Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 7

Találatok száma: 236


Phoney friends

Versions: #2
I'm not against fake stones
In necklaces or bracelets, not at all.
But to have phoney friends, I don't
In this or in another world!
The fake diamonds-not a problem!
Let them glitter, though they aren't gold wares!
Phoney friends- no, not a predicament,
It is that cross, that God forbid, we have to bear!

The Spring

I'm here the way you asked!
I'm here like this I'm standing in front of you!
I'm that powerful adrenaline!
I'm a beast and I'm becoming untameable!
I'm the spring1!
The spring, the spring, the spring!
Wind, unwind, that's what you do best
I'll be a spring, a spring in your hands!
I'm a demonic force!
I'm black power!
I'm a strong beat!
I'm aggression and passion!
Are you wondering how long I'll go for?
Are you wondering how I'm going to keep you?
Barriers don't hold in me!
When you awake with your body now!
The spring, the spring, the spring!
  • 1. As in an elastic coil, not the season

I'm Not Untouchable

Many people think that they know me very well
Essentially, nobody knows who I am
They bark around me like mad dogs now
There are only speculations about me
I know what I want, I know what I desire
I know, but you've always been unclear to me
Come on, tell me what you mean
You're close, but you're sending me a message
I have eyes, I know you want them
Tell me to my face what you want to know
Stop slow walking, be the man
Love heals everything, love may do it
I look powerful, but you're exaggerating
You believe in stories too much
Stop slow walking, be the man
The truth is completely different
Just so you know, I'm not untouchable
Many people think that I'm a body without a soul
That I hide behind a fake smile
But those illusions often break
When they meet my real face
I know what I want, I know what I desire
I know, but you've always been unclear to me
Come on, tell me what you mean
You're close, but you're sending me a message
I have eyes, I know you want them
Tell me to my face what you want to know
Stop slow walking, be the man
Love heals everything, love may do it
I look powerful, but you're exaggerating
You believe in stories too much
Stop slow walking, be the man
The truth is completely different
Just so you know, I'm not untouchable

True Friends

We've known each other for many years
There isn't a friend more loyal
Together in school and at the cinema
Together we grew up, but...
You are pretty and tender
You I need more and more
I want to embrace you
And whisper to you
Who told you we would separate
If we'll go on liking each other
We were inseparable friends
We didn't notice love
We made a promise of loyalty
With a kiss on the cheek when we said good-bye
But now other feelings burn
My heart is on my chest
How to begin I don't know
We're already true friends
I fear losing you
It's better I shut up
But the warm breath
We sit shoulder to shoulder
Just us two alone
And I listen in silence
Who told you we would separate
If we'll go on liking each other
We were inseparable friends
We didn't notice love
We made a promise of loyalty
With a kiss on the cheek when we said good-bye
But now other feelings burn
My heart is on my chest
Who we were, we did not forget
Only we then still did not know that we were in love
We hoped, but did not understand
that you can't invest in love, we will remain friends
But we never had the chance, we never had the chance, we never had the chance
It's late!
Now we can't be one without the other
All is now serious
Looks like we worried in vain
Our friendship won't be complete without love
Who told you we would separate
If we'll go on liking each other
We were inseparable friends
We didn't notice love
We made a promise of loyalty
With a kiss on the cheek when we said good-bye
But now other feelings burn
My heart is on my chest

A fekete nőnek kecses a járása

Ez a fekete nő aki járkál
Ez a fekete nő akinek kecses a járása
És mikor az emberek őt nézik
Ő táncol oldalt és jól áll neki a szűk ruha.
A fekete nőnek kecses a járása
És sosem járkál a mellékutcákban.
Ha azonnal jönni akarsz
Jobb ha szemből mész
Hogy ne legyenek akadályok
És hogy gyere és legyőzz mindent.
Ha az első akarsz lenni
Jobb ha lassan futsz
Élvezd ki jól az életet
Még ha mérték is kell ehhez.
A fekete nőnek kecses a járása
És sosem járkál a mellékutcákban.
Amikor az emberek meghalnak
Azt mondják olyan jó volt
Annyira jó volt mikor éltek
Mint az éjjel és a nappal
De hagyom nektek hogy mondjátok meg az igazat
Nem bírom tovább a hazudozásokat.
Élvezd ki jól az életet
Még ha mérték is kell ehhez.
A fekete nőnek kecses a járása
És sosem járkál a mellékutcákban.
Kecses a járása
Egyesen megy és nem oldalt
Az éjszaka Istennője, édes mint a méz
Olyan mint ő sosem találtam még
Jöjj ide hogy megosszam veled
Hogy te vagy a szép fekete nő aki boldoggá tesz
Mást nem akarok
(Te vagy ki inspirál engem)
Nélküled meghalok
(Nélküled összetörik a szívem)
Mást nem akarok
(Ha nem vagy itt kiábrándult vagyok)
Nélküled meghalok.

Adjatok neki tűzet

Ez a férfi akid van, nem ér semmit.
Hiába is szereted őt, elhasznál téged.
Nincs neki jó modora
És nem figyelmes veled.
Ez a férfi nem érdemli azt a sok kedvességet amit adsz neki.
Alszik ő reggel és te dolgozol
És aztán éjszaka lelép
Elvárja tőled hogy moss rá
Nézd őt és hogy ellásd őt
És ha ellenkezel
Felháborodik és meg akar verni.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Tegyétek be egy fazékba
És főzzétek őt meg a borában
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Függesszétek fel egy üstökösre
És vágjátok el a fonalat.
Ez a férfi akid van, jó barátnőm
Ha a te helyedben lennék, elhagynám őt
A bőröndök az ajtóban
És egy cetlit hagynék amire leírnám:
Ettől a pillanattól fogva
Főzzön neked a nagyid.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Tegyétek be egy fazékba
És főzzétek őt meg a borában
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Függesszétek fel egy üstökösre
És vágjátok el a fonalat.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
És ne legyen neked olyan rossz és léhűtő
Hogy legyen jobb veled.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Főzzétek őt meg a borában
És te kezdj másik útat.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Adjatok neki tüzet
Adjatok , adjatok, adjatok neki
Mondd neki hogy ne legyen kretén.
Adjatok neki tüzet
Ah, és büntessétek őt meg...
Ez a férfi nem érdemel meg téged
Mondom neked hogy el kell őt felejtened.

Indian Patoruzú

[Here we go!]
Indian Patoruzú,
typical, fertile indian,
wild, natural,
ancient like the land,
earthly is your song.
Indian Patoruzú,
typical, fertile indian,
wild, natural,
your essence is the fondness
that tradition gives you.
Indian Patoruzú,
runs to his hellhole,
so see if are ready
his empanadas of la Chacha.
So see if are ready
his empanadas of la Chacha.
Becasue it's the indian Patoruzú,
archetypical, rough,
native, colloquial,
is the ground of the homeland
the land of his region.
Indian Patoruzú,
autochthonous, pure indian,
simple, essential,
the blood of your race is,
your brave nature.
Indian Patoruzú,
with Upa, the brave brother,
through the south hemisphere
they go hand in hand.
Through the south hemisphere
they go hand in hand.
This is the Indian Patoruzú,
rustic, plain indian,
concious, farmer,
worthy peasant
of a lineage in extinction.
Indian Patoruzú,
integer, frank indian,
brave, fundamental,
my guitar only sings
your untamed demeanor.
Indian Patoruzú,
the land was who wanted
that you have an account
in the best swiss bank.
That you have an account
in the best swiss bank.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Ha visszajössz

Nem tudom, mi lesz akkor, ha visszajössz
amikor újra látlak téged
nem tudom, érezzük-e ugyanazt
Tétova kételkedéssel telt az időm
csak remélem, hogy te is úgy érzel, mint én
Mindig meghalsz ha velem vagy
és nem kapsz levegőt, ha rád nézek
még mindig nevetsz a vicceimen
és az életed részének érzel engem
Mindig meghalok ha veled vagyok
és bár emlékszem az összes utadra
még el vagyok veszve az emlékeidben
és az életem részének érezlek téged
Csak remélem, hogy te, ahogy követlek
belém szeretsz ... belém szeretsz...
Nem tudom, mi lesz akkor, ha visszajössz
És gyere vissza hogy az legyen előtted
ha látod, hogy a mi ügyünk elvész
nem leszel bűnös, ne kerüld hogy rám nézz
a mi időnk letelt
Csak remélem, hogy te is úgy érzel, mint én
Még mindig meghalsz ha velem vagy
és nem kapsz levegőt, ha rád nézek
még mindig nevetsz a vicceimen
és az életed részének érzel engem
mindig meghalok ha veled vagyok
és bár emlékszem az összes utadra
még el vagyok veszve az emlékeidben
és az életem részének érezlek téged
csak remélem, hogy te, ahogy követlek
belém szeretsz ... belém szeretsz...
mindig meghalsz ha velem vagy
és nem kapsz levegőt, ha rád nézek
még mindig nevetsz a vicceimen
és az életed részének érzel engem
Mindig meghalok ha veled vagyok
és bár emlékszem az összes utadra
még el vagyok veszve az emlékeidben
és az életem részének érezlek téged
Csak remélem, hogy te is úgy érzel, mint én
menjünk tovább
belém szeretsz ... belém szeretsz…
Nem tudom, mi lesz akkor, ha visszajössz...

Don't Forget

Don't forget if we do not see each other again
Don't forget, don't be sad like this
Even if I can't come to you, that moment will still come
I'll dedicate songs to you, they will sound floating in the air
Don't forget if we do not see each other again
Don't forget if you hear a guitar sound
The spring come without passing a single day in sadness
Until you see me again, don't forget
  • En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .


Rózsák a kőben

Ha én vagyok a másik, kicsit megbocsáthatatlan vagyok
Ami mindent megad, az életet neked
Vagy őszintén, őszintén szólva
A szívben van mindened, és a tied vagyok
Az emberek mellett képzelem el magam
vagy a mellkasodba ragadt
Van rózsák a kőben
vagy én a vállamon szeretlek
(Csak a kép)
(Az emberek előtt vagyok)
(Vagy csukott vagyok)
(A mellkasban van)
(Magam rózsa vagyok)
(Kőből vagyok)
(Vagy egyedül vagyok)
(A válládon)
Csak vendég vagyok vagy reggeli hídig
Neved segít a rövid éjszakában
Vagy tényleg olyan forró
Feladod a szerelmed, ami nem fog megtörténi
Az emberek mellett képzelem el magam
vagy a mellkasodba ragadt
Van rózsák a kőben
vagy én a vállamon szeretlek
(Csak a kép)
(Az emberek előtt vagyok)
(Vagy csukott vagyok)
(A mellkasban van)
(Magam rózsa vagyok)
(Kőből vagyok)
(Vagy egyedül vagyok)
(A válládon)
(Csak a kép)
(Az emberek előtt vagyok)
(Vagy csukott vagyok)
(A mellkasban van)
(Magam rózsa vagyok)
(Kőből vagyok)
(Vagy egyedül vagyok)
(A válládon)
Az emberek mellett képzelem el magam
vagy a mellkasodba ragadt
Van rózsák a kőben
vagy én a vállamon szeretlek
Az emberek melett képzelem el magam
vagy a mellkasodba ragadt
Van rózsák a kőben
vagy én a vállamon szeretlek
(Csak a kép)
(Az emberek előtt vagyok)
(Vagy csukott vagyok)
(A mellkasban van)
(Magam rózsa vagyok)
(Kőből vagyok)
(Vagy egyedül vagyok)
(A válládon)

Roses in the stone

If I'm another, I'm a little bit inexcusable
Which would give you all, life for you
Or honestly, honestly
In the heart you have everything and yours for me
Do I picture myself in front of people?
Or I'm stuck in your chest
Do I have roses in the stone
Or I love you on your shoulder
(Is the picture alone)
(I am in front of people)
(Or I'm sealed)
(You in the chest)
(Do I roses myself)
(I'm in stone)
(Or I am alone)
(On your shoulder)
Are I just a guest or until morning bridge?
Your name is to help you shorter the night
Or, actually, so hot
You give up love that will never happen
Do I picture myself in front of people?
Or I'm stuck in your chest
Do I have roses in the stone
Or I love you on your shoulder
(Is the picture alone)
(I am in front of people)
(Or I'm sealed)
(You in the chest)
(Do I roses myself)
(I'm in stone)
(Or I am alone)
(On your shoulder)
(Is the picture alone)
(I am in front of people)
(Or I'm sealed)
(You in the chest)
(Do I roses myself)
(I'm in stone)
(Or I am alone)
(On your shoulder)
Do I picture myself in front of people?
Or I'm stuck in your chest
Do I have roses in the stone
Or I love you on your shoulder
Do I picture myself in front of people?
Or I'm stuck in your chest
Do I have roses in the stone
Or I love you on your shoulder
(Is the picture alone)
(I am in front of people)
(Or I'm sealed)
(You in the chest)
(Do I roses myself)
(I'm in stone)
(Or I am alone)
(On your shoulder)

When a man falls in love

When a man falls in love
He is willing, to give everything he is
Change his ways , for the sake of love
He doesn't feel any restrain
Only knows that he craves her
If it was told by his heart
He's losing his breath
If the beats of his heart are rushing
And the time stands still
And if he's allowed to do so , he can talk thousands of hours
If the phone dares to ring, to ring
When a man falls in love
Only wants with her to be
And he can't stop calling her name
When a man falls in love
She's 'dancing' inside his thoughts
And he's endlessly dreaming!!
When a man falls in love
Thousands of excuses he finds
For being next to her
And he can't seem to figure
If desired he is, or they mislead him so much ...
If with him , they only 'play'
I know well how it feels
When a man falls in love
When a man falls in love
He has an angel up in the sky
That's guarding him and realeases him
Of all the bads
Caress him against all the bad
He's tranforming himself into a poet
By all means a letter writter
A specialist in the art of love
He's losing his breath
If the beats of his heart are rushing
And the time stands still
And if he's allowed to do so , he can talk thousands of hours
If the phone dares to ring, to ring
When a man falls in love
Only wants with her to be
And he can't stop calling her name
When a man falls in love
She's 'dancing' inside his thoughts
And he's endlessly dreaming!!
When a man falls in love
Thousands of excuses he finds
For being next to her
And he can't seem to figure
If desired he is, or she misleads him so much ...
If with him , she's only 'playing'
I know well how it feels
When a man falls in love
Sees all so different
He doesn't care nor' what thinks
Nor' what tells the world
When a man falls in love
He already found his destiny
And realises finally
His purpouse in life
When a man falls in love
Only wants with her to be
And he can't stop calling her name
When a man falls in love
She's 'dancing' inside his thoughts
And he's endlessly dreaming!!
When a man falls in love
Thousands of excuses he finds
For being next to her
And he can't seem to figure
If desired he is, or she mislead him so much ...
If with him , she's only 'playing'
I know well how it feels
When a man falls in love

Twenty Years

What does it matter that I love you
if you don't love me anymore,
the love that has passed
will not be remembered.
I was the illusion of your life
from a day long past,
today I represent the past,
I can't change.
If the things one wants
were reachable
you would love me the same
as twenty years ago.
With what sadness we look
at a love that leaves us,
it is a piece of the soul
that tears off without mercy.

Az élet egy karnevál

Mindenkinek, aki azt gondolja hogy az élet egyenlőtlen
Tudnia kell hogy ez nem igaz
Hogy az élet egy kedvesség, amit meg kell élni.
Mindenkinek, aki azt gondolja hogy egyedül van és szomorú
Tudnia kell hogy ez nem így van
Hogy az életben senki sincs egyedül, mindig van valaki
Ay, ne sírj hát, hisz az élet egy karnevál
És szebb énekelve élni
Oh, oh, oh, ah ne sírj hát
Hisz az élet egy karnevál
És a fájdalom énekeléssel elmegy
Mindenkinek, aki azt gondolja, hogy az élet mindig kegyetlen
Tudnia kell hogy ez nem igaz
Hogy csak rossz pillanatok vannak és minden elmúlik
Mindenkinek, aki azt gondolja hogy ez sosem fog változni
Tudnia kell hogy ez nem igaz
Hogy rossz időben is van szép és minden emúlik
Ay, ne sírj hát, hisz az élet egy karnevál
És szebb énekelve élni
Oh, oh, oh, ah ne sírj hát
Hisz az élet egy karnevál
És a fájdalom énekeléssel elmegy
Azoknak akik sokat panaszkodnak
Azoknak akik csak kritizálni tudnak
Azoknak akik fegyvert használnak
Azoknak akik beszennyeznek minket
Azoknak akik háborúznak
Azoknak akik vétkezve élnek
Azoknak akik rosszul bánnak velünk
Azoknak akik megfertőznek minket.

It has to change

It snows very much on this mountain, it covers everything for tonight
I went away and here I'm truly the queen
I went away and here I'm truly the queen
The wind blows like the storm within me
My father, 'good soul'1, would always say 'Always look after yourself.
Hide yourself, take things seriously, not even your sister has to notice it'
Now it ends, it's not my thing
What kind of life is that?
It has to change, it has to change
My hearts wants to sing
It has to change, it has to change
Snow has to cover everything
I don't care what they are saying
I'm not going back 2
Cold makes me only feel good3
As I climb higher I seem to forget the fear,
and the past, has to stay in the past
This power is (my) freedom
Let me see what I'm able to do
It's not possible to be wrong, I'm the ruler
I alone!
It has to change, it has to change
Ice makes me fly
It has to change, it has to change
Now anguish is going away
I'm here to start again
I'm not going back
Everything around me has to shine like a lightning
I feel like a kid who can laugh and play
Just by thinking I can create a world
The future is mine, it's already knocking!
It has to change, it has to change
I'm going to shine brighter than the sun
It has to change, it has to change
Happiness is out here
With the (new) day I am reborn
I can breathe again
Cold makes me only feel good
  • 1. This expression is used when a person is dead and it’s used sometimes in Italian too, but I think it came from dialect in the first place, still I don’t know if there is an English equivalent for that.
  • 2. litt. back down
  • 3. There isn’t a proper Italian or for Arepaudì, since it means to feel good, but much more than that, like you are completely satisfied and … well, there’s no translation, but know it’s much more that feeling good xD

I don't know

I close my eyes to remember you.
With my hands, I grasp my guitar.
I'm afraid of forgetting you, dad...
I wish I could fly up to heaven,
Spend some time and chat with you,
Eternally embraced, embracing each other...
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know,
I swear I don't know,
I want to learn whatever it is I need to do
To make you be reborn.
I know, I know, I already know
What is this longing I feel?
It's a heart completely made of paper,
You're near,
You're far.
The day passes by
The night passes by
The train passes by
The spring,
And life in its entirety pass by,
So much time to cry over you,
Too much
Obliged to the journeys I've dreamt
Of singing with you and figuring out
What's going on more or less
In your head.
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know,
I swear I don't know,
I want to learn whatever it is I need to do
To make you be reborn.
I know, I know, I already know
What is this longing I feel?
It's a heart completely made of paper,
You're near,
You're far.
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know,
I swear I don't know,
I want to learn whatever it is I need to do
To make you be reborn.
I know, I know, I already know
What is this longing I feel?
It's a heart completely made of paper,
You're near,
You're far.
Far away...

The Cross of Santiago

He was not the most honest man but he
He was a brave and faithful man
Neither did piety take shelter in him
Malvivía, renting for three maravedis
His sword and Biscayan in
Adjustments of little lustre and worse end
They were hard times and you had to look for bread
The picaresque, the sword and the 'vow to such' reigned
Shine the steel in your hand,
Pearl your face the sweat,
Where the sea has no owner will go ...
Will go to find
Behind him, a shadow on foot
He followed without losing any detail,
It seemed to learn
His look reflected calmness and peace
His grave and familiar voice
It recounted legends of antiquity
Something mysterious enveloped him, he never slept,
They say that he fed on the popular story
The Cross of Santiago shines
On your chest, by the Sun
His face never discovered
His name hid
On the roof of time,
In the loft of dreams
A voice drowns:
'Do not believe everything you see
Just listen to your intuition
And if you harbour doubt
Never, you will never find comfort in your interior
Throw dice
Because the game of the road has begun,
Sharpen your wit,
Help yourself with adivinaciones,
Help yourself with the tarot,
Read in the soul of the forest
And guess where the death hid '
Shine the steel in your hand,
Pearl your face the sweat,
Where the sea has no owner will go ...
The Cross of Santiago shines
On your chest, by the Sun
His face never discovered
Shine the steel in your hand,
Pearl your face the sweat,
Where the sea has no owner will go ...
The Cross of Santiago shines
On your chest, by the Sun
His face never discovered
Shine the steel in your hand,
Pearl your face the sweat,
Where the sea has no owner will go ...
The Cross of Santiago shines
On your chest, by the Sun
His face never discovered
Shine the steel in your hand,
Pearl your face the sweat,
Where the sea has no owner will go ...
The Cross of Santiago shines
On your chest, by the Sun
His face never discovered

Touch me

Are you going to stay if the dawn catches you on a drunken kiss?
One minute is enough and i will be a fool for you
I'm in the lulluby of desire
It is dancing a dirty tango across my heart...
Are you going to stay for a cuddle in the morning
You can come to me for Tuesdays of mirage
Stolen world hangs me on the nail of forbidden my entire life.
Touch me one more time
Let me see your (open) wings
Please, don't show it to others
Touch me one more time
Let me hug you closer
Let's get lost in the now...
Waiting for you and hoping there will be more
Encounters late summers at the Danube.
Familiar desire is dancing dirty
tango across my heart.
Touch me one more time
Let me see your (open) wings
Please, don't show it to others
Touch me one more time
Let me hug you closer
Let's get lost in the now...
Day and night are changing,
Reflection flickering in wine
I'm a butterfly
In your light
Touch me one more time
Let me see your (open) wings
Please, don't show it to others
Touch me one more time
Let me hug you closer
Let's get lost in the now...

The crusade

It's been five years, vidalita
that are dark years
the exiled leader, vidalita
send us to the empire.
Are five years that show
the cracks in the people.
Easterns who conspire
and easterns who sell themselves.
In the sky of the homeland
black circles are traced
by the crows that try to please
the scum of the empire.
But fortunately there are pure men
there are men of whole core
who don't rot by the praise
neither slack for money
The chained freedom
stops feeling fear.
By the darkness of the river
people comes in two barges.
At the shore of the Agraciada beach
they get down of the barges in the early morning
they spread their flag 'Freedom or death',
willing to gamble the same fate.
A bull roar rips the autumn
when everybody answers: -yes, Juan Antonio-.
A la huella, a la huella and so ends here
the brazilian nickname of Cisplatina
laralay lara layla...
the brazilian nickname of Cisplatina
Thirty three easterns thirty three men
who gathered the bravery of the land
who gave birth to the glory of heroism
to make the new homeland be born.
Ride your horses soon and march quick
punch the brazilians while running.
While they pass the gauchos follow
on front Lavalleja and Manuel Oribe
and so at Piedra Alta in Florida
they declare the province free and united.
A la huella, a la huella and so ends here
the brazilian nickname of Cisplatina
laralay lara layla...
the brazilian nickname of Cisplatina
The plains of sarandí
are suddenly being born to the history
for a furious charge
that redoubles with glory
that the gauchos laid
and the hooks overtook
that seems that came
an unicorns charge
On front Lavalleja,
takes death on the legs
and death also takes
the rifle with a sword
A la huella, a la huella
and so ends here
the brazilian nickname of Cisplatina
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Black Volga

From far away for awhile
Black* 'Volga' is moving
And like a wolf will be howling.
The one, from whom to get the debt it's rolling.
The windows are smashed to smithereens all around.
The family photo from the shelf falling down.
No one understands clearly on what ground.
But they'll declare mourning in this settlement.
Here even the cop not ready to make it stop.
Here even the cop doesn’t have time to call other cops.
Here they opening fire and keep it on.
This is a feature of our region.
This is a firearm district.
This is a settlement * 'Shmalyaevo' we're living.
Here every round, either he do me in.
Or I will do him.
The entrance broke many legs.
Our entry very *strict, at best.
Here they will use us as hot dog mince.
Our password - login.
This are years and terms, I thought it's OK,
When it's always add up at the end.
Here they exchange precious metal for meth.
Here they understand, who is a cop and who is not, I bet.
This is a red city in the country which red.
Face to the wall, bullet in the back, and that is that.
Until everyone sleep sweetly.
I'm having a dog-sleep.
I'm like my rhesus, I'm -negative.
And I consider as a big mistake
Those correctional institutions can’t correct us in any way.
We're causing damage, to the head and to the body.
The holes on the wall keep the memory, like drawings of the caves.
In this country if you don't have epaulettes, who are you anyway?
For them, who are you anyway?
This music is for the right hut, and rather,
It's for those who taken away by bailiff.
Mama can you make me a brother,
And let him be a very good jurist.
It's for those, for whom the word is sacred,
It’s for those who have not yet became the finalist.
Mama can you make me a brother,
And let him be a jurisdiction minister.
For them, who are you anyway?
From far away for awhile
Black* 'Volga' is moving
And like a wolf will be howling.
The one, from whom to get the debt it's rolling.
The windows are smashed to smithereens all around.
The family photo from the shelf falling down.
No one understands clearly on what ground.
But they'll declare mourning in this settlement. (x 2)
This music is for the right hut, and rather,
It's for those who taken away by bailiff.
Mama can you make me a brother,
And let him be a very good jurist.
It's for those, for whom the word is sacred,
It’s for those who have not yet became the finalist.
Mama can you make me a brother,
And let him be a jurisdiction minister.

Coffee cup

I will not give them back, but
They will easily be ours tomorrow
But I'm not going to sell it
For your coffee cup
It's been standing there for a long time
It's been relaxing for a long time
It has long been waiting for a moment
Simple and leisurely, selfless and easy to get used to
There is nothing more, but
We have to go through
Those lonely, gray times
I would give all of this to see
You using this coffee cup
It's been standing there for a long time
It's been relaxing for a long time
It has long been waiting for a moment
Simple and leisurely, selfless and easy to get used to
It's been standing there for a long time
It's been relaxing for a long time
It has long been waiting for a moment
Simple and leisurely, selfless and easy to get used to
It's been standing there for a long time
It's been relaxing for a long time
It has long been waiting for a moment
Simple and leisurely, selfless and easy to get used to
You said 'keep it up!' So I did.

My Beloved, Whenever Love Blows

My beloved, whenever love blows and the nightingale warbles the melody of its passion
Ecstasy wraps me up and love weakens me like a butterfly unaware of what has happened
Create a dream for me, my darling, from the gleam of the dawn and the last line of darkness
Round me up from solitude of life like the waft rounded up the attar of the amaryllis
Oh time of love, is there a way back to where we were before, where the parterre was all flowers smiling
Grabbing the chance and the night sweetened with songs and we were the ones time was inviting
When we came in, (time) was staggering with its silky apparel in a malingering way
Then its eyes glistened with magic just like a new dayspring shines in a sunny day

We meet again

We meet again, days pass
Those we got are enough
Again complex nights wait for me
Waits waits again existence
An upright ascend, stars are crying along coasts
We console with waves, my mind can't accept
If I take you into my lonely dreams
My days are falling to yesterday without you
We meet again, deadly again
Glowing fires, fronts wait
Time blows its armor
It waits me to drill and pass
Jet black horses pulling my cart
Very yellow sunflower fields, lances are holing
Ocean is over, here

Saint Sabine's Song/Air from the Transept

We're singing, playing around...
Oh! We're having so much fun!
This world is so crazy...
Come and share it, if you want to witness it!
Come and share it, if you want to witness it!
Ai, la ra la la ai la la ai la...
Air! Air! Air, little girl!
Give me air, give me!
I want more!
Air! I'm suffocating! Air, little girl!
Give me air... Air!
I want more!
So many girls partying in the streets!
So many girls partying in the streets!
And I cannot get out of the house...
The don't want to help me!
The day fades away
(Youth fades away)
The night fades away
(Youth fades away)
Life fades away
(Youth fades away)
The breeze stops,
Youth fades away!
The years pass
(Youth fades away)
Customs change
(Youth fades away)
Our life's breath...
Time flies,
Youth disappears!
Let me go to the party!
Let me go...
Let me go to where it's being held!
Let me go to the party
For I want,
I want to breathe its air!
I want to see people sing and dance...
To show them want I learned in those parties held long ago!
I want to see people sing and dance...
To show them want I learned in those parties held long ago!
The day fades away
(Youth fades away)
The night fades away
(Youth fades away)
Life fades away
(Youth fades away)
The breeze stops,
Youth fades away!
The years pass
(Youth fades away)
Customs change
(Youth fades away)
Our life's breath...
Time flies,
Youth disappears!
Let me go to the party!
Let me go...
Let me go to where it's being held!
Let me go to the party
For I want,
I want to breathe its air!
I want to see people sing and dance...
To show them want I learned in those parties held long ago!
I want to see people sing and dance...
To show them want I learned in those parties held long ago!
So many girls partying in the streets!
So many girls partying in the streets!
And I cannot get out of the house...
The don't want to help me!
Air! Air! Air, little girl!
Give me air, give me!
I want more!
Air! I'm suffocating! Air, little girl!
Give me air... Air!
I want more!

I Beg You Bee Eater

I beg you oh bee-eater bird
You are journeying in their direction
Say hi to my loved ones for me
And tell me how they are and what happened
On the hills of the forgotten sun
On the leaf of the yellow sycamore
We fly and soar higher little by little
While the world becomes smaller
And with the fig orchards, October calls, my darling
So often with the silence of the turtle doves, I hear your voice call me
My night and my fear is that some night my family will wail
Secrets tire me and secrets sadden me, my darling

The Bus

Versions: #3
I'm used to your eyes
I've been lost and lonely because of them
Your eyes are black
And you don't know what they do to me
Upon the rumble of the bus that was carrying us from the village of Hamlaya to the village of Tannourine I remembered you, oh Aaliyah, and I remember your eyes
God damn your eyes are so pretty Aaliyah
We were riding the bus in this heat and dying of exhaustion
One guy's eating lettuce, another guy's eating figs
And there's another guy with his wife
Wow, his wife is so ugly
Lucky them, their minds are completely empty, the Tannourine passengers
They don't know your eyes, Aaliyah
They're so beautiful
We were riding the bus, riding without paying
Sometimes we shut up the door for the driver
Sometimes we shut up the passengers
That guy who's here with his wife, he's turning red and his wife is dizzy
I swear he'd let her get out by herself at Tannourine if he saw your eyes, oh Aaliyah
They're so beautiful

when he was bending

Versions: #2
when he was bending (this means he is dancing or doing something graceful)
My love, his beauty struck us
Something about it captivated us
beauty, as soon as he began to bend
My promise, oh my confusion, my promise, oh my confusion
Who could be the one to alleviate my sufferings in love, from my torment, except the one of beauty
Oh mercy, oh mercy, oh mercy


First verse:
Everything will go by and you will stay
And there are a million reasons for it.
Now I can't handle it alone,
I need you.
Our orbits connected,
We see a world that doesn't exist.
The thing that attracts me to you like a magnet
Is no more a secret for anyone.
I'm disarmed,
Because I need you so much.
I really need you,
I need you, I need you.
The legend is ruined.
I'm disarmed,
I need you so much.
I need you, I need you.
(I'm) disarmed,
I need you so much,
I need you, I need you.
(I'm) disarmed,
I need you so much,
I need you, I need you.
Second verse:
The heart is like brittle glass,
Save it, please.
No matter what will happen to us,
Don't run away from me.
Our orbits connected,
We see a world that doesn't exist.
The thing that attracts me to you like a magnet
Has long been no secret.
I'm disarmed,
Because I need you so much.
I really need you,
I need you, I need you.
The legend is ruined.
I'm disarmed,
I need you so much.
I need you, I need you.
(I'm) disarmed,
I need you so much,
I need you, I need you.
(I'm) disarmed,
I really need you,
Need you, need you.
I'm disarmed,
Because I really need you.
I need you so much,
I need you, I need you.
I'm disarmed.
I'm disarmed.
I'm disarmed,
Because I need you so much.
I really need you,
I need you, I need you.
(I'm) disarmed,
Because I need you so much.
I really need you,
Need you, need you.
I'm disarmed.

Your Oud is Resonant

Versions: #2
Your oud is resonant
Lemme here the sound of your oud
Play it again, keep playing it
Lemme here the oud
Play it loud again and again
Strum and keep strumming
Tell me this tune is for you
A true song and more beautiful than words
Play a tune that enters my heart
All these people have gathered around the sound of your strings
That string is sensitive, quit playing on the same string (what she is saying here is that he's really hit her soft spot with what he's playing, and the underlying meaning is that she's in love with him and she's really affected by what he's playing)
You've really moved me
Play it again and again
Strum and strum hard til you wake up everyone
Night is not for sleeping here it's for staying up late
You play so well, play for us

Tabor Goes Into the Sky

I don't fuckin' believe in people 'n fish,
Cuz people aren't close, 'n the fish aren't sincere.
It seemed that erasers r over in police stations,
To clean our fuckin' criminal cases.
It seemed we're in da box under gound, if no one've seen us,
Or we r each in our dandruff, clearly, peaceful.
Clealy in da world, changing shoes,
Kerya measured kilometer on da gelding,
'N in my dick, like in Boeing, has a lot of passengers.
Here they'll lose ur body alive and quickly,
Then tell us who's profit here.
If 5 in front of and 3 in behind - folded,
Simple arithmetic.
I saw, like many people r tagged as presidents
I saw the tabor goes into the sky.
'N souls of those who didn't become president r behind it.
'N legs's the first what'll taked out.
The most terrible thing 2 forget r folks, password 'n login,
'N as u don't try, Maisan,
No one'll bend u in doggy style.
If I have a couple fuckin' millions, if a couple fuckin' millions I have,
I would change them without lookin'. Oh, wait! Don't change.
Tabor goes into the sky,
I plundered even where I wasn't.
There was cleverier thoughts in ma head, guys,
But I'm so stupid that I'm fit 4 deputies.
Stop, removed from the fuse,
The guilty verdict on 105 aticle.
The pistol with muffler hid under the table
'N in general, visually, I'm suspicious.
The forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs r evil forces,
Tails, horns, hooves, pitchfork.
'N when the policeman's at home, the cattle r dying, the milk's sour.
'N we immediately, after the imprisonment, again,
Leave the blood on the ceramic tile.
Investigator'll raise an eyebrow in surprise,
That we managed 2 hide in an unknown direction.
Here those who even was on the Titanic'll say it's OK,
Those who'll add bass in Russian folk songs.
'N we don't save our time when we break watches.
This gangster university, guys,
Kaspiyskiy, guys, Gruz,
And our view in our point of view's correct,
The old pistol, the leg in the floor, the 63rd was measured.
Tibor from QS-FB

The Bees' Path

You and I often stood in the plain
On the blue sky's lines the bees's path was plain
Leaning on my front door I saw an early one
Supplying from the forest's flowers, back and forth she went
Sad and not so sad she went on buzzing
During noon's quiteness, she broke off the longing
If you're going to leave me baby and forget me baby
Always remember me and remember the bees' path
Over the shadows, the path of the bees that fly
Drawing circles and on air writing lines
Over the castles, way above the castles
Higher than mountain tops writing lines
If you're going to leave me baby and forget me baby
Always remember me and remember the bees' path


You look perfect just with your skin,
You do not need anything else
And that's how I like you, like that, natural.
Your whole body is a perfection,
Every corner, every inch
I love it, it gives me satisfaction.
Clothes on the floor
In the middle of the room.
We are playing with fire
And we like
The feeling.
Body to body,
Just you and me,
Like two crazy
That are enjoying and sweating,
Without restrictions
Making love.
I'm addicted to your body,
to each movement,
fanatic of your sex, do not pass the time if it's you and me.
Clothes on the floor
In the middle of the room.
We are playing with fire
And we like
The feeling.
Body to body,
Just you and me,
Like two crazy
That are enjoying and sweating,
Without restrictions
Making love.
You know how i love it
Having your body in my bed,
Dawn on your skin
I like it more than anything
Try to silence your scream,
it's my favorite game
Clothes on the floor
In the middle of the room.
We are playing with fire
And we like
The feeling.
Body to body,
Just you and me,
Like two crazy
That are enjoying and sweating,
Without restrictions
Making love.