Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 640


My Noisy House

Noise and turmoil in the corridor
We have to fight
To get into the bathroom
Dirty laundry is everywhere
Diapers are here too
Try to survive here!
In our house! In our house!
Noise and turmoil
That is our family!
In our house! In our house!
You are one, they are ten
But we're not traitors!
House! House! House! Our house!
My Noisy House

Welcome to the Louds!

Passing through the whole house
Dodging girls on the way
Just to reach the bathroom in time
(In the Louds!)
Stepping over laundry in heaps
Diapers that don't smell very good
A boy must do everything to keep his reason!
Welcome to the Louds!
Push, sort, shake or brake
Us, that's how we love ourselves!
Welcome to the Louds!
One guy, ten girls
But I love my big family!
Welcome to the Louds!

The Loud House Opening (Brazilian Portuguese)

Slithering through the hall,
Dodging girls I shall, to the bathroom, arrive on time
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Leaping over smelly piles, smellies which embroils your insides, guy's gotta take some risks to survive...
(In the Loud House! In the Loud House!,) dodge, duck, push and shove, our loves is awesome (In the Loud House! In the Loud House!)
One boy, ten girls, (A wonder's here)
Loud, loud, loud, loud House!


A jövő, csakis gépeké
Nincs itt senki, ki háborút kezdjen
A kert, az csak egy kép
Amit senki se néz már
[Verse 1]
Ebben a világban anyánk feledésbe merül
Talán mi is ilyen sorsa jutunk
Mert ha le se szarjuk egymást
Akkor mindennek vége
Akkor vége
Ha elbukunk
Az az emberek hibája
Ha nekünk végünk
Ki ment meg majd a romok alól?
Ha elbukunk
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibá-
Az az emberek
Az az emberek
Az az emberek
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibája
[Verse 2]
Ebben a világban anyánk feledésbe merül
Talán mi is ilyen sorsa jutunk
Mert ha le se szarjuk egymást
Akkor mindennek vége
Akkor vége
Ha elbukunk
Az az emberek hibája
Ha nekünk végünk
Ki ment meg majd a romok alól?
Ha elbukunk
Az az emberek hibája
Az az emberek hibá-
Az az emberek
Az az emberek
Az az emberek
Az az emberek hibája

The slug

The slug, when the night comes
from the dark of the water well
he gets out to the dark of the night,
following his unmistakable instinct ,
he crawls slowly, blindly towards the garden.
Day light scares him. He is afraid
to be exposed naked. Salt scares him.
Thus as soon as a human food-step is heard,
he gathers its luminous antennas,
wrinkles his ash skin
and full of guilt he trusts the soil.
A naked and defenseless creature
the shiver of his body is his only weapon.

I will become a basil

I will become a basil at your window
at your window
and i will remain unmarried for your sake
for your sake.
Come and bend over your window to see what is going on
to see what is going on.
The blood of my heart is being spilled for you,
spilled for you.
The moon walks towards the door of my beloved
the moon walks around the garden of my love.
Come and bend over your window sneaking up on your mother,
sneaking up on your mother
and pretend to water your marjoram,
your marjoram.
This summer i want you to be my mate.
The moon walks towards the door of my beloved
the moon walks around the garden of my love.

Who could ?

I have danced too much
Against the wind, against tides
Only the time could take me back
I don't know anymore where I'm going
I don't know anymore where I'm going
I don't know anymore where I'm going
All I want is to take my time
That they stop to talk to me like a child
Don't do that
Don't say that
Don't do that
I won't be anymore
The one you loved
I would want them to give me the envy to dance
To sing, to dream, to move forward
To other wonders
Who could ?
I have tried everything
Bottles in the sea to talk to you
It's like the ocean cheated on us
But I know where I go
Now, everything has changed
Now, everything has changed
All I want is to take my time
That they stop to talk to me like a child
Don't do that
Don't say that
Don't do that
I won't be anymore
The one you loved
I would want them to give me the envy to dance
To sing, to dream, to move forward
To other wonders
Who could ?
All I want is to take my time
That they stop to talk to me like a child
All I want is to take my time
Take my time
I won't be anymore
The one you loved
I would want them to give me the envy to dance
To sing, to dream, to move forward
To other wonders
Who could ?
I won't be anymore
The one you loved
I would want them to give me the envy to dance
To sing, to dream, to move forward
To other wonders
Who could ?

Folyik a nyálad?

Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad?
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad,
Miközben felforr minden a sütőben,
Nyald meg az ajkaim, neked is folyik a nyálad?
Csak te, csakis te váltod ezt ki belőlem
Tudni akarom, milyen ízűek az ajkaid
Bennem, mélyen bennem
Tudom, hogy menni fog
Csókolj meg lopva, és adj hozzá egy csészényi cukrot,
Keverd össze a mosolyoddal,
Melegítsd fel és adj hozzá egy ölelést
Vegyél egy pillantást és kóstold meg csokival
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad?
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad,
Miközben felforr minden a sütőben,
Nyald meg az ajkaim, neked is folyik a nyálad?
Te is?
Te is?
Te is?
Te is?
Forog velem a világ, ha hallom a lélekzeted
Libabőrös vagyok, elhagyott a lélek
Lassad rágj, gyere közelebb és kapsz tőlem valamit,
Hagyd magad sodródni, itt jön a hullám
Csókolj meg lopva, és adj hozzá egy csészényi cukrot,
Keverd össze a mosolyoddal,
Melegítsd fel és adj hozzá egy ölelést
Vegyél egy pillantást és kóstold meg csokival
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad?
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad,
Miközben felforr minden a sütőben,
Nyald meg az ajkaim, neked is folyik a nyálad?
(Csókolj meg lopva, és adj hozzá egy csészényi cukrot,
Keverd össze a mosolyoddal)
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad?
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad?
Csókolj meg lopva, és adj hozzá egy csészényi cukrot,
Keverd össze a mosolyoddal,
Melegítsd fel és adj hozzá egy ölelést
Vegyél egy pillantást és kóstold meg csokival
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad?
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad,
Miközben felforr minden a sütőben,
Nyald meg az ajkaim, neked is folyik a nyálad?
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad?
Mondd, neked is folyik a nyálad,
Miközben felforr minden a sütőben,
Nyald meg az ajkaim, neked is folyik a nyálad?

A fal, ami elválaszt minket

Pont mögöttem áll
Rám mosolyog, majd elfordul
Azt hiszem, értem a kis játékát
Amikor látom őt, nem vagyok többé önmagam
Elvörösödöm és lassan beszélek
Alig kapok levegőt, a szívem gyorsan ver
Menj tovább!
Ez az egyetlen dolog amit tehetek
A szívem megfordul
Olyan mint egy erő
Ez ellök engem
A faltól, ami elválaszt minket
De miért?
Nem merek mondani neki semmit
Magamnak akarom
A fényét, a mosolyát
Átvágni egy éjen
Ezt a falat, ami elválaszt minket
De akárhogy is...
Amikor rágondolok
Hűtlennek érzem magam
Elszeretnék futni az éjszakába
Hogy lássam az én Katicámat
A szívem harcban áll
Te és én...
Ha csak láthatnánk egymást
A tükör mögött
Levennénk a maszkunk egy éjjel
Törjünk ki
Ezen a falon, ami elválaszt minket
Nem értem mit szeretnék
Nem eshetek szerelembe
Honnan jön ez a varázslatos érzés?
Egy nap eljő, megfogod ismerni
Az együttlét boldogságát, te és én
Amikor megöleljük egymást
De mi van ha a szívem máshol jár?
Melegséget érzek a lelkemben
Egy izgalom, ami boldogságot hoz nekem
De én érzem...
Ezt az érzelmi örvényt,
Ami az égbe emel minket
A nap alatt és a szélben
Mint egy kivételes lehetőség
Egy varázslatos örvény
Erős vagyok, ha láthatom
A tetőről szeretnék sikítani
A szerelmünk, ami kezet nyújt felénk
De tudom, hogy nem kell
Nem jött még el a pillanat
Türelmesnek kell lennem
Tudom, hogy egy nap elrepülünk
A szerelmem miatt egy nap, meglátod
Hogy velem önmagad leszel
Nem tudom mit szeretnék
Nem eshetek szerelembe
Honnan jön ez a varázslatos érzés?
Újra egyesülünk majd az éjben
Mint a nap, amikor minden ragyog
A szerelmünk végtelen lesz
Emögött a fal mögött, ami elválaszt minket
A szerelem keresztül tör
Együtt ritka erő vagyunk
Egész életemben várni fogok rád!
Mert, igen, őrülten szeretlek
Örökké szeretni foglak

I don't know

[Chorus: Lous and The Yakuza & Sfera Ebbasta]
I don't believe in anything anymore (Grr)
I can't feel the good around me anymore (Grr)
I get by but I don't know if I'll see the next day (Pow-pow-pow)
Reality shows are talking about us (Oh)
Those like me, those like you
I can't believe it (Brr)
Maybe that's what living the dream is like (no, no)
Me who used to dream of glory (no, no)
I lost all hope
They don't believe it (Brr)
Euros in my dreams
You ask me how it's done (pow-pow-pow-pow-pow-pow)
I swear, I don't know
[Verse 1: Lous and The Yakuza & Sfera Ebbasta]
Never stumble
Of the devil you're the advocate
When all the battle manages to do
Is to strengthen a soldier's heart (Brr)
It ends up making me sick
More trouble, ennemies than comrades
It's Battle Royale, eh, oh (eh, eh)
I've been there
Tired of being blue in the hopes
Of seeing my mother land, eh (eh, eh)
[Chorus: Lous and The Yakuza & Sfera Ebbasta]
I don't believe in anything anymore (Grr)
I can't feel the good around me anymore (Grr)
I get by but I don't know if I'll see the next day (Pow-pow-pow)
Reality shows are talking about us (Oh)
Those like me, those like you
I can't believe it (Brr)
Maybe that's what living the dream is like (no, no)
Me who used to dream of glory (no, no)
I lost all hope
They don't believe it (Brr)
Euros in my dreams
You ask me how it's done (pow-pow-pow-pow-pow-pow)
I swear, I don't know
[Verse 2: Sfera Ebbasta]
I never lose, the devil calls to get me in trouble
Puff, puff, I'm smoking on the couch with her
An ass like a Yamamay model
How many times have I said: 'It's not going the way I'd like it to be'
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you fail
Sometimes you live, sometimes you die, sometimes you live the life of someone else
Little dramas (grr) turn people into the biggest bastards
Make those shoes and those steps run fast (skrrt, skrrt, skrrt)
We didn't even think about becoming singers
We were thinking about ways to make that cash (brr, brr)
Sports car to run away
Logos on my scarf and belt
We don't talk to the police
No, no, no, no (no, no)
I don't know (brr)
Today I feel alone
Even in the midst of all these names on the iPhone (brr)
I will not call them back (no)
They are the one calling me back
Yes, calling me back, oh (brr)
[Chorus: Lous and The Yakuza & Sfera Ebbasta]
I don't believe in anything anymore (Grr)
I can't feel the good around me anymore (Grr)
I get by but I don't know if I'll see the next day (Pow-pow-pow)
Reality shows are talking about us (Oh)
Those like me, those like you
I can't believe it (Brr)
Maybe that's what living the dream is like (no, no)
Me who used to dream of glory (no, no)
I lost all hope
They don't believe it (Brr)
Euros in my dreams
You ask me how it's done (pow-pow-pow-pow-pow-pow)
I swear, I don't know
[Outro: Lous and The Yakuza & Sfera Ebbasta]
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la (I don't know)
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la (I don't know)

The escape

I'd rather die swallowing water
than end up there, in Alcatraz,
or get devoured by the sharks
than bitten by their Alsatians.
For he who swims just the breast-stroke,
New York is not a town that close
Nor the ocean a place to stroll,
but as long as there's life there's hope
I've managed to escape, I've managed to escape.
I've managed to escape, I've managed to escape.
I've managed to escape,
I recall, young boy, long ago
far from Alcatraz, its gallows,
Floating on my back, I'm singing
in the midst of the immense sea.
I remember that, as a boy,
In the juke-box, I'd put a coin
and I'd listen to rock'n'roll
instead of just going to school.
I managed to escape
I managed to escape
I managed to escape
I managed to escape
I managed to escape
And if, one day, I reach the port
If, on that day, I'm still breathing,
I'll go and cover with kisses
the old Statue of Liberty.
I've managed to escape....

Is Time For Us To Leave!

It time for us to leave,
my love, my beautiful girl.
To return to our place,
my love, my beautiful girl.
There where birds sing during Summer,
my love, my beautiful girl.
And the partridge birds wander during Spring,
my love, my beautiful girl.
Winter will be behind us,
there's no longer snow in Pirivoli.
Let's place our house on the horse's back,
let them carry the heavy weight.
One after another, people are full of joy,
the entire World is envious of them.
There's dark outside, night has come,
everybody's in the night camp.

Anne, my sister Anne

Anne, (my) sister Anne,
If I told you what I foresee
Anne, sister Anne
I can't believe it, it's like a
a cockroach !
Anne sister Anne
You wrote your diary deep in your cupboard
Anne, sister Anne
thinking we'd never ever forget but..
bad memory !
It's getting out of its lair
the nazi nostalgia
svastikas, and nail-boots and all the array
It's got shop-windows, and adepts, a party..
It's come back again
the historical hysteria !
Anne (my) sister Anne
If I told you what I hear
Anne sister Anne
the same speeches, the same slogans
the very same barkings !
Anne, sister Anne
I'd have enjoed to tell you, martyred girl
Anne sister Anne :
You ccan sleep peace
fully, it'll never come again,
that vermin !
But lots of indifference, unsuitable patience,
for those former so well known damned souls
So much leniency, too many good manners
for that nazi nostalgia
getting out of its lair,
like yesterday !
Anne, (my) sister Anne,
If I told you what I foresee
Anne, sister Anne
I can't believe it, it's like a
a cockroach !

Fighter's Path

Without a shadow of a doubt
Not hiding your face
Follow your goals
On a fighter's path
Without fear and sloth
Not trusting the fools
Towards your goals
Go till the very end
More than 10 years ago
I decided to choose this path
Instinctively at first
With years passed I begun seeing a deeper truth:
Those always going forward
Despite the road being hard
Will reach their happinness
Despite the odds being 1-to-100
Without a shadow of a doubt
Not hiding your face
Follow your goals
On a fighter's path
Go till the very end...
There are plenty of those in the world
Who were afraid of sneers and problems
And gave up the upwards road
For the bleak path of standard schemes
As not to regret later
You need to give away you fear and sloth to the fools
Never give up, be a fighter
On the path you chose yourself
Without a shadow of a doubt
Not hiding your face
Follow your goals
On a fighter's path
My experience told me that
There are no easy paths in out lives
What doesn't kill me
Will make me stronger tomorrow
In this world everyone
Is free to rule their fate
But for the whole run
You simply have to be yourself
You simply have to be yourself
You simply have to be you...
Without a shadow of a doubt
Not hiding your face
Follow your goals
On a fighter's path
Without fear and sloth
Not trusting the fools
Towards your goals
Go till the very end

You are painful

You are painful, you are my culprit
I don't think you are suffering
You wounded in a black day
You are mighty and selfish
You are painful, you are my culprit
If I knew you before adored
I would left before I have drowned
I would slow down in my time
I would have been in a different situation
You are painful, you are my culprit
I thought you were like me, a lover
You wouldn't be able to leave me
I thought that my passion had bound you
That was my expectations
You are painful, you are my culprit
You know what else I say
I don't need any solutions
Lord from your wound healed me
It took me seconds
You are painful, you are my culprit

Dance Between The Sheets

I have a chick, she's more beautiful than my dreams
Her warm love, I'm purely lost
She drives me crazy, my world turned around
I make the rules, come and stand a bit closer
Come on, come on, come on
Because noone will be able to steal you from between my arms
Tonight I'm gonna share everything with you
The flames are gonna burn, just give me a chance
Then me and you are gonna dance between the sheets
Because noone would be able to keep us away from each other
Who will stop us and who will keep it?
The flames are gonna burn, just give me a chance
Then me and you are gonna dance between the sheets
Our love burns and no one can put out the flame (Is it too hot for you?)
Come and feel how hot the fire is?
She drives me crazy, my world turned around
I make the rules, come and stand a bit closer
Come on, come on, come on
Because noone will be able to steal you from between my arms
Tonight I'm gonna share everything with you
The flames are gonna burn, just give me a chance
Then me and you are gonna dance between the sheets
Because noone would be able to keep us away from each other
Who will stop us and who will keep it?
The flames are gonna burn, just give me a chance
Then me and you are gonna dance between the sheets
And baby baby, if the sun comes up
Hold me in the morning sun
And you're kissing me softly, only you make my day
Then we're starting it again and then we're doing it again
Come on, come on, come on
Because noone will be able to steal you from between my arms
Tonight I'm gonna share everything with you
The flames are gonna burn, just give me a chance
Then me and you are gonna dance between the sheets
Because noone would be able to keep us away from each other
Who will stop us and who will keep it?
The flames are gonna burn, just give me a chance
Then me and you are gonna dance between the sheets
The flames are gonna burn, just give me a chance
Then me and you are gonna dance between the sheets
Then me and you are gonna dance between the sheets


Abban a percben, mikor Tőled messze mentem,
noha azt mondtad, tán örökre bánni fogom
S jóllehet, hogy, hogy nem,
megfizetek majd mindenért, mikor majd nem gondolom
Ám fordult a kocka, íme vitorlát bontok,
s messze megyek az északi széllel
s magammal viszek mindent, mi két kezemben fér el.
Tudnod kell, most már minden veszélyt magamra vállalok,
s hogy legjobb barátom eztán a fájdalom,
ő tanított, hogyan kell feledni minden bánatot.
Egymagamban járok eztán minden jóban és rosszban,
ellene mindennek, amit mondottál nekem...
Magamnak leszek fontos, ahogyan már mondtam,
de a fegyvert is önmagamra, egyedül szegezem...
Abban a percben, mikor elhagytalak Téged,
azt mondtad, úgy sem bírok megharcolni véle
s az első nagy ütésnél, ha majd földet érek,
bocsánatért könyörgök majd, Hozzád visszatérve...
De, lásd, már igen messze vagyok,
s nem maradtál más, mint tűzben porladó hamu
De hogy elalszik-e vagy meggyullad? Arról nem tudhatok...

On My Own

The moment I was leaving
you told me I'd regret it
and that somehow
one day I'd have to pay for it.
But I had set sail
with the northern wind on my side
and in my hands I held all I managed to save.
You should know that on my own, all the risks I took on my own
and that my best friend is my pain
that taught me to keep my head up even in the hardest times.
On my own, in happiness and sadness too on my own
despite what you said, on my own
I'd have to be the target
but also the one to hold the trigger on my own...
The moment I was leaving
you told me I couldn't fight it
and at the first inconvenience
I'd come back to you.
But I am far away now
and you are ashes in the fire
that I never managed to tame.
You should know that on my own, all the risks I took on my own
and that my best friend is my pain
that taught me to keep my head up even in the hardest times

Only her and me

An evening like any other, I listen to some music
And talk to the walls
I head to the pub and drink my sorrows away
And dream of adventures
The doors swings open, she straightens her jacket
And comes marching in
Her beauty blinds me
Her glance searches and finds me
Her smile arouses me
She makes me live again, I slowly start blooming
The fear is expelled, that fog from my head
Her view of the world changes my view and no one exists anymore
Only her and me
Only her and me
Her words are a miracle
I read her like a book
Each chapter is addictive
I want to know everything about her
And yet it never seems enough
She keeps amazing me
Her tenderness flatters me
She follows me, she leads me
Her love frees me
She makes me live again, I slowly start blooming
The fear is expelled, that fog from my head
Her view of the world changes my view
And no one exists anymore
Only her and me
Only her and me
Her heart seems like a source
In which I want to drown
To sink until the bottom of her soul
Now the sun shines for me, my self esteem rises
The storm inside of me subsided, since I fell for her
She makes me live again, I slowly start blooming
The fear is expelled, that fog from my head
Her view of the world changes my view
And no one exists anymore
Only her and me
Only her and me
Only her and me

My heart is lost

My heart is lost, and I don't know where to find and when?!
Lead to her eyes.
I want to talk to her and say how much my heart loves her.
This is my heart, and I know my heart is lost from me.
I swear it is lost from me.
I had never met anyone like her, either before or after.
This is what is called an angel.
Or perhaps called destruction, I don't know!
Regardless if it destruction or an angel,
You will die

The Vineyard

I'd like to play with you in the middle of the meadows,
With butterflies in the sky and the sun on the face,
To jump with your hand through the winged broom,
To feel the white hoarfrost on my cheeks.
I'd like to stretch my hands into the bushes,
When, in summer, blackberries look like pearls,
To feel scratched by so many thorns,
For every, every caress and kiss of love.
Take me down to the vineyard
Where the grapes kiss the sun.
Under the rows of grapes,
For every berry, a kiss of love.
I'd like you to bend these arms of mine like this,
The way the reed bends when the wind blows,
To rip from the ground the flower that blooms,
When the moon in the sky lights up the sunset.
Take me down to the vineyard
Where the grapes kiss the sun.
Under the rows of grapes,
For every berry, a kiss of love.

The dance of my heart

Come here, stop thinking about it now, don't say no
This night is like a party
In my mind, only you and the stars that fall like rain
I'm the sea and you're the shore
Drinks, music, and this tipsiness
that reminds me of your kisses
I want you here with me, to live this moment
It's the rhythm that drives me crazy
And the dance of my heart seduces you
Everything spins around you
This rhythm is like a goal scored in my heart
Don't speak, don't ask, I want you to love me
Summer is two people together
Forget that life goes on
Time has just stopped here
Drinks, music, and this tipsiness
that reminds me of your kisses
I want you here with me, to live this moment
It's the rhythm that drives me crazy
And the dance of my heart seduces you
Everything spins around you
This rhythm is like a goal scored in my heart
It's the rhythm that drives me crazy
And the dance of my heart seduces you
Everything spins around you
This rhythm is like a goal scored in my heart

The wall that separates us

She's standing right behind me
She smiles at me, looks away
I think I understand his funny game
When I see him, I'm no longer me
I turn red and speak low
My breath is short, my heart is beating
Walk away
It's the only thing to do
My heart is upside down
I feel like a power
That pulls me beyond
From the wall that separates us!
But why
I dare say nothing to him
I want it for me
Her light, her smile
Crossing for one evening
This wall that separates us!
And yet
When I think of her
I feel unfaithful
I want to run away into the night
To see my ladybug
My heart is a duel!
You and me
If we could see each other
Beyond the mirror
Take off the masks for one evening
Let's break through
This wall that separates us
I don't understand what i want
I can't fall in love
Where does this mysterious feeling come from?
A day will come, you will find out
The happiness of being together, you and me
When we hug each other
But why if my heart is elsewhere
I feel a warmth in my soul
A thrill that brings me happiness
Yet I feel it
This whirlwind of feeling
Which takes us to the firmament
In the sun and in the wind
Like a unique chance
A magical spin
It’s strong when I see it
I want to scream from the rooftops
Our love which extends its arms to us
But I know I don't have to
It is not the moment
You have to be patient
Be patient
I know one day we'll fly away
Because my love one day you will see
That with me you will become you!
I don't understand what i want
I can't fall in love
Where does this mysterious feeling come from
We will be reunited in the night
Like the day when all that shines
Will be our infinite love
Despite this great wall that separates us
Love crosses right through
We are together, a rare force!
For you I will wait a lifetime
Because yes I love you madly
I will love you endlessly ...


I have crossed the bridges of Cé
It is there that everything began
A song of bygone days
Tells of a knight who injured lay
Of a rose upon the carriage-way
And a bodice with an unlaced stay
And the castle of an insane duke
And swans in castle moats
And of the meadow where
An eternal fiancée comes to dance
And I have drunk the long lay
Of false glories like icy milk
The Loire bears my thoughts away
With the overturned jeeps
And the unprimed arms
And the ill-dried tears
O my France O my forsaken one
I have crossed the bridges of Cé


Words like slaps
Everything will fly, it's certain
A bullet without impact
For me, that's useless
And I see red, red, red
Oh, oh, oh, I see red, red, red
And I see red, red
Oh, oh, I see red, red, red
I was furious to be exact
Teeth like a dog's fangs
I'm an inch from an ultimatum
I do bad for my own good
And I see red, red, red
Oh, oh, oh, I see red, red, red
And I see red, red
Oh, oh, I see red, red, red
Here I am, scarlet
Ridiculous to a point
My lips pursed
My anger is endless
And I see red, red, red
Oh, oh, oh, I see red, red, red
And I see red, red
Oh, oh, I see red, red, red
And I see red, red, red
Oh, oh, oh, I see red, red, red
And I see red, red
Oh, oh, I see red, red, red
I risk by my actions
often punching
finding contact
and not regretting anything
And I see red, red, red
Oh, oh, oh, I see red, red, red
And I see red, red
Oh, oh, I see red, red, red


Versions: #1
Lovers go from bed to bed
In hotels, in parking lots
To run away from all this melancholy
The heart of the cities doesn't look too good
Fits of the blues, phone calls,
Everything will start again in the spring
Except for indelible loves.
Dreams pile up into the subways,
Skyscrapers look down on us
Like a bird behind bars.
My mind isn't well, mommy.
I've lost the taste for partying, mommy
Look how your daughter's made, mommy.
I find no meaning in my quest
At the time that bars fill up,
That very time that hearts empty.
Those nights that promises are forged
As fast as they are frittered away.
Fits of the blues, phone calls,
Everything will start again in the spring
Except for indelible loves.
Dreams pile up into the subways,
Skyscrapers look down on us
Like a bird behind bars.
My mind isn't well, mommy.
I've lost the taste for partying, mommy
Look how your daughter's made, mommy.
I find no meaning in my quest
Look how your daughter's made, mommy.
I find no meaning in my quest

When will the night sky be full of stars

Versions: #1
When will the night sky be full of stars,
when will it be February,
so that I take my rifle,
the beautiful cartridge belt,
to descned to Omalos,
at the trail of Mousouros,
to make mothers without sons,
women without men,
to make babies too,
cry without mothers,
to cry at night for water,
and at dawn for milk,
and at twilight
for their sinister mother.

From The Soul

From the lone soul
and the empty steppes
she wandered and worried
and landed on the quiet breath
She flowed on the dawn, bent on the flowers peeling petals of the past.
From the glorious soul
and the cherished lands
we wrote laments
and traced the marching prints
that crossed seas and rivers and in their journey
penned our script.
From the bare soul
and the mighty wind
We remembered and forgot and the happy days faded
The birds went silent the lights disappeared and the dark thoughts prevailed
The rains are digging, the sky’s unraveling and in the river, only remains its torment

First of the month

For now
I don't know how to react
I roughly came to the ace
It's not easy for me to adapt
For now
I need place to calm
I need a place to forget
That I shouted to you I love you
In the first of the month i'll put an end on this
I'll change everything and I'll throw a tantrum
Every relationship has one unwritten rule, you never kill the one you love
In the first of the month i'll find my voice
I'll get what belongs to me
And when you'll come back to try and get me
I'll have a heart of stone
In the first of the month
In the first of the month
For now
I collect the strenght to explain
What i did wrong to live
without an explanation, the absolute blank
For now
I blame myself
It was my mistake
That I saw nothing in the sky
In the first of the month i'll put an end on this
I'll change everything and I'll throw a tantrum
Every relationship has one unwritten rule, you never kill the one you love
In the first of the month i'll find my voice
I'll get what belongs to me
And when you'll come back to try and get me
I'll have a heart of stone
The first of the month

He Was My Companion

After the breakup
Neither you nor I cried
But neither of us
Were able to get a calm night's sleep
He was my companion
But neither of us were compatible
That either the shade ruled or the sunshine1
But never both2
There were enmities, There was neglect
There was grief and all
But in the departing pair
There was no disloyalty
Put on mascara, I cannot bear
The dry and crisp powder.
In the eyes where the beloved resides
Who else can remain?
When the time came, those eyes
Contained our poetry3
The type of poetry3
Which was never recited to anyone
  • 1. 'That the sunshine was the ruler of the shade'
  • 2. 'There was no separation'
  • Ghazal

Luna Park

Colourful lights, smiles, loud music
children rushing to catch the rides
Summer nights of sin, unexpected love,
like three rainy days in August.
They told me' ' Loves and firestoms are much of the same'
they scream until they get your attention
Just like brat toddlers
who never learned to behave in a mild way.
And our happiness is a luna park
and shines so bright that if you watch from the Moon, you'll see it
you'll see remorses and insecurities playing hide and seek
among with calmness and a quiet feeling.
Every time she kisses you, you are the seeker
you are counting to hunderd five by five,
You breathe and smile, as you were at the luna park,
here you go, here you forget, here you love,
here you space out and you smile at me like a child.
Colourful lights, smiles, loud music
children rushing to catch the rides
Summer nights of sin, unexpected love,
like three rainy days in August.
They told me' ' Loves and firestoms are much of the same'
they scream until they get your attention
Just like brat toddlers
who never learned to behave in a mild way.
And our adolescence is a luna park
and shines so bright that if you watch from the Moon, you'll see it
you'll see remorses and insecurities playing hide and seek
among with calmness and a quiet feeling.
Every time she kisses you, you are the seeker
you are counting to hunderd five by five,
You breathe and smile, as you were at the luna park,
here you love but you've grown up and you don't go there anymore.


I was a boy blown by a refreshing breeze, looking ahead.
Wanted to find something, wanted to seek something.
Do you see that boy now?
No doubt, you can't lose to anyone.
Fly to the future, and you will be the wind.
My dreams, that I hold close to my heart,
Now is the time for you to get wings.
There is always light behind the clouds.
Everything I did is mediocre, and then you told me off on that day.
Never bury my dreams, I swear.
You are kind, so warm-hearted in that way.
Being hurt more than anyone else, you have been devastated by grief.
When you can't stop crying
I will sing this song, is this enough?
Or I give all of my smiles to you.
Surely the rain will turn into a rainbow.
Come on, let us open the door to our dreams.
Fly to the future, and you will be the wind.
My dreams, that I hold close to my heart,
Now is the time for you to get wings.
When you can't stop crying
I will sing this song, is this enough?
Or I give all of my smiles to you.
There is always light behind the clouds.
Come on, let us open the door to our dreams.