Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 65


nem írok neked

azt mondják, a férfiak bosszút állnak,
a nők pedig továbbállnak,
higgy nekem, próbáltam mindkettőt, de nem bírom nélküled!
szösszé és porrá zúzol úgy, hogy nem tudom összeszedni magam!
nem írok neked, feküdj le, ne is várj!
kettőkor magadnál akarsz, nemet mondok!
háromkor büszke vagyok, mégha fáj is!
ötkor sírok, iszom, összetörök -
egy nap, két, há' kijózanodás nélkül!
kettőkor rám gondolt - nemet mondtam!
szia - látod, hogy elutasítottalak?
ötkor sírok, iszom, megőrülök!
megint hiányzol!
szerelem-e mindez, vagy makacsság? azt akarod, amid nincsen!
ezt, ami megsemmisít téged, az a diagnózis, hogy megőrült!
szösszé és porrá zúzol úgy, hogy nem tudom összeszedni magam!
nem írok neked, feküdj le, ne is várj!
ref. 2x
kettőkor magadnál akarsz, nemet mondok!
háromkor büszke vagyok, mégha fáj is!
ötkor sírok, iszom, összetörök -
egy nap, két, há' kijózanodás nélkül!
kettőkor rám gondolt - nemet mondtam!
szia - látod, hogy elutasítottalak?
ötkor sírok, iszom, megőrülök!
megint hiányzol!

After 1000 women

Versions: #1
You hit, hit my heart
and with you and the pain, I got used to [it]~
[for you]~ To be mine, to be mine after 1000 women
you don't know how much I am used to it.
And in the eyes do you see the tears
of the women always after you?
[to you]~ I return them, grab your lies
I return to you the days with you (with you).
The alcohol doesn't help anymore
I tried with many doubles to drown you*
You come and open my soul
I have no air, I now curse you without a voice
You call late, first you scream
then you're silent, are you crazy?
At three you're drunk, deadly alone.
After me did you cry an ocean?
You hit, hit my heart
and with you and the pain, I got used to [it]~
[for you]~ To be mine, to be mine after 1000 women
you don't know how much I am used to it.
And in the eyes do you see the tears
of the women always after you?
[to you]~ I return them, grab your lies
I return to you the days with you (with you).
Squeeze hard, spray my heart
I hate how much I'm yours, be damned
These tears fall on the face
like how I fell* on your feet and [me]~ on you
You call late, first you scream
then you're silent, are you crazy?
At three you're drunk, deadly alone.
After me did you cry an ocean?
You hit, hit my heart
and with you and the pain, I got used to [it]~
[for you]~ To be mine, to be mine after 1000 women
you don't know how much I am used to it.
And in the eyes do you see the tears
of the women always after you?
[to you]~ I return them, grab your lies
I return to you the days with you (with you).
And in the eyes do you see the tears
of the women always after you?
[to you]~ I return them, grab your lies
I return to you the days with you (with you).

In John's Garden

In John's garden (biss)
all the birds are sleeping. (biss)
All but one is sleeping, (biss)
she's flying from one fruit tree to another. (biss)
All but one is sleeping, (biss)
she's crying the entire night 'John!'. (biss)
John this, John that, (biss)
there's no one else more beautiful than John. (biss)
There's no John, there's nothing there, (biss)
John is out chasing women. (biss)


It is not that simple
You need to save money, you need to think it over
You can't just take off like that
Camry 3.5 is driving to fight
Is driving from the backyard
Is driving to shoot
Camry 3.5 is driving to fight
Is driving from the backyard
Is driving to argue
Camry 3.5 is driving to fight
Is driving from the backyard
Is driving to shoot
Camry 3.5 is driving to fight
Is driving from the backyard
Is driving to argue

I'm so tired

[Verse 1]
Let's go
I'm so tired of pretending (Yeah)
Yes, you have nothing to say.
Stop smiling (Yeah)
No longer hungry (Bruh)
I'm still human (Ha-a)
I'm still human (Ha-a)
[Verse 2]
I'm in a big cage,
Where the cage is Moscow
And cheese is money.
I'm still human (Ha-a)
Believe it or not
I'm still human (Ha-a)

My Russia

Rivers, seas, oceans, forests and fields,
The mountains are mighty, the snows and winds are dashing.
This is boundless, this is the native land!
This is our land and our Paradise,
This Is Russia!
Love and glory, heaven's reach,
Double-headed eagle and tricolor.
The great life in the winds of the elements is the
Messiah's step.
On the best of all planets
The people are mighty and the President!
My Homeland! My Russia! My soul!
Women, children growing up, endless
fields, strong men's hands,
Bread and snowdrops, ever-boiling life-
This is our land and our Paradise,
This Is Russia!


And you're counting money in my wallet
And you love only money, not really me
And I see how you're looking at these people
Who have their own yacht, car, pool
But me? What about me? What about me?
Once again I take a shot, once again I say goodbye
We can't get along — I've an empty pocket
Once again I take a shot, once again I say goodbye
We will never be together, together, together
Listen I'll give everything what you want
Listen and maybe even more
Value, you may ask any value
I think you love me
I I I-I (I-I) I understood everything long ago (uh-huh)
I'm not needed, only money, cars, swill
If I get money, I'll promise you'll be back
And I'll fall, I'll fall in love in you in a new way
Once again I take a shot, once again I say goodbye
We can't get along — I've an empty pocket
Once again I take a shot, once again I say goodbye
We will never be together, together, together

Black snow

Versions: #1
Your eyes have never been so cold
You pierce my heart with the cold look in your eyes
You don't say anything, you don't want anything
The silence is causing me pain
Loneliness is here
Tell me 'I love you', call my name
Warm me1 with that fire of yours again
Tell me that there is no other woman, tell me that I'm crazy
And that the black snow is only in my thoughts
Your hands have never been so cold
The ice inside you have reached your heart
You don't feel anything, you don't give anything
And I'm growing cold without your love
While another woman is in your dream
Tell me 'I love you', call my name
Warm me with that fire of yours again
Tell me that there is no other woman, tell me that I'm crazy
And that the black snow is only in my thoughts
Tell me 'I love you'
Warm me for a second at least
And then leave me
Go, forget about me
  • 1. Literal translation 'set me on fire'

Glory to great Stalin!

The leader's name, both in battle and in labour,
We carry like a guards banner,
It inspires the youth everywhere,
Like the sun, it shines over us.
Our wise teacher! Our leader and father!
We swear by the happiness of our life,
We swear by all the blood of our hot hearts
To unreservedly serve the Motherland!
To always be true to our party is
Our duty and sacred right.
To him, of whose trust the youth is proud, —
To great Stalin, glory!
Like the hymn of a son's unreserved love,
Resound, words of our oath!
Live long years to make us happy,
Our beloved leader and teacher!
Long live our heroic people,
Long live our nation!
To him, who leads the country to communism, —
To great Stalin, glory!
Lenin gathered us under the red banner,
And our destiny is lofty.
To him, who brought up the youth in battle, —
To great Stalin, glory!
To great Stalin, glory!
Glory to great Stalin, glory!

Poor in the heart

Take a good look at me
you are mistaking me with some of your women.
The ones you pay to spend the nights with
and you destroy mine.
I'm not like the others
for you to throw some change at me.
I will just piss you off
you have no idea how I'll get back at you.
Take a look at where you ended up - at the bottom
and what kind of women I'm catching you with.
They will take good care of you
I'm sending them my regards.
From today I'm wishing you
only, only the best.
The same trash as you to be next to you
and to shorten your life.
The city is on fire, who are you with
and I'm putting it out with tears.
To break my heart again,
no, I don't deserve this.
Spend your millions,
may your arrogance reach the sky.
But once again you will be from the poor ones
here - in the heart.
You are grandiosity, all of you,
ego up to the sky.
First at competing with money,
but poor in the heart.
I'm not like the others
for you to throw some change at me.
I will send you to hell, listen to me
and I will turn your life around.
Take a look at where you ended up - at the bottom
and what kind of women I'm catching you with.
They will take good care of you
I'm sending them my regards.
From today I'm wishing you
only, only the best.
The same trash as you to be next to you
and to shorten your life.
The city is on fire, who are you with
and I'm putting it out with tears.
To break my heart again,
no, I don't deserve this.
Spend your millions,
may your arrogance reach the sky.
But once again you will be from the poor ones
here - in the heart.


On the kolhoz fields, have stood up in squares,
slender birch trees — soldiers of the Motherland.
Wide fields, green forests.
Stripes of forests are defenses of the Motherland.
Ash, beech, hornbeam and willow–dear willow.1
Lovely Russian land, you will become even more beautiful.
The field doesn't fear a thunderstorm sky.
There will be plenty of bread, there will be heaps of bread.
Our Russian land, our glorious land,
stripes of forests — defenses of the Motherland.
On the kolhoz fields are forest stripes.
Wide fields, green forests.
Stripes of forests are defenses of the Motherland.
There is no force in the world that could break us.
The wind retreats before our strength.
Our maples and birches,
stripes of forests are defenses of the Motherland.
Wide fields, green forests,
stripes of forests — our Russian land!
Glory to the commanders of the fight for nature,
glory to the brigadier, glory to the tiller,
glory to the agronom, glory to the gardener.
Glory to our party!
And glory to the entire people,
glory, glory, glory!
The dawn of communism rises!
Truth is with us, and happiness is ours.
If only Lenin could see
our sacred Motherland now!
An inspiring genius leads
unyielding and faithful sons.
Our teacher, our leader and father,
commander of great battles,
gardener of future gardens.
Trees stand loftily
along the solemn Russian rivers.
Glory to the Leninist party!
Glory to the people for century!
Glory to wise Stalin!
  • 1. different trees

Red Riding Hood's Song

My tears are muddy
As if they're made of mastic
They're filling up my eyes
So I can't see my way (x2)
They're filling up my eyes
So I can't see my way...
I walk without stopping
I'm arriving nowhere
Can't find anything
I don't want nobody (x2)
Can't find anything
I don't want nobody...
Is this me or not
I'm reading my palm
I'm reading my palm
But can't see my way there
I run and come back
I'm all the same
My hood may be red
But my soul is black
My hood may be red
But my soul is black (x2)

Egy nap

Ne gondolj rám, ne  is keress.
Még mindig ugyanaz vagyok,mint aki voltam.
Még mindig élek, mint bárki más. Még jobban is.
Könnyedén elfelejtem, ami köztünk volt.
Ne gondolj rám, ne is keress,  elfáradtam .
Én annyiszor meghalltam már miattad...
De most jobban vagyok, mint valaha.
Ref. :
Egy nap, majd nem leszel képes létezni nélkülem,
A Föld is meg fog állni számodra , csak emlékezz.
Egy nap, majd nem leszel képes létezni nélkülem,
Más kezei melegitenek.
Elfogom felejteni , hogy a lelkem mennyire sírt utánnad.
Te csak a vállaid vonogatod, de nem tudsz egyedül lenni.
Elfelejtelek téged  és mindent ami történt,
Ez már nem számít.
Az új nap, nem olyan mint tegnap.
Elvesztettelek,de ez egy valamit biztosan tudok.
Ref. :
Egy nap, majd nem leszel képes létezni nélkülem,
A Föld is meg fog állni számodra ,csak  emlékezz.
Egy nap, majd nem leszel képes létezni nélkülem
Más kezei melegitenek.
Egy nap, majd nem leszel képes létezni nélkülem,
A Föld is meg fog állni számodra ,csak  emlékezz.
Egy nap, majd nem leszel képes létezni nélkülem
Más kezei melegitenek.


Why did we create ourselves
This gap between us
I will answer if I may
It's so hard without you
Days changed days flew
I wanted to tell you
Our dreams remained in the past
So did we
Why why aren't you here, I pray
Why is it so hard to say I love you
Tell me why we are not together
Why why cold rains in my soul
Why am I waiting and why do I believe in this life
Why do I cherish it
Cities hours minutes
Waiting for news from nowhere
Leaving the past behind and believing
That the world we created
And all that was between us
Is not lost
Why we've forgotten
All that we loved so much
Why why aren't you here, I pray
Why is it so hard to say I love you
Tell me why we are not together
Why why cold rains in my soul
Why am I waiting and why do I believe in this life
Why do I cherish it
Why why aren't you here, I pray
Why is it so hard to say I love you
Tell me why we are not together
Why why cold rains in my soul
Why am I waiting and why do I believe in this life
Why do I cherish it
Why why aren't you here, I pray
Why is it so hard to say I love you
Tell me why we are not together
Why why cold rains in my soul
Why am I waiting and why do I believe in this life
Why do I cherish it
Why am I waiting and why do I believe in this life
Why do I cherish it

I have to live, again

Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, I'm laying in bed like it's coffin (laid up)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, i can't get up (no way)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, I'm laying in bed like it's coffin (laid up)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, i can't get up (no way)
My life - neverending sleep paralyse
I don't want to fuck, i don't want to love
A hopeless dildo sticks out of my ass
I'm spinning my mind, looking for 'off' button
A package of thrashy wine, I'll look out of the window
The clouds, like a lackeys, going after the sun
The spring will shit with a bouquet of green and crap
And in my squer meters there's only water is blooming
So why the fuck should I come out? Life is a fucking anguish
Stressed and nervouse, and mutts ready to tear apart
My purses for a chunk, and I'd let them eat me,
But i have to live, again, and I want to sleep to death
And don't wake me up, I'm sick of the truth
Crappy zen buddhism you won't push to me, like a tampons
Don't wake me up, I'd sleep like this forever
But I'm stuck in one carriege with cardboard layouts
They seems to be people, steel worms skillfully
Crawling through a guts of subway, I don't think they care about shit
At the station, people like a bugs doing common cause
And I don't fucking care about it, I missed my station long ago
They will wake me up at the last station, or will throw to rails
Will wash and cross over, or will throw into ground like this
And will there a party in heaven, or eternity to sleep enough
I don't really care, because it can happen tomorrow
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, I'm laying in bed like it's coffin (laid up)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, i can't get up (no way)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, I'm laying in bed like it's coffin (laid up)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, i can't get up (no way)
Baby, you'll want an abortion from me once
And worms will set a garden of bones from us
Bedsores nicer to me than a camel hump
Sorry, but I don't see a reason to leave my bed
Let the ant keep carrying fresh corpse
Let your hive to scurry from morning to morning
I'm living like a drone, since to drowning in life like a fly in the soup
Is not my game, just not my game
We all riding nowhere, on the highway from nowhere
But I'm smoking on the back seat, while you driving
And we are all the fucking same, all the fucking same
But I'm admiring the view, and you are running for money (dead)
And it's a way from point 'A' to point 'B'
But there's no point 'A', and there was never point 'B'
And you will only get this, when your fuel is ran out
Without any impulse, swaying by itself
This swing in the empiness, swing in the emptiness
This game you can't minimize, but you can click the 'exit' button
The finger sweating on the trigger, my finger on the trigger
And I have no time to pull it, because I have to live again
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, I'm laying in bed like it's coffin (laid up)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, i can't get up (no way)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, I'm laying in bed like it's coffin (laid up)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, i can't get up (no way)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, I'm laying in bed like it's coffin (laid up)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, i can't get up (no way)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, I'm laying in bed like it's coffin (laid up)
Again, have to live, again, have to live
But i don't care, i can't get up (no way)


Evil skiy of Babylon, lead coffin
The king of all the buffoons, blood is flowing like a fizzy water
From the Thales to Parmenides, from Dugin to Kurginyan
We are building a stairs to the heaven, but will they let in an ape?
A cruel feast of Valtasar, where ego will rise on the rack
But life is just a Sansara, consciousness of happiness is only a symbol
Be ready for final scene, where herd will trample down Simba
Are you dreaming of being blue-winged pigeon, when looking at the sky?
So go on, fly, Icarus, let the others keep saying
'Worm have to crawl'. When flor is covered by money
Or through copper pipes, a way to Eden
Like, the victory of spirit, because world doesn't exist
Without сonsciousness the morality just a chimera
I allowed myself everything, man is the measure
Of all things, I'll deal with the bong
A few shots, and I'll become God!
Icarus, Icarus, come down from the eaves
You are too drunk, the people down here
Crawling like a woodlice, a strokes on asphalt canvas
Want to get drunk, get up in the window and to do somersaults
The higher, the stronger smell of burnt feathers
From nuclear rays you cannot hide in the shadow
The fall is easy, we'll get rest in death
But the time hasn't come, the Phoenix will rise from the ashes
Phoenix! I went through everything
Alkohol and co, burned down me inside
And no matter how far my blue horizon is
I'll get there, even on foot, it's the straight corridor,
My way for target. Let the duffer saying
That 'Icarus has sold his wings in a pawnshop'
No, I flew high, but fell in a thicket
Here's non-flying weather, but my black box
Here, between the lines, I'm still a God
But now is Lucifer, I'm a fallen angel
The demon Azathoth has changed, even worse in hundred times, I'm doppelganger
Mad genius, until my last days
Smell of burnt feathers won't let me take wing
I'm tired of watching for younglings trying to leave the ground
Spirit flights above the Babylon and chatter at the kitchen with ethanol
Where counterculture is just a reason, the capital eats children like Baal and Moloch
They believe to serpent in sheep's clothing
And don't hear anyone, like they are in the tank
They believe to serpent, so it's becoming impudent and start talking in parsultang
The higher, the stronger smell of burnt feathers
From nuclear rays you cannot hide in the shadow
The fall is easy, we'll get rest in death
But the time hasn't come, the Phoenix will rise from the ashes

Glory to the Heroes

The war saturated by burning from Maidan,
by blood of the patriots with fatal wounds.
War for the right to be as a country - Ukraine,
With weapon in hands my sworn brothers coming.
Our volunteers in one formation,
Saving the country from Kremlin's scums,
people believe in television box, stigmatize fascists
approve occupation and terrorists.
Our russian brother deceived as 100 years ago,
The oligarch's money make break-up of country.
Look soldier, the grave is nameless!
Because your army is not here officially
Zaporozhian Sich is burned by the fiery hail,
white warrior besieged but not broke down.
Putin's gang - the heir of the Red Terror,
On the front line - detached force 'Pagonia'.
The patriot's blood shines on the black chevrons,
Glory to Ukraine - battalion 'Azov'.
There in the east is fighting for us.
Glory to the heroes - battalion 'Donbass'!
The patriot's blood shines on the black chevrons,
Glory to Ukraine - battalion 'Azov'.
There in the east is fighting for us.
Glory to the heroes - battalion 'Donbass'!
Idea of freedom, idea of nation,
A fat bureaucrat waiting for lustration.
Enemies in Kremlin, traitors in the Rada
Projectile's inscription - 'Glory to Ukraine'.
In muddy trenches was born the hardened spirit,
The volley of guns makes you lose your hearing,
But no one will take away your faith
The strength of native land in you patriot.
The enemy shells, another fire comes,
On the assault position - Dnipro, Kherson, Aidar.
You fighting for money? You lost it all.
The blood on your hands of those who were dying.
To home going cargo 200, cargo 300.
Wake up people! It is fratricidal war.
In thicket are sitting separatists.
Sniper is shooting! Hasta La Vista!
The patriot's blood shines on the black chevrons,
Glory to Ukraine - battalion 'Azov'.
There in the east is fighting for us.
Glory to the heroes - battalion 'Donbass'!

As if the end is coming

Versions: #2
It was like a movie. One of those complicated ones.
A movie about the impossible, but beautiful things.
A very powerful movie. In the end, the heroine
is completely devastated. Are you too?
Kiss me hard*, as if the end is coming.
Hug me hard*, hug me like crazy.
And then we shall leave, realizing
that from this moment on, we will be alive but never whole.
It is almost time for the end credits.
Hold me close to you and do not talk.
I can hear your pulse, and I am certain of one thing:
I will be the only one in your heart.

Don't ask about him

Chorus: (2x)
No, no, don't ask, don't ask about him.
Why did you make me to say lies again?
Stop, don't ask me, don't ask about him.
To not hurt you, don't ask me!
(No, no, no, don't ask)
1.You are playing with fire, if you return the memory.
Did you beg the duty lie now?
Cause i don't ever love with him
cause he was deception?
Chorus: (2x)
No, no, don't ask, don't ask about him.
Why did you make me to say lies again?
Stop, don't ask me, don't ask about him.
To not hurt you, don't ask me!
(No, no, no, don't ask)
2.You dig in past things now.
It tortured you that it is a truth -
cause i was in love only you like that,
and he is deception.
Chorus: (2x)
No, no, don't ask, don't ask about him.
Why did you make me to say lies again?
Stop, don't ask me, don't ask about him.
To not hurt you, don't ask me!
(No, no, no, don't ask) (2x)

With you or with no one else

Versions: #2
They took you away from me and somewhere the sea parted
If I can't look at you, why do I need eyes?
They took you away from me, and it felt like they are tearing a piece of my flesh...
I'll be damned...
What am I living for?
Maybe not today, but I will have you someday.
If I am alive today, that's what I live for
They don't know this but if I say one word - you will be mine!
You are inside of me, whoever wants to check.
I am going back, I am taking you (with me)
Whoever is with you (I don't care)
Is it love, I am throwing myself in
blindly without looking
I am going back, you waited for me all this time
And I won't let anyone touch you or me anymore.
I am here, look into my eyes
I am with you, with you or with no one else,
I won't go.
Hey, I am here, look into my eyes,
Who am I with, with you or with no one else,
I won't go.
I learned to lie,
And the others didn't ask about you anymore,
If I sit down and tell our story,
They will be all dead.
I learned how to hide,
that I don't hurt anymore
how can I kill love,
If you don't kill it?
(Repeat chorus)
Maybe not today, but I will have you someday.
If I am alive today, that's what I live for
They don't know this but if I say one word - you will be mine!
You are inside of me, whoever wants to check.
I am going back, I am taking you (with me)
Whoever is with you (I don't care)
Is it love, I am throwing myself in
blindly without looking
I am going back, you waited for me all this time
And I won't let anyone touch you or me anymore.


Versions: #2
I was just a little girl that year
We saw my brother off to the Afghani war
I gave my brother a mystic medallion
To keep him safe from the enemy's well-aimed rounds
Drying her tears, (our) mother said:
'Dear son, your mom will wait for you,
You (go) be a man...I love you,
I pray that The Almighty will protect you'
Glory...to those slain sons
Glory...to those that passed through Afghanistan
Glory...to our mothers
Glory, honour and glory to you
The days they drug on, and a month,..as though a year
And (our) mother was at the doorway waiting for her son
But her son was slain by the mujahedin in battle,
The medallion clenched in his blood-drenched hand
And there, that was war, because that was Afghanistan
And so there arose our black tulip
But in the butchery they always do, so it is in a war
They all have served their country
Glory...to those slain sons
Glory...to those that passed through Afghanistan
Glory...to our mothers
Glory, honour and glory to you
Glory...to those slain sons
Glory...to those that passed through Afghanistan
Glory...to our mothers
Glory, honour and glory to you

The Slavic Stroll

Summer in wintertime,
it's a poet's dream.
How many songs
have been sung about such a thing?
Forget everything that's illegal
taboo, and nixed.
Let's drink some drinks
and smoke cigarettes.
No need to dress up
This is my Girlfriend Svetlana.
Get on the plane!
Grab your ticket!
For any friends
everything's 'all inclusive'
hotel suites
with flowers on your bed.
Come on! Everyone's who's Slavic, let's stroll.
Dance to the Gypsy music.
Say 'Hi' to the Balkans.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
Forget your troubles.
We're going to the beach.
Swim the breast-stroke,
or doggy paddle.
Everyone in business-class,
sit down and drink up.
We're at the resort
at the airport.
You can see the crescent
of the Turkish flag.
There's Monte Negro
and boring Prague. 1
For any friends
everything's 'all inclusive'
hotel suites
with flowers on your bed.
Come on! Everyone's who's Slavic, let's stroll.
Dance to the Gypsy music.
Say 'Hi' to the Balkans.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
Come on! Everyone's who's Slavic, let's stroll.
Dance to the Gypsy music.
Say 'Hi' to the Balkans.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
  • 1. According to the Spanish translation, this is literally 'The South Coast of Bulgaria' but a little poetic license for the English ear.

I'm very good at it

First you'll feel my naked steps
And the smell of my perfume
Then you'll feel me cover your eyes
You won't be able to see me, but you'll feel
that I'm naked and hot
And before you realize it,
You will want me like crazy
I'll give you my best,
I'll squeeze you and I'll drool 1
I know how to make you suffer
I'm very good at it, I'm very good at it
And for dessert, I'll tell you that
This is your last time in heaven with me
I'll destroy you, but I don't care
I'm very good at it, I'm very good at it
Who you've been with when you're gone,
I won't make a scene about it, no, it's not me
I'm not naive and I know how to play the player
You'll remember me naked and crazy,
You'll be dying to have me
I'll drive you crazy and
I'll destroy your life
I'll give you my best,
You'll burn along with the bed
I'll make you feel what other women
never could
And for dessert, I'll tell you that
This is your last time in heaven with me
I'll destroy you, but I don't care
I hope you're hurt,
You deserve it
  • 1. Лигавя literally means 'to drool' although figuratively it could mean 'to be silly, playful'
Please do not publish my translations anywhere without my permission.

Farewell of Slavianka

Arise for faith, o Russian land!
We composed many a song in our heart,
Glorifying the native land.
We loved you no matter what,
You, our holy Russian land.
You raised your head high,
Your face was shining like the sun.
But you've become a victim of betrayal –
by those who have cheated and sold you!
And again in march trumpet calls us.
We all stand in order
And go to the holy battle.
Arise for faith, o Russian land!
The saints awaits Russia's victory.
Respond, o Orthodox host!
Where is your Ilya¹, where is your Dobrynya²?
Mother Homeland is summoning her sons.
We will stand all together under the gonfalons³.
And go, praying, as a procession,
For the right cause of Russia
We will shed Russian blood honestly.
And again in march trumpet calls us.
We all stand in order
And go to the holy battle.
Arise for faith, o Russian land!
We are all children of a great empire,
We all remember the commandments of our fathers:
For the Homeland, Honor, Glory,
Pity neither yourself nor the enemy.
Arise, Russia, from your prison of slavery,
Victory's spirit is called: time to do battle!
Rise your battle flags
For Faith, Love, and Good.
And again in march trumpet calls us.
We all stand in order
And go to the holy battle.


Maybe it's just the colour of the sky
The dirt in the facades of this city
That tore me into misery
The river is a murky bit of poverty
It's been a long time since a fish was seen here
That would be worth going fishing for
The fishermen's daughters go fishing for men now
Show leg and breast if it's necessary
You do everything in the world for a little bit of money
They're the same who stand in line where we come from
On the streets to give you a quick blowjob
Or who let themselves get fucked in your car
Where banknotes fly over your lake smooth as a mirror
A couple on the shore didn't see it while kissing
Now I'm sitting at the bar and am drunk*
With sons of bitches, fascists, Nazi faces
Who forget all the crap here while drinking
And I know it's time to go
I already laid on the bar with my head
But I can't move my legs
I stay that way until the first sunshine
forces me out of this shithole and takes me with it
And my day starts at a better place
Where swans fly over the lake smooth as a mirror
A couple on the shore didn't see it while kissing
Where swans fly over the lake smooth as a mirror
A couple on the shore didn't see it while kissing

Vladimir Putin

[Intro] E, Glory to the CPSU, you know who I am [Chorus] Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Putin, Vladimir PutinIn Russian rap Vladimir Putin (ae!) Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Putin, Vladimir PutinIn Russian rap Vladimir Putin (hey!) Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Putin In Russian rap Vladimir (e) Putin [Verse] What can you tell for rap (ah?) Do not you dare to speak for rap with me (no) I fucked your protest, Anti- -ha) My mother's mulled wine, my father from the Cheka (bitch) So you know, asshole, how the world fucks me-My spine has killed heroin (yeah), friend oh, in the resuscitation room, the Stepashka, the doll with the arm in the ass - Alexey Navalny (loh) You do not understand, Manya, this world is not a fairy taleIf Glory The purulent Kremlin was on sale, I was conceited before you started rapping, bitch (uhh!) [Chorus] Aye! Vladimir Putin, hey! Vladimir Putin, hey! Vladimir Putin In Russian rap, Vladimir Putin, bitch! Vladimir Putin, I am! Vladimir Putin, I am! Vladimir PutinIn the Russian rap Vladimir Putin
[Verse 2]
What can you say for rap (ha ha)
Do not you dare speak to me for rap (do not you dare)
I read it in the cheapest micro (eo)
You are not on Aityuns - you are like emsy - nobody
Fuck you, khokhol (fuck), you're in my country
I sat on the battle, but on what article
In general, I fuck for some article (loh)
Remember the refrain, you're in my country (e)
Young Vladimir in this rap game (e)
Russian rap for you is Brol and Crack (ha ha)
Russian rap for us is lol and cake
This flow is black and it's badi bag
Vladimir Putin, hey! Vladimir Putin, hey! Vladimir Putin
In the Russian rap Vladimir Putin
Russian bitcoin, birch and vodka
Russian guy from Underwinter
In a magical country of dolbooby, blasphemy
Who if not I - Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin, I am! Vladimir Putin, I am! Vladimir Putin
In Russian rap, Vladimir Putin (hey!)
Vladimir Putin, I am! Vladimir Putin, I am! Vladimir Putin
In Russian rap, Vladimir Putin (hey!)

Glory to the Psychonauts

Great trunks get overgrown with branches
Branches not to stay forever, (they) become twigs
Twigs get cut, and we take off like rockets
To the shining space inside (within)
So, glory to the Psychonauts
Glory to the Pioneers!
Hurrah to the Trailblazers
Of their (own) solitary spaces
Of their (own) unprecedented depths
New trees pierce the summer
New nests the birds build on them
New alchemy, new nature
The new land of ours
Thus, glory to the Psychonauts
Glory to the Pioneers!
Hurrah to the Trailblazers
Of their (own) boundless spaces
Of their (own) varicoloured depths
This is our chemical home
For the melancholic dwellers of Earth
A habitual malady of not coming back
A panic craving for recovering from here
Furious angels with hungry eyes
Storming their (own) skies
Therefore, glory to the Psychonauts
Glory to the Pioneers!
Hurrah to the Trailblazers
Of their (own) stray spaces
Of their (own) reckless depths
Of their (own) multi-starred spaces
Of their (own) varicoloured depths
This is our chemical home
For the melancholic dwellers of Earth
This is our chemical home
For the melancholic dwellers of Earth

Back in the game

I know the way, please don't get up,
If you're breaking up (with me), don't overact!
I am a big girl,
I'm dressing up on my own.
Back in the game,
Say 'Welcome' to me,
The men are in my feet*, that's the way how I like them!
I brought you back at the beginning, be jealous of the one I'm hugging
Where are his hands, look he liked what was yours.
I didn't remember how to flirt,
I forgot that I'm pretty,
The luck is kissing me again
I am alive and I'm still quite good!
When I am drunk, come and take me home,
I'm not going anywhere with you, die.
The pride in me is waking up,
I'm becoming someone else's, someone else's...
Wait for me after the dates,
Shout under the windows,
Melt down slow like the candles in the nights,
This is just the half from what I've been through
You won't stand the other (half)!


Tudom hol vagy, kivel s miért.
Nem volt probléma elhagynod, és én is ezt teszem majd.
Keresztülkiáltottam a csenden, és a sötétség elrejtőzött.
Amikor csak vártam és vártam rád.
Nincs szükség arra, hogy utánam gyere, készen állok az útra,
a könnyek nem folynak tovább a szememből.
Sosem térek vissza, ezt nehéz neked megérteni.
Talán jobb ha elfelejtesz, és én...
Túlélek majd valahogy. Kigyógyulok majd ebből a bajból.
Egy hullám a földre taszított. Kezdtem magam jól érezni nélküled.
Túlélek majd valahogy. Kigyógyulok majd ebből a bajból.
Egy hullám a földre taszított. Kezdtem magam jól érezni nélküled.
Jól. Jól.
Jól. Jól.
Újra csendes lehetsz, én is az vagyok,
belefáradtam a kis harcainkba, amik mindig döntetlennel végződnek.
Hallgattam a csendet, egyedül szenvedtem,
amikor csak vártam és vártam rád.
Nem volt probléma elhagynod és újra megtennéd,
én csak rohanok előled, hiszen nekem már semmi új nincs ebben.
Sosem térek vissza, ezt nehéz neked megérteni.
Talán jobb ha elfelejtesz, és én...
Túlélek majd valahogy. Kigyógyulok majd ebből a bajból.
Egy hullám a földre taszított. Kezdtem magam jól érezni nélküled.
Túlélek majd valahogy. Kigyógyulok majd ebből a bajból.
Egy hullám a földre taszított. Kezdtem magam jól érezni nélküled.
Jól. Jól.
Jól. Jól.
Túlélek majd valahogy. Kigyógyulok majd ebből a bajból.
Egy hullám a földre taszított. Kezdtem magam jól érezni nélküled.
Túlélek majd valahogy. Kigyógyulok majd ebből a bajból.
Egy hullám a földre taszított. Kezdtem magam jól érezni nélküled.
Jól. Jól.
Jól. Jól.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

My Kazakhstan

The sun is half the sky and wormwood chime the path,
And I'm, a child, printing a foot in the dust.
How caress the world that you gave me
How I drank the warm happiness from your palms.
And we were growing up together, native and adopted
Gaining the wing in the shirts, in the steppe.
We were loved, we all lived in a large family,
But after growing up, we left the path.
Your radiant-wise of swivel-eyed.
Like an amulet in the long journey,
And if anything happened, takes it off like a hand,
Only it's necessary to breathe in your spicy air.
Let your children have bread, meat on the table, your Kazan will be hot.
And there are no such boundaries, so as not to come to you, you are forever with me, my Kazakhstan.
Oh, how many years, how do I set the course,
Then lightly, then taking an exorbitant load.
But every time your image saved me,
The spirit of spacious, and your feather grass is always gray.
I'll come tired, going around the Earth,
But run, seeing the silhouette in the distance.
Ah, the smell of bread and the clear gray smoke,
Well, hug, the prodigal son has returned to you!
The winds of your aitys and the breadth of the steppes,
is comparable with the breadth of the soul.
I miss you, miss you,
You write me a couple of lines, old man.
There is no my country, our Union is torn
In the shreds of small countries,
But I bow to you, ata, down to earth,
You are forever with me, my Kazakhstan!
But I bow to you, ata, down to earth,
You are forever with me, my Kazakhstan!
You are forever with me, my Kazakhstan!
Tibor from QS-FB

I am a Serb, I am an Orthodox christian

Versions: #2
Blue blood runs in my veins
Serbdom is what matter to me more than anything
God is protecting me
I have my way
I am a Serb
I am an Orthodox Christian
If you want to be/come with me
You have to know
The Nicene Creed
And the prayer our Father
I celebrate my Slava*
I fast my fast
Come by me
And be my guest 2x
*family's patron saint day

Obscene Mode

Versions: #1#2
Since I met your sight
I don’t know whether
The last drink got to me
This with you is no good
And there's only one thing on my mind
How I'll wipe my lipstick off afterwards!
Look at me now obscenely
You are going to see me differently!
Am I drunk, I don't know
But you make me dizzy
Look at me now obscenely
I don't seem to look like myself
Am I drunk, I don't know
But your looks took me to heaven
Since you changed your past look
do you look like this at all?
I suddenly feel powerless
This with you is no good
And there's only one thing on my mind
How I'll wipe my lipstick off afterwards!
Look at me now obscenely
You are going to see me differently!
Am I drunk, I don't know
But you make me dizzy
Look at me now obscenely
I don't seem to look like myself
Am I drunk, I don't know
But your looks took me to heaven