there, where you are,
You will draw a sun in the sky,
Where broken dreams
Again regain the gift of flight
How much have I looked for you throughout the years,
In a crowd of passersby,
I thought, you will be with me forever,
But you are leaving,
Now you don't recognize me amongst those passersby,
Only, just how I loved you before, I release you
Every time, as the night descends
On the sleeping city,
I run away from this sleepless house,
Into the cold and loneliness,
I search amongst the faceless dreams for you,
But through the door into a new day,
I'm again without you

Tomorrow was a war

The photo and on it your grandma is young
Alive yet, sexy
You met the grandma in the evening in the garden
You was her first..
Troubled times
Look out!
Tomorrow was a was - now you can do anything you want
You are your own father, your own son
Your own rooster, ate yourself
You gave nothing to anyone, but you didn't take anything
Owes nothing to anyone
Your mother wife for you and for civilian colonel
But you are your own son, you look like you
As two drops of water...
Troubled times
Look out!
Tomorrow was a was - now you can do anything you want
You are your own father, your own son
Your own rooster, ate yourself
You gave nothing to anyone, but you didn't take anything
Owes nothing to anyone
So, as my daugher your mom looks exactly the same
Your grandma looks exactly the same
Oh, such a dark night!
Such an adult daughter...
Troubled times - one fell swoop
Tomorrow was a war - everything fell apart
You are your own father, your own son
Your own Saint, your own God..
You gave nothing to anyone, but you didn't take anything
Owes nothing to anyone..
Let us supposе.


The amber rays of dawn shine through my window
But despite that I feel a bit sad
The day has come and it means everything is in its place
But everything looks different, today everything is wrong
A birthday is a holiday of childhood
And you can't escape it
A birthday is a sad holiday
Put a smile on your face! Don't be sad for no reason!
A birthday is a sad holiday
Put a smile on your face! Don't be sad for no reason!
There is no more dear and lovely present
Than every day spent with your friends
Nothing in this world happens in vain
The wind takes the calendar page far away
A birthday is a holiday of childhood
And you can't escape it
A birthday is a sad holiday
Put a smile on your face! Don't be sad for no reason!
A birthday is a sad holiday
Put a smile on your face! Don't be sad for no reason!

My bride will truly sob for me

My bride will truly sob for me,
My friends will pay my debts for me,
Others will sing all the songs for me,
And, perhaps, my enemies will toast to me.
I am not given interesting books to read,
And my guitar is without strings,
And I'm not allowed beyond and I'm not allowed below,
And for me there is no sun and no moon.
I am not allowd freedom: I have no right,
One is only to go from the door - to the wall,
I'm not allowed to the left, I'm not allowed to the right,
One is only allowed a piece of the sky, one is allowed to dream.
I am dreaming, how I come out, how my padlock is opened,
How my guitar is returned,
Who will be waiting there for me, how I shall be embraced,
And which songs will be sung for me.

I had forty surnames...

Versions: #2
I had forty surnames,
I had forty passports,
I was loved by forty woman,
I had two hundred foes.
But I don't regret!
No matter how hard I tried,
No matter how hard I strived-
All the same, to have a feast fight,
Someone have always came by.
And though my road is long and weary,
And though I deserved a praise-
About me won't be written obituary
On the corner of the paper's last page.
But I don't regret!
No matter how hard I strived,
No matter how hard I tried,-
Someone have always came by-
And together we drink through the night.
And though I believed in pure and fair-
For example, our Soviet state,-
They won't erect for me a monument in the square
Somewhere at the Peter's gate.
But I don't regret!
No matter how hard I tried,
No matter how hard I strived-
Just the same I'm drunk every night,
Just the same I'm on downhill ride.
I'm writing the songs about dramas
And about pickpockets sad life,-
You won't see me on the billboards
Of a popular pop stars that you like.
But I don't regret!
No matter how hard I fought,
No matter how hard I strived-
I have always been caught-
And in prison spend half of my life.
Some say, that everything will fall into place.
Stop drinking? .. Apparently, it's not what I'm,-
Just the same, they won't mint my face
On the coins instead of an emblem.
But I don't regret!
So why should I try?
So why should I strive?
To understand the meaning of life-
One need to get very drunk!

Burn me to the ground

Just as we greet the dawn
Winds will spread around the world
Night burns as the fire within me
Flame, flame, flame, flame
Caressed by tongues of flame
I feel my body burn again
Burn in me, be on fire with me
Bright flame, flame, flame!
Burn me to the ground!
Burn me completely, take me - I am yours!
Burn me completely!
Burn me utterly and with me burn out!
With me burn out, with me burn out!
With me burn out, with me burn out!
With me burn out!
Like volcano aflame in the dark
Lava burns the bodies
As if we are alone on the earth
Flame, flame, flame, flame
It's hot and I will scream
Scratching, blood marking back and soul
Night, burn and do not stop
Brightly flame, flame, flame!
Burn me to the ground!
Burn me completely, take me - I am yours!
Burn me completely!
Burn me utterly and with me burn out!
With me burn out, with me burn out!
With me burn out, with me burn out!
With me burn out!
  • 1. funny she is in water at this moment - must be putting out the fire?
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


Hey, You - Hey, Don't Need To Fear Me

On the mountain Shamil stood, he prayed to God
For the freedom, for the nation, bowed very low
Hey, you - hey, don't need to fear me
I won't touch you, don't worry
Hey, you - hey, don't need to fear me
I won't touch you, don't worry
A big bazaar, many Chechens
I am taking a Russian girl, give way
Hey, you - hey, don't need to fear me
I won't touch you, don't worry
Hey, you - hey, don't need to fear me
I won't touch you, don't worry
A young Chechen bought a piglet
All the way he kissed it, he thought it was a girl
Hey, you - hey, don't need to fear me
I won't touch you, don't worry
Hey, you - hey, don't need to fear me
I won't touch you, don't worry
The young Chechen swam in the lake
He left the Russian girl, and remains without pants
Hey, you - hey, don't need to fear me
I won't touch you, don't worry
Hey, you - hey, don't need to fear me
I won't touch you, don't worry
The Chechen is young, and the dagger is new
The Chechen's beaded collar is huge
Hey, you - hey, don't need to fear me
I won't touch you, don't worry
Hey, you - hey, don't need to fear me
I won't touch you, don't worry


Versions: #2
You will go through dew before feeling sleepy,
Hey,you will see the city and the dream will llinger-
Covered with silver city...
Oh, if only I could touch the silver with my finger...
You are flying, and above the city
Moonlight is flowing from haven.
City covered with gold...
Oh, you might wake up, don't touch it with your hand...
Among the fire and stars, alone without a fear,
Galloping up along the moonpath.
Rein in the horse, do you hear,
Oh, do not drive the night so insanely!...
The night is tired to show the dreams.
The ball is over, and the window is open a bit.
The gold of the moon is melting...
Oh, while is still the night, fly...

To the lonely

The lonely one are lonely.
Sedge and blizzard only.
And the road is not a girlfriend,
One leg, one hand.
Not a road, but a path-
From the doorstep to the window glass.
Lonely from sadness-
No scolding, no forgiveness.
I don't need, for God sake,
Neither sunrise, or sunset.
Just a bit, I would like that,
Just a word from the doorstep.

Die if you don't love me

One step is like twenty steps.
My hands are wet.
I don't have enough
Power and locks of hair.
You gave them to me.
I want to lift the past out of them.
My throat is full.
The city is drying.
I said to Mum:
'God damn it!
Are these roses pale white?'
I'm touched.
The cities are drowning in pale white colour.
Die if you don't love me
I'm breaking hands, I'm breaking lips,
I'm destroying your body through.