Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 83


Separation by a Cedar

Versions: #1
I cried, I cried
I couldn't hold back the tears for parting with my girlfriend.
Even jays in the mountain cried with me.
At the foot of a cedar beside the stone statue of jizo
On the outskirts of the village
Far, far away
The sky of that day is so far away in my mind
“When you arrive at Tokyo, be sure to write to me” she said.
The tears ran down her reddish cheeks like an apple.
I called, I called
I called softly in the moonlight
My girlfriend who is waiting patiently for my return
Without getting married
How old is she?
She must be well over twenty years old.

The time is now, inside you.

In a city where your shadow is becoming small and disappearing.
I wonder if I can meet you never again.
Timidity grows in my mind. Why is this?
In the rain passing by, it's the season to weave dreams.
I will call your name.
I must make certain I have this feeling right now.
The time is now. Inside you.
The time is now. Inside you.
All memories till yesterday are
guideposts to meet you.
The time is now. Inside you.
The day you cut your hair and go on a journey with me.
When I turn around, in the dusk,
Our shadow is merged into one.
Toward the unseen tomorrow, we will align the map of our mind.
Your smile on my heart,
I will never let it go.
The time is now. Inside you.
The time is now. Inside you.
All memories till yesterday are
guideposts to meet you.
The time is now. Inside you.
The time is now. Inside you.
The time is now. Inside you.

I want to see you

I really hate having my hand held.
I also hate to be left alone
I hate it, I even think it's tiredsome.
I hate having the smell of an adult.
I also hate my fingernails growing.
A person like me isn't qualified to love someone.
I want to see you
No one else but you
has come directly to my heart with a kiss.
I want to see you
If a day come when you were gone
I'd want my heart to freeze over completely.
I hate kissing, I hate the moment you touch my body
I really hate my genitals
since it seems as if they will stain you with blood.
I really hate the spider that sits still like me
I also don't like
the noisy insects
Hey, why is the world so cruel?
I want to see you.
I've never lost myself in feelings like this
for anyone but you
I want to see you.
That's why I want you alone to know
the same sadness and pain as me.
I want to see you.
No one else but you
has come directly to my heart with a kiss.
I want to see you.
If a day come when you were gone
I'd want my heart to freeze over completely.

Agust d

Új személynek hívnak,
itt van néhány anyag az új újonctól, ezért szerezd meg őket.
Az egész világon koncertezünk,
gyakran repülünk Ázsiától Ázsiáig
Lehetnél az új ügyem,
nem,mint azok a lusta hyungok.
Lázad egy híres ember, de
a fenébe, csak is az erősek szórakozhatnak velem.
Néhányan azt mondják, hogy
túl könnyedén csináltam meg.
Baszd meg!
Én vagyok a fájdalom a seggedben,
Jó messze a cukortól.
Hogy őszinte legyek,
a Ssaihanuwol most már kínos,de
fél milliót eladok egy évben.
Ez a K-pop műfaj nem elég nagy nekem
Ha gyorsabban akarsz haladni,
akkor foglaj helyet az első órára.
Az én helyem a üzletben van,
a tiéd a gazdaságban,ami mindig mögöttem van,
szóval csókóld meg a seggemet.
A következő állomás a Billboard!
Braziliától New Yorkig, hamarosan el égetem az útlevelemet.
A-tól a G-ig az U-ig és az STD-ig
Egy d-boy vagyok, mert D-ből származom
Egy szörnyszülött elmebeteg vagyok, ha az ütemről van szó.
Én rappelek és mindannyian begerjedtek a nyelvtechnikámtól.
A-tól a G-ig az U-ig és az STD-ig 3x
Mindannyian begerjedtek a nyelvtechnikámtól.
Levadászom azokat, akik utánozzák az utánzókat,
földhöz szorítom őket,
Nem számít, hogy ki a fenék is ők.
Lehet csavargó vagy bolond ember,
de kefélek és én írom a történelmet ezen a Földön.
A rapperek engem ütnek, de
mindig el érem, hogy beszopják.
Jól nézek ki, ezért,
A hyungoknak már elegük van belőlem.
Féltékeny, nyüszítve adják ki ezeket a hangokat.
Kurvára le sem szarom, amikor itt faszoskodsz velem.
Te csak szimplán magadnak ásod meg a sírt, hogy élve eltemesd magad.
Nem tudsz le törni.
Az összes sült reppernek hálásnak kellene lennie,
Amiért én egy idol vagyok,
Mert mindig el foglalt vagyok,
Nincs szükségem szünetre.
Menj és szórakozz a későn érkezőkkel
Féltékenyek és gyerekesek vagytok,
Kiabáltok, pedig szart sem tudtok.
Párizstól New York, fenébe,
Nincs üres helyem a naptáramban.
A-tól a G-ig az U-ig és az STD-ig
Egy d-boy vagyok, mert D-ből származom.
Egy szörnyszülött elmebeteg vagyok, ha az ütemről van szó.
Én rappelek és mindannyian begerjedtek a nyelvtechnikámtól.
A-tól a G-ig az U-ig és az STD-ig 3x
Mindannyian begerjedtek a nyelvtechnikámtól.
Sajnálom, de úgy értettem, hogy én vagyok az
Én vagyok az, aki elvette előled a szart, haver.
Sajnálom, nyugodtan bosszuld meg
Csak a jó egészséged van most neked,
Anyukád szomorú lesz, ha azt is elveszíted.
Sajnálom, de változtasd meg a hivatásod
Az ahogy elbaszod a dolgokat, kap néhágy minősítést, haver.
Sajnálom, de úgy értettem, hogy én vagyok az
A rapped nem olyan jó, mint én vagyok.
A-tól a G-ig az U-ig és az STD-ig
Egy d-boy vagyok, mert D-ből származom.
Egy szörnyszülött elmebeteg vagyok, ha az ütemről van szó.
Én rappelek és mindannyian begerjedtek a nyelvtechnikámtól.

Tony Montana

Versions: #1
Hey gentleman
Wait a minute
You pray for my failure
Sorry I have no problem shit
Mo money mo problem shit
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
Success and happiness look alike but they’re different
But I want a bigger success
More wealth and bigger honor
I want money to chase me, I don’t want to be the monster wanting only money
I pray
I tell myself I won’t hope for other’s failure
My family and fan, and my team are my top priorities
That’s right, let’s earn money My grand ambition is quite high
The world is yours Now the entire world is god damn in my hand
Hey gentleman
Wait a minute
You pray for my failure
Sorry I have no problem shit
Mo money mo problem shit
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
Bigger dream hope Korean Dream
It might seem easy one two three ain’t no
Stone, paper, scissors-drilling formula
If you run into you gone bleed by my feet
You invest morphine This is my
block oh taking away your revenue Andreas
Superciliously swinging the bat 4 5
6 7 8 9 cream
Get the money uh on my mind
After a scene liquor shot (let’s fly)
Like a butterfly get high look above your head
I’m passing above you ass****
Fuck it you’ve lost your mind
Your in the groggy state
Just growing older, you’re the moth of hip hop
Hey, whatever you do hey, hey
Hey, what do you know, huh? no
Your “cut me some slack” whines, bla bla
Yeah fuck the system I say good bye bye
I shatter the bottom to the top
Yeah fuck your belief I say oh die die
Hey gentleman
Wait a minute
You pray for my failure
Sorry I have no problem shit
Mo money mo problem shit
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana
I know, feel like ha Tony Montana

140503 At Dawn

After leaving my home that was seperated from the world
From the perspective of a 19-year-old who didn't want to be emotionally drained
The trainee life
seemed almost perfect
But thanks to the sociophobia I'd formed
My human relationships were zero
I always prepared two masks
Defensive image, hide it behind my back
and go while
hiding myself thoroughly
As if I'd become a criminal, I just
couldn't take a step outside of
the jaillike dorm
We grow apart
Whether it's the friends, family or whoever is surrounding me
They can't stay and now they're passing me by
I'm still missing my arrows on the target of human relationships
Pretending I'm not lonely, pretending I'm not in pain
Pretending I'm okay in vain,
Pretending so hard that I'm strong in vain
Don't come through the wall I put down in front of me while I'm pretending
Don't leave me on this island in the spread-out sea¹

Nem Tudom Megállni (Édes Mézeskalácsom)

Édes mézeskalácsom
Tudod hogy szeretlek
Nem tudom megállni
Téged és nem mást szeretlek
Az életembe be és kilépsz
Jössz aztán mész
Csupán a képed hagyod hátra
És ezerszer csókolgattam
Amikor ujjaddal csettintesz
Vagy szemeddel kacsintol
Én futva megyek hozzád
A kötényed madzagához vagyok kötve
És nem tudok mit kezdeni
Nem tudom megállni, nem tudom megállni, gyere
Édes mézeskalácsom
Gyengébb vagyok mint egy férfinek kéne
Nem tudom megállni
Nézd, a szerelemben megkergülök
El akarom mondani nem szeretlek
Elmondani már túl vagyunk
És próbálkoztam
De akárhányszor látom arcod
Elszorul a szavam
Mikor neveden hívlak
Lányka, az feltüzel
(Szívemet a láng
teljesen szétmardossa)
Mindegy mennyire próbálom
Szerelmem palástolni nem tudom
Édes mézeskalácsom
Tudod hogy miattad elgyengülök
Nem tudom megállni
Téged és nem mást szeretlek
Édes mézeskalácsom
Bármit kérsz érted megteszem
Nem tudom megállni
Te és nem más kell nekem
Édes mézeskalácsom
Tudod hogy szeretlek
Nem tudom megállni
Nem tudom megállni
Édes mézeskalácsom
[fokozatos elhallkulás]


Because of you
All the messy things
I'll leave as they are
Don't tidy up, baby
Even though they're unpleasant
I want them by my side
Your gaze
That I wore
And all the borrowed words
They're here
They're here still
In truth...
The sweetness of only sugar
I was poisoned by sugar
But I won't say
It was your fault, sugar


So sensual, the way you move
A sultry look, makes me shy
Who are you, just tell me
I want to know everything about you
Come closer, much closer
I'd love to go out with you
Let's dance to the Macarena
Don't be afraid, follow my lead
Let loose to the Macarena
Hey, Macarena
Let's dance to the Macarena
Don't be afraid, follow my lead
Let loose to the Macarena
Hey, Macarena
I get a warm feeling on the inside
I'd really love to love you
Who are you, just tell me
I want to know everything about you
Come closer, much closer
I'd love to go out with you
Let's dance to the Macarena
Don't be afraid, follow my lead
Let loose to the Macarena
Hey, Macarena
Let's dance to the Macarena
Don't be afraid, follow my lead
Let loose to the Macarena
Hey, Macarena
Let's dance to the Macarena
Don't be afraid, follow my lead
Let loose to the Macarena
Hey, Macarena
Let's dance to the Macarena
Don't be afraid, follow my lead
Let loose to the Macarena
Hey, Macarena
Such a cutie, it's unbelievable
I want to promise you my heart
Who are you, just tell me
I want to know everything about you
Come closer, much closer
I'd love to go out with you
Let's dance to the Macarena
Don't be afraid, follow my lead
Let loose to the Macarena
Hey, Macarena
Let's dance to the Macarena
Don't be afraid, follow my lead
Let loose to the Macarena
Hey, Macarena

Elegant Girl

Hey do you know?
Hey do you know?
The worries of a beautiful girl?
Hey, if you want it,
Hey, you can have it, but
That beautiful girl can’t be radiant without it
One cannot cry in the presence of others,
That’s just how it is
If being beautiful is a 'sin'
I'll even accept any punishment
Dance elegantly,
Girls have wings of their heart
You're royal, however,
Those wings are incredibly fragile,
So be gentle
Yes, The fact that the scenery
Yes, is becoming hazy
Is the fault of the beautiful girl, isn’t it?
Yes, there are answers
Yes, that beautiful people know
That supposedly only beautiful people know
I don't laugh or make silly faces,
I've been like this for some time now
I wish I could let you see the beauty
While I sing and hum in the shower
Dance elegantly,
Through the stars of the night sky
Royal feelings,
I have a feeling that I’ll meet someone
Ah, things are heating up, aren't they?
Dance elegantly,
Through the stars of the night sky
Royal feelings,
I have a feeling that I’ll meet someone
Ah, things are heating up, aren't they?

Egyedül inni

[Verse 1]
Ma közvetlenül munka után hazamegyek
Ideje teljesen szembenézni magammal, amikor belépek a szobába
Egy szobába ami teljesen csendes
Végzek a zuhanyzással és alkohollal oldok meg mindent
Talán a nap vége, amire nem nagyon emlékszek, csak alkoholból áll
Valahogy sikerült kezelni a magányos napomat, uh
A fejtörés rendszeressége, um, heti három vagy négy, uh
Épp eleget ettem, majd aludtam, habár képtelen vagyok aludni
Majd aggódok holnap a holnap dolgain, bazdmeg, most nem érdekel
Most úgy érzem, mintha repülnék
Most úgy érzem, mintha repülnék
[Verse 2]
Végül nem eszek többet, mert úgy érzem, hogy hányni fogok, ha még valamit magamba tömök
Lassan berúgok, szóval legyünk őszinték az életemről
Oh igen, pénz, becsület, jólét
A trófeák és a stadionok
Időnként félek ezektől
Néha csak el akarok menekülni, uh
Az emberek azt hiszik, hogyha szupersztárokká válnak, minden napjuk bulizással telik majd
Az elképzelés keményen üt a valóság fejére
Nos, nem igazán számít
A holnap eljön, majd újra elmegy
Te és én
Együtt megcsináltuk a nap folyamán
De igazából csak még egy napot szenvedtünk el
Most úgy érzem, mintha repülnék
Most úgy érzem, mintha repülnék

Interlude: Set me free

Set me free, yeah, even if I know it won't turn out as I wanted, mm
Set me free, yeah, even if I know this is not what I want, mm
Set me free I'm floating in the air freely
Set me free I don't know why, but these days I'm feeling blue
Some days it's rock bottom
Other days I'm flying in the sky
Why why
Set me free, yeah, even if I know it won't turn out as I wanted, mm
Set me free, yeah, even if I know this is not what I want, oh no no no
Set me free, yeah
Set me free, yeah
Set me free, yeah
Set me free, yeah
Set me free

Burn It

Versions: #1
I see the ashes falling out your window
There's someone in the mirror that you don't know
And everything was all wrong
So burn it till it's all gone
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
The sound inside me
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
I want it want it want it woah
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
The sound inside me
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
I want it want it want it woah
Let's go back to the past days
The time that destroyed me
Envy, hatred or maybe complex
A life that is caught by resentment
After I tasted success,
What is different than before
Well, not much has changed
Let's burn the past me
From the top to the very bottom it will burn
Light it, light the fire, well in the end, what will be left
I don't know I don't know after everything burns
Only ashes might remain or would it be the same
I see the ashes falling out your window
There's someone in the mirror that you don't know
And everything was all wrong
So burn it till it's all gone
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
The sound inside me
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
I want it want it want it woah
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
The sound inside me
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
I want it want it want it woah
Burn it burn it yeah burn it burn it
I face you, in your deepest parts
Something you don't want to show, or hatred, abhorrence, even anger
How unbelievable are those too
Maybe they are really mirage
Maybe it's true, with those as causes of blame
We are maybe forced to have passion
I hope you don't misuse 'back to the basics' Don't be afraid
Light a fire, Light a fire
Whatever it turns out to be, light a fire
You of the past, you of the future
I don't care what it is, yes you, light a fire
Whether you become a burning sun
Or ashes that remain
Your choice and decision is always yours
Boldly giving up is also a kind of bravery, don't forget
I see the ashes falling out your window
There's someone in the mirror that you don't know
And everything was all wrong
So burn it till it's all gone
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
The sound inside me
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
I want it want it want it woah
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
The sound inside me
Yeah yeah yeah burn it
I want it want it want it woah


yeah yeah, breeze
People passing by
People who sink in
What kind of person am I
Am I a good person?
Or a bad one?
Everyone has their own ratings
I'm just a person too
Everyone would live their own lives
Everyone would love
Everyone would hope
Be forgotten
People change, like I did
Nothing stays the same in life
Everything is an event that passes eventually
mm, Why so serious?
Why so serious? Why so serious?
mm, I'm so serious?
I'm so serious? I'm so, I'm so
Who cares
Who cares if it just passes by
Who cares
Who cares if we get hurt
Sometime it might hurt
Sometimes we might cry out of our sadness
Who cares
Who cares if we live that way
Flow the way water flows
Maybe at the end something will be there
Extraordinary live, ordinary life, every life has its own way
Good is just good, you know
Good is just good
Nothing happens the way you want it to
Everyone handles discomfort
Repetition of dramatic situations sometimes make life tiring
People are like that
We want if we don't have, we don't want if we have
Who says people are animals with wisdom
It's definitely animals of regret to me
People change, like you did
Nothing stays the same in life
Everything is an event that passes eventually
Your ordinary is my extraordinary
Your extraordinary is my ordinary
Your ordinary is my extraordinary
Your extraordinary is my ordinary
Who cares
Who cares if it just passes by
Who cares
Who cares if we get hurt
Sometime it might hurt
Sometimes we might cry out of our sadness
Who cares
Who cares if we live that way

Közjáték: Szabadíts fel

Szabadíts fel, igen, még akkor is, ha tudom, hogy ez nem úgy fog kiderülni, ahogy akartam, um...
Szabadíts fel, igen, még akkor is, ha tudom, ez nem az amire vágyom, oh nem, nem, nem
Szabadíts fel, a levegőben sodródom szabadon
Szabadíts fel, nem tudom miért, de mostanában szomorúnak érzem magam
Egyik nap mélyponton vagyok
Másik nap már a fellegekben repülök
Miért, miért?
Szabadíts fel, igen, még akkor is, ha tudom, hogy ez nem úgy fog kiderülni, ahogy akartam, um...
Szabadíts fel, igen, még akkor is, ha tudom, ez nem az amire vágyom, oh nem, nem, nem
Szabadíts fel, yeah
Szabadíts fel, yeah
Szabadíts fel, yeah
Szabadíts fel, yeah
Szabadíts fel

Mit gondolsz? (Mit gondolsz?)

Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
Tök mindegy mit gondolsz, bocsi, de kibaszottul leszarom
[Verse 1]
Bocsi, de kurvára nem érdekel, hogy középszerűen éled az életedet
Az sem, hogy becsavarodtál és nem tudod elhagyni ezt a szart
Gondold azt, hogy a sikerem az oka a te kudarcodnak
A tévedésed kiváló, bazdmeg
A humorérzéked is-is
Az, hogy szar vagy, az a te hibád, nem?
******* hallgatták ezt a zenét, nos, kidőltek mert pokoli részegek voltak
Nem állok meg, újra előre haladok, az egész világon ott vagyok, repülök, huh
Nem zavarlak a felvágással, de privát repülőn utazok, huh
Mindent elveszünk egyesével, csak úgy, ahogy eddig is csináltuk
Nem érdekel az a *rizsmag ami egyszer rám ragadt
Szóval úgy, ahogy elhagytad magad, mindenki egyként, menjetek és basszátok meg magatokat, huh
Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
1. a Billboard-on, mit gondolsz?
A következő a Grammy lesz, mit gondolsz?
Tök mindegy mit gondolsz, bocsi, de kibaszottul leszarom
Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
Tök mindegy mit gondolsz, bocsi, de kibaszottul leszarom
[Verse 2]
A tíz nulla a bankszámlámom az a pénz, amit a fiatálságom mutat zálogként
Van egy nagy házam, nagy kocsim, nagy gyűrűm, bármit hozhatsz, inkább majd odaadom a fekete kártyámat
Azok a seggfejek, akik kiváltságosak voltak a médiának, több műsorba kerülnek be mint én
Azok a semmirekellők akik felvágnak a pénzükkel, érdekel, hogy mennyit értek el igazából
Woo, woo, igen, azok akik mutogatják a pénzüket most egészen aranyosak
Woo, woo, a pénzmegosztás csak a te szinteden pazarlás
Woo, woo, egyedül fogunk bevonulni amikor itt lesz az ideje
Remélem, azok a seggfejek, akik a nevünk eladásával próbáltak híressé válni, be fognak kussolni
Nem tudom, nem tudom, nem tudom, nem tudom
Ezen a ponton már nem is szükséges tudnom
Kurvára nem érdekelnek azok, akik azt mondják, az *idol zenék nem zenék
Ez lesz az utolsó ajándékom, de srácok nektek még ez is luxus
Magasabbra, magasabbra, még magasabbra, addig, hogy már fel se tudsz nézni uh
Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
1. a Billboard-on, mit gondolsz?
A következő a Grammy lesz, mit gondolsz?
Tök mindegy mit gondolsz, bocsi, de kibaszottul leszarom
Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
Mit gondolsz? Mit gondolsz?
Tök mindegy mit gondolsz, bocsi, de kibaszottul leszarom

I think I'm gradually becoming an adult (28)

The older I get
The more I understand the world
But still, was not knowing the world better for me?
Looking out at the night view that’s
Completely different to the inside of my room with the lights turned off
The words I murmur quietly
I guess I’m slowly becoming an adult
I can’t remember
What it was that
I wanted I’m scared now
Where did the fragments of my dream go?
I’m breathing but
It feels like my heart isn’t working
Yeah, now, you see, to become an adult Is to become an adult
Who finds it too hard to hold on to a dream
Thought it would change once I turned twenty
Thought it would change once I graduated
Shit, if I turn thirty like this, this
Okay, so how did I change?
Sometimes, all of a sudden, without reason, tears fall
The life that I hoped for, the life I wanted, that kind of average life
Whatever happens, I don’t care anymore
Just one day without any concerns
Just one day without any worries
To live, to live, to live
I guess I’m slowly becoming an adult
I can’t remember
What it was that I wanted
I’m scared now
Where did the fragments of my dream go?
I’m breathing but
My heart feels like it’s not working
Yeah, now, you see, to become an adult
Is to become an adult who finds it too hard to hold on to a dream


Yeah, yeah
Okay, okay, okay, okay
Three years have passed
Agust D
Honestly, I don’t know how many songs to put in
Fuck, I’m just doing it
The beginning was small, Daegu, yeah, from a basement in Namsandong
To a penthouse in Hannam the Hill now, ha
The Peter Pan who still cannot wake up from his dream
In my head, the reality fights with the ideal tirelessly
My biggest enemy is the anger inside me
The more dreadful is the battle with the laziness inside me
Sometimes I resent God, asking why he made me live a life like this
What I’m doing, and if I love music at all
Sometimes I ask myself again, ‘if it’s possible to go back
Will you go back?’ Well, I’ll have to think more about that
One moment I feel like I’ve easily earned what I have
And the next moment I’m compensated for the fucking hard works I’ve done
But I’m still hungry, would this be karma?
The emptiness that I feel after flying fucking high
Although it’s been more than 10 years since I started in Namsandong
It’s the same that my head is a mess, fuck that
That moonlight that shines on me at dawn
It’s still the same as then
A lot changed in my life, but
That moonlight is still the same
That moonlight that shines on me at dawn
It’s still the same as then
Changes are fated to happen to everyone
Perhaps, how we change is what our undertaking is about
Sometimes I feel like I’m a genius
Sometimes I feel like I have no talent
Sometimes songs write themselves like crazy, but then
When I’m stuck, I’m stuck like there’s no way out, yeah, right now
I wrote Verse 1 fucking fast
But can’t make Verse 2 no matter how hard I rack my brain
It probably would be the same for life, all or nothing
There’s no parallel anyway, it’s a matter of choice
There would be no eternity for anything
Being called immortal is fucking overwhelming
I started just because I liked music
But the adjectives they attach to my name feel too much sometimes
What can I do, I should just keep running
What can I do, I should just keep hold of things that I’m grasping
What can I do, I should just pay back what I’ve received
If you think you’re gonna crash, accelerate even harder, you idiot
That moonlight that shines on me at dawn
It’s still the same as then
A lot changed in my life, but
That moonlight is still the same
That moonlight that shines on me at dawn
It’s still the same as then
Changes are fated to happen to everyone
Perhaps, how we change is what our undertaking is about


[Intro: Agust D]
Everything in dust
Do you see?
Well, well, well
Everything in lust
Oh, what do you see?
Well, well, well
Someone tell me whether life is pain
Well, well
If there is a God, tell me whether life is happiness
[Verse 1: Agust D]
The world is a giant system
In it, either opposition, war, or survival is inserted
Life that we can't refuse
With dreams as its collateral, the capitalism injects the morphine called 'hope'
Wealth breeds wealth and tests greed
The rich longs even for poverty
In the world there's only black and white, those two
In an endless zero-sum game, the very end is worth seeing
Polarization is the ugliest flower in the world
It's been long since the truth's been eaten away by the lies
Who benefits the most?
Just who suffers damage the most?
[Pre-Chorus: Agust D]
In a sick world, a person that is well
Isn't it strange how they are treated as a mutant
In a world with its eyes closed, a person with theirs open
Isn't it strange how now they are made blind
Someone who wishes for peace, someone who wishes for war
Isn't it strange how they are each at the end of their ideologies
They tell you to have dreams, though no one has it
There are no answers, isn't it strange
[Chorus: Agust D]
Everything in dust
Do you see?
Well, well, well
Everything in lust
Oh, what do you see?
Well, well, well
Someone tell me whether life is pain
Well, well
If there is a God, tell me whether life is happiness
[Verse 2: RM]
You think you got taste?
Oh babe, how do you know?
I mean for God's sake
Everything's under control
The choices you’ve been given
Are all preferences controlled by the capital
People talk
'My feed explains me'
No matter how much money is in your grasp
Everyone's a slave to this system
The dog necklace and dog house you are so busy bragging about
All day, fighting over whose glimmer more
Now even you won't know
Oh baby, what's your name?
Polarization, the flower that's already bloomed
A round nail that has been hammered into a square hole
Even so, I roll on, however so, like this
In each of their chicken coops, everyone claims they are fine
In a sick world, a person that is well
I don't think it's strange that he is treated a mutant
In a world with its eyes closed, a person with theirs open
I think it's more strange that only they have theirs open
Someone who wishes for peace, someone who wishes for war
The wordplay that changes as easy as the flipping of a palm
It’s the kind of world where a dream has become an option, but
There’s no answer, that’s the answer
[Chorus: Agust D]
Everything in dust
Do you see?
Well, well, well
Everything in lust
Oh, what do you see?
Well, well, well
Someone tell me whether life is pain
Well, well
If there is a God, tell me whether life is happiness


Today as well, done with the day’s work
I return home right away
When I go in my room
It’s time to fully face me
The room full of silence
After I’m done showering
I detoxify with a drink
Maybe a drink’s the way to end a day that I can’t quite remember
An exhausting day, I somehow pushed through
A head-splitting schedule, hmm this is the third or fourth in a week, uh
Let’s drink just enough then go to bed, well it’s not like I can sleep anyway
I’ll just worry about tomorrow’s stuff when tomorrow comes, fuck I don’t care
Now I’m feelin’ like I’m flyin’
Now I’m feelin’ like I’m flyin’
I end up not having any snacks, since I feel like I’ll throw up if I put something inside me
Since the alcohol’s kicking in, let’s get honest about my life
Oh yeah money, reputation, wealth
Trophies and stadiums too It’s scary sometimes
And it makes me want to run away from it all, hm
Thought that I’d live life partying everyday if I became a superstar
Expectations freely hitting reality on the back of the head It doesn’t matter, anyway, well
Tomorrow comes again, it gets dark
Whether it’s this kind of me or that kind of me
I’ll hang in there another day
Now I’m feelin’ like I’m flyin’
Now I’m feelin’ like I’m flyin'