Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 538


Last Song

One last kiss was left
That you briefly gave
Quietly, you departed
This room you left
I can't hold in my feelings
Enduring this feeling of hurt
Swaying in the corner of the room
I held up my guitar and sang
You are
Still my love
Still my love
But, ah, ah
Why like this?
Can't do anything
Can't go back to the past
Was I just that unworthy?
I don't think it was because of that
Small disagreements
That's probably why it ended
Is it still possible I can hold you?
I wish I could go back to that time
While my voice is shivering
Only my heart
Is all I hear
You are
Still my love
Still my love
But, ah, ah
Why like this?
Can't do anything
It's all over
You are
Still my love
Still my love
But, ah, ah
Why like this?
Can't do anything
Can't go back to the past


Your voice is coming from other end of phone receiver, it hurts my heart.
Don't grieve for losing your love with her.
You need a courage to open the door to a new world.
I want to convey it to you more passionately than anyone else.
You're right TRY ME the love that wraps you is waiting.
Right now TRY ME Even if you can't get rid of the sad feelings.
You're right TRY ME You got to trust me who is looking at you.
Try me more TRY ME I'll give you a different tomorrow dream.
A hard rain will eventually clear up like magic.
I want to stay by your side until your smile returns.
Everyday I was always looking at you.
I had a sadness and a fluttering in my heart.
You're right TRY ME the love wraps everything is waiting.
Surely TRY ME we can love each other with naked mind.
You're right TRY ME you got to open your mind and look at me.
Any time TRY ME you're shining and I want to hug you.
You need a courage to open the door to a new world.
I want to convey it to you more passionately than anyone else.
You're right TRY ME the love that wraps you is waiting.
Right now TRY ME Even if you can't get rid of the sad feelings.
You're right TRY ME You got to trust me who is looking at you.
Try me more TRY ME I'll give you a different tomorrow dream.

Look for a trouble

Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Many whirlwinds, I can hear
Given my weakness, I'll don't accept them,
Yourself have changed my world within all my life
You are a great threat to my best plans to coming me
Oh oh
Oh oh
Don't there are sounds, maybe it's just nightmares
And if I take care of you,
I don't know, I'll be afraid of you
In these walls are those who have my heart, those who you'll never be able to hurt
More than thousand experiences
They are really terrible
I don't see a solution to lost humiliation of your voice
Look for a trouble
Every thing unknown!
Will you tell me, tell me all your wishes
I have made many mistakes
Cause' you have distracted me so far
I feel like yourself could think just like me
And want to look for yourself home
Don't think and listen to me
My strength grows more in my chest
There's a feeling that is probably following you
Look for a trouble, every thing unknown!
Oh oh oh
You've searched your new way, and you're hiding
I want you show me
What do you know?
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You cannot longstanding leave my side, I'll always follow you, into the unknown!


Weird words come out of my mouth today
The mind jumps calmly to thoughts
I got drunk and I haven't touched alcohol
My mind hasn't left me in peace
I have never felt this delirium
I try to relax, to sit down calmly
I got hooked by your eyes but you told me
Madness and love copies with holes
Love for the first time, but calmly
Calmly, because the thought flutters
Calmly, your gaze touches me
Calmly, this madness is worth it
I knew it beforehand but it's not the same
Theory to practice is a sudden blow
I want to go out on the street to scream
I laugh alone, in order to heal my madness
Love for the first time, but calmly
Calmly, because the thought flutters
Calmly, your gaze touches me
Calmly, this madness is worth it

San Juan

At the evenings and the abyssal nights,
You used to meet me among the crowd , in half-dark
you were holding my hands tight, and i was headed with you
towards the very end, out of mob's reach
I still remember the scent of your lowered voice
And how your smoke used to get the fog drunk
In the twilight with my ripped eyes
I was led only by the silence and the rain.
Now you are wandering with me around unknown places
Cordoba, San Juan, Puerto Rico
And you say that you don’t miss me, because I am a star
Shedding its light to your thought, and that i belong to you.
Having left one day, without a single word
black wine and last caustic potash
I was not breathing, and this was because of you,
Your kisses had stolen my breath
When you will come back with your big talks
I won’t exist, I shall abstain from life
And if you run into people who say that they miss me
Tell them “ don’t cry, I am having him, here with me'
Now you are wandering with me around unknown places
Cordoba, San Juan, Puerto Rico
And you say that you don’t miss me, because I am a star
Shedding its light to your thought, I belong to you.
Why did you bring me here, without a single presence
And you told me that, just to seize my heart
Absence is the only thing I have
Those who couldn't stand it, may they stay away from me.

A Bouquet of Roses

Whether in jest or in earnest
My dear fell in love with me.
He gave me to my delight
A bouquet of scarlet roses.
I didn't know how to react
I waited a long time for my dear.
I couldn't hide my joy
And accepted the gift.
Many days flew by
Doubts were far away
In my love, in my love
Petals are flying around.
There are no more magical words
I am laughing out of place
It turned out the flowers
Had a bitter aroma.
I have trouble from these roses
My dear went away and forgot
Whether in jest or in earnest
My dear fell in love with me.
Whether in jest or in earnest
My dear fell in love with me.
He once gave me
A bouquet of scarlet roses.
He gave me to my sadness
A bouquet of scarlet roses.


Oh, you, are Russia, and Mother Russia
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes you, Russia, oh, our mother land,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes you, Russia, oh, our mother land,
Oh, you, our Russian homeland,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, a lot, a lot of glory, glory about you,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, a lot, a lot of glory, glory about you.
A lot, a lot of glory, glory about you.
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, you gave birth, gave birth to a son,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, you gave birth, gave birth to a son.


Our lines of sight intersect within this closed world.
Although you play dumb, I can almost feel your infatuation.
Hiding my burning heart, I approach you.
Simply feeling my breath will be enough to paralyze you.
I now set up a trap to capture your captivated heart.
I won't leave a footprint in even the smallest crevice.
Thinking that my words are pure, you've let your guard down.
Even if it were a potent poison, I had a feeling that you'd still drink it all down.
There's no place to escape from this rusty chain

A mag

Pont, mint a mag
Nem tudom, merre menjek
Növök, koszon és árnyékon keresztül
A nehézségen keresztül érem el a fényt
Pont, mint a tenger, keresem a csodát
Megfejtem magam, lassított felvételben
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Fullassz meg, hogy a könnyeim esővé válhassanak
Öntözni fogom a földet, ott, ahol állok
Szóval a virágok újra nőni tudjanak
Mert pont, mint a tenger, minden élni szeretne
Elégetjük az ujjainkat
De megtanulunk megbocsátani
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Etess napfénnyel, etess levegővel
Etess igazságokkal és etess imákkal
Etess napfénnyel, etess levegővel
Etess igazságokkal és etess imákkal
Gyilkos bálnák képeit látom
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
d meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne

Under Akropolis

Under Akropolis there is a small neighborhood
where an everyday bell rings
jasmin and woodbine is what matters
the insignificant one.
Under Akropolis a lot of people
tired, careless, heroes, cowards
they fight, they come to blows with their neighbor
and they care.
You are saying, life, business, children, voices, light
you are saying, the moon, the yards, you keep secret the pain that makes you cry
you are saying, what are you saying, good things will happen to us, you shall see
you are saying, lottery tickets, serials, wouldn't it be nice if we won a billion
Under Akropolis there is a small neighborhood
like a restless everyday swarm of bees
small shops open
they close the shutters before they leave.
I left you food in the kitchen
a women named Fofi was looking for you all morning
i know how much is two thousand* worth to a euro
and i was happy.

Queen of my Dreams

Another night
that the tears paint the heavens
without solace
soul in pain, punishment of love
If you want to be the queen of my dreams,
drown all your fears
don't listen to sense even if it's prudent
If you open your wings to the wind,
you'll see that this is the moment
to write another beginning
that has you and me
Don't hold on
The past is black chains
If you break them,
the future shines brightly
If I could start anew,
I'd be here, now and with you
don't listen to sense even if it's prudent
If you open your wings to the wind,
you'll see that this is the moment
to write another beginning
that has you and me
If you want, I'll stop time for you,
and the moment will last forever
don't listen to sense even if it's prudent
If you open your wings to the wind,
you'll see that this is the moment
to write another beginning
that has you and me

Az álmaimban

Refrén (x2):
Az álmaimban
A fantáziámban
Mindent, ami történni fog
Ments meg
A fantáziámtól
Az álmaimban, az álmaimban, az álmaimban.
Álmok... fújják az agyamat, mint egy hurrikán
Rémálmok Freddy-től és a mumustól
Felébredek az éjszaka közepén
Lever a víz, dobálom magam egyik oldalról a másikra.
Nem bírom, nem bírom ezt az érzést
Istenhez imádkozom és remélem, hogy csak álmodok,
Véreznek a kezeim, véreznek a kezeim
Anyámra nézek, és sikítani kezd.
Mi történik? Nem tudom megmagyarázni ezt az érzést
Elfordítom a fejem és a plafonon látom az arcomat
Minden egyes éjszakán más-más arcot látok
Én vagyok az az ember az álmomban különböző helyeken
Igen, elvesztem és megrémültem az illúziótól
Az elmém tele van, tele zavarral
Fáj a testem, dobálom magam egyik oldalról a másikra
Az éjszaka közepén ébredek fel.
(Refrén x2)
Álmok... Beléptek a lelkembe,
Örömet okoznak, amíg nem veszítem el az irányítást
Nem tudok aludni, mert félek
Félek a dolgoktól, amiket hallok
Ki lesz az, aki segít rajtam?
Szükségem van valakire, segítségre van szükségem
A testem repül, a testem repül
Csak légy a barátom és én és én...
Ments meg, ments meg. Ó, gyerünk, ments meg!
Úton vagyok, úton a semmibe
Mozgásban vagyok, egyedül, hol a mackóm?
Láthatlak ma este, mert félek
Valaki hangosan és egyértelműen sikoltozik.
Meglőttek és egyik oldalról a másikra dobálom magam,
Az éjszaka közepén ébredek fel.
(Refrén x2)
Az éjszaka közepén ébredek fel


A future was installed
in the stolen past.
The circuit supporting it is
viva metalpolis.
Eve was born
from metamorphosis.
Letting nothing leak, she was
uni sexualis.
Wearing a beguiling dress,
a coloured cord
tied Mother and
plays a melody.
Adorn yourself
with a form that won’t be stripped off.
Automata walk these streets.
The fuselages flying past each other
travel soundlessly
surpassing the speed of light.
My pulse beats
like an alarm bell.
The end has come.
Hurry, quickly!
Break data
will destroy everything.
It induces abnormalities.
Electro pulse.
Reality, starting anew,
is a former delusion.
The insincere goddess
casts her smile aside.
History is meaningless.
Ignore imitations.
Even glorified sins
are reality here.
Virtual reality
governs this stage
and real colours
Come on, while it hasn’t been painted over!
A future was installed
in the stolen past.
There’s no way it can be taken back.
Viva metalpolis.
Eve was born
from metamorphosis.
Leaving nothing behind,
cold sleep.
While wearing a beguiling dress,
tear off the coloured cord
and run away.
There’s no need to fear.
and electrons make up this melody.
Hurry and clean off
the sounds that got stuck on.
The fuselages flying past each other
travel soundlessly.
They’re so ominous.
My pulse beats
like an alarm bell.
Avoid the end!
Break data.
Once you delete it,
can you rescue
the true colours?
I offer my hand. You take it
and we fly.
It’s not a machine.
I start sprouting wings.
In the rewound film
a world on the brink of collapse is displayed.
If my voice will reach you, then notice it!
“This is your pure mistake.”
Since you say
that I can still make it in time
I’ll tell you.
You must be able to notice it now,
isn’t that right?
The past is gone without a trace now
and yet it isn’t fully gone…
A future constructed from junk
isn’t so bad, huh?
I can’t return to the past, and yet…


Éjjel felébredtem
Hallottam a sodródó akkordokat
Elvezettek engem
A felvidéki fjordokhoz
Felhők felett
Egy hegycsúcson
Ott ült
És beszélni kezdett
Vulkán ember
Megkapta az olvadó szívem
Vulkánvédő ember
Egy időtlen hősnek is kell a szerelem
Vulkán ember
(Vulkán ember)
A vidék örzője
(ilyen ember)
Vulkánvédő ember
Egy időtlen hősnek is kell a szerelem
És én szeretlek

The Legendary

I took my words
I took my words and took my verse
I took to the circuit (path) to sing a song
To sing a song to the legendary
To sing (to him)
To sing to Adam Jashari, to sing (to him)
How many years
How many years since you've seen Prekaz and Recak (1)
How many years
How many years since you've seen Drenica (2)
How many years
How many years and Mitrovica (3)
How many years
Get up Adam
'Get up' say the mountain birds and nightingales
Get up Adam
Say the flowers and roses
Get up Adam
Say the songs and the warriors
Get up
Get up quickly
'Get up quickly and don't stay at the grave' says the mother
Get up, that's enough
The earth has covered your forehead
Get up because for you
Kosovo is yearning
You Adam


Behind the grey veil
Falls the world
Falls so quiet
And holds you tight
Tired I retreat to the wood´s edge
Then take another step...
Another step...
In the rain
Behind the grey veil
Falls the world
Falls so quiet
And holds you tight
In the rain
Every drop a spirit, endless lots
Into the humid soil - into my soul
And the mountains diving into clouds
Then I take another step...
Another step...
In the rain
Tired I retreat to the wood´s edge
Then take another step...
Another step...
In the rain

Marx and Engels

It's commendable to hate a bourgeois...
And two bearded men are drinking beer,
Teaching the humanity
And making a plan to reform the world.
Certainly, the way to the future is mysterious,
The people will figure it out themselves, but...
Certainly, but scientists and poets are able
To speculate about the futurity.
The discovery of the world's laws,
Two thinkers are given power over the world,
Yes, but tens of millions
People have to fall for this!
That is truly, what is fairly -
There is no other truth in the world!
Two friends are drinking the Munich beer
In the shadows of pub...

Just us

Versions: #1
(Oh no, no, no)
And we
With no soul, no humanity
(Just us)
Immorality, bipolarity
(Just us)
Short sleeves, no dignity
(Just us)
No identity, no inheritance
Alone and... 'How? How? How?'
No, don't ask me 'How, how?' no...
Save me
Save me
Save me
Save me
Oh no, save me,
Save me
Save me
Save me (oh no, no, no)
You say 'It happens. A tragic end'
(Just us)
No flowers, not even a tear
(Just us)
No fathers, but no priorities
(Just us)
No home, but no freedom
Alone and... 'How? How? How?'
No, don't ask me 'How, how?' no...
Save me
Save me
Save me
Save me
Oh no, save me,
Save me
Save me
Save me (oh no, no, no)
Save me
I didn't choose how
You did this to us
Girls and boys so alone
But yeah, that's fine with us
We don't care how
Doesn't matter, we're here
Girls and boys so alone
But yeah that's fine with us
What randomness, this ability
(Just us)
No authority, no grammar
(Just us)
No love, but no seriousness
(Just us)
Immortality, but no afterlife
Alone and
(Just us)
Alone and
(Just us)
Save me
Save me
Save me
Save me
Oh no, save me,
Save me
Save me
Save me (oh no, no, no)
Save me
I didn't choose how
You did this to us
Girls and boys so alone
But yeah, that's fine with us
We don't care how
Doesn't matter, we're here
Girls and boys so alone
But yeah that's fine with us
No, no, no
No, no, no
No, no, no
Save me
No, no, no
No, no, no
No, no, no

Maria Rita

Once upon a time in Fontainhas1
I saw her talking to some friends.
I threw kisses at her, they laughed at my funny stuff
These are girl's things
And I came back, I looked for her every day
And I heard her name was Rita.
She was the coolest girl I ever met.
And her hair was tied with a ribbon
Maria Rita, Maria Rita
I ask the crowd, but no one saw her passing there
Maria Rita, Maria Rita
I'll offer St. John a candle if I find her again
When dawn came
Nobody knew anything.
And I came back so sad, so sad
That if she knew, she'd come back to hug me
It was St. John's night2
The whole city was illuminated
And everyone came in revelry, in a whirlwind
And among these people came my beloved
And her black hair was tied with
The same sky-colored ribbon
With her hand she threw me a kiss
And among the crowd disappeared
Maria Rita, Maria Rita
I ask the crowd, but no one saw her passing there
Maria Rita, Maria Rita
I'll give St. John a candle if I find her again
When dawn came
Nobody knew anything.
And I came back so sad, so sad
That if she knew, she'd come back to hug me
Maria Rita, Maria Rita
Maria Rita, Maria Rita
Maria Rita, Maria Rita
Maria Rita, Maria Rita..
  • 1. Riverside area of OPorto city
  • 2. St John's Eve Festival

When I Turn To Soil

[Verse 1]
Suddenly tears run like a waterfall
Everyone experiences decrease in manpower
Moves away from former standpoint
Moves from gold to a second place
Time passes, but I'm right here
Those seeds I sow they shall sprout
Grow to be the biggest and become more
Throw seeds and propagate
It's impossible too overlook
If I'm not just vulnerable
I'm probably just a tough guy
Who's hoping for others to hurt themselves
Who's hoping for others to fall
And 'stay alert to help them when they call
Help them when they call
I'm so ready to let go now
But I feel like life has a parachute
I would take it off if only I could
But I've got wings like a moth
I don't have many dreams anymore
Can't remember why I forget
The only thing I wish for here at this earth
Is to become something when I grow up
So that someone will remember me
When I turn to soil
[Verse 2]
Suddenly I'm away, but I was just asleep
The lights are blinding, but it's not a bad thing
I'm flying but I can't do it properly
Perhaps wings are something arbitrary
An angel takes me by the hand
The height is great
Streets of purely gold
Behind the big gate
The fallen stands and wait
On the golden road
But I think only of all of those
Who doesn't think about me
It's impossible too overlook
If I'm not just vulnerable
I'm probably just a tough guy
Who hope others will hurt themselves
Who hope others will fall
And stay alert to help them when they call
Help them when they call
I'm so ready to let go now
But I feel like life has a parachute
I would take it off if only I could
But I've got wings like a moth
I don't have many dreams anymore
Can't remember why I forget
The only thing I wish for here at this earth
Is to become something when I grow up
So that someone will remember me
When I turn to soil
[Verse 3]
When life turns
Everyone leaves me
I walk on strange paths
So remember this boy
Who sacrificed his own
For a little summer rain
I'm so ready to let go now
But I feel like life has a parachute
I would take it off if only I could
But I've got wings like a moth
I don't have many dreams anymore
Can't remember why I forget
The only thing I wish for here at this earth
Is to become something when I grow up
So that someone will remember me
When I turn to soil

The Sea Spirit

Lerui, Lio!
George lad
Has bragged
Lerui, Lio!
That he has more sheep,
Lerui, Lio!
As many as the stones on the mountain.
- So many sheep,
Lerui, Lio!
But where is he grazing them?
Lerui, Lio!
Under the sky, under the clear sky.
But where is he letting them drink water?
Lerui, Lio!
At that rainy cloud.
Lerui, Lio!
But where is he keeping them during the night?
Under the moon's hallow.
Lerui, Lio!
And what does he place at the gate?
Lerui, Lio!
So many bells,
That when they will shake
Lerui, Lio!
The valleys will tumble,
Lerui, Lio!
If they will hear
The Spirit of The Black Sea.
Lerui, Lio!
When the evening comes
Lerui, Lio!
An the night arrives,
It comes to my window,
Lerui, Lio!
And ruins my sheep,
Lerui, Lio!
Eating my lambs.
George lad
Lerui, Lio!
Also had about
Lerui, Lio!
Nine dogs
one and a half years old.
Lerui, Lio!
When he heard the ruckus
Lerui, Lio!
He chased the Spirit
Downhill, in the valley,
Lerui, Lio!
On a Haven footstool.
Lerui, Lio!
George lad
may he be blessed!
Lerui, Lio!
George lad

I could have been

I could have been a politician
Who uses nothing but tactics in bed too
Who gets suspicious if no problems show
For whom words are just toys to play with
I could have been a minister1
Who doesn't joke about anything
Who can see everything in advance
But can't see himself objectively
I could have been a bureaucrat
A little gray tyrant
A little bald go-getter
A censor or a ticket collector
I could have been a railway employee
A paid free rider
One who doesn't yank the emergency brake
One who will fine you
I could have been anything
But I had no patience to wait it out
I could have been the head of the police
Who torments everyone
Who interrogates everyone
Who wiretaps you too
I could have been a head attorey
Who explains everything
Who incriminates everyone
Who only cares about the money
  • 1. Not in the clerical sense but a high officer of state entrusted with the management of a division of governmental activities.

My Love

To my loved one in the distance
I will carry a prayer, that he will remain whole and not know any evil
To my love whose eyes are full of truth
Not for nothing do I love
To my love, know that I see you
In our own house, a dog, and a girl
It is hard for my love to cry, he doesn't cry
Not for nothing do I fight
My love, a prayer for my love
I was left alone waiting for you to come
You said you would come back and you're
Still not here
To my love, you need to rely on me
I feel like you worry too much
To my love hug me so strong
Not for nothing do I say
To my love a song is composed
One that will be heard in a few years
For my love a steel wall protects me
Not for nothing do I say
My love, a prayer for my love
I was left alone waiting for you to come
You said you would come back and you're
Still not here
And what's with me my heart slowly breaks
And what of my trip with you on Saturday
And what's with me how much longer will I wait
Come back already, I have no strength
And what's with me you already haven't answered me for a while
You forgot that we also dreamed about a family
And what's with me I stand here in the fog
And only tears flow from me
My love, a prayer for my love
I was left alone waiting for you to come
You said you would come back and you

The summer grows there

the summer grows there, in the wind
the skin is entertained by the echo of tans
and will not erase with mist from the mouth
the taste of amber. Because I'm stuck with a memory.
let there be no stone left on the stone,
and did not put to sleep alarms...
and it splashes in the room, like in the bathroom,
The senile sea is my secret god.
it is heard through the noise of coffee machines
(for the city, as it knows how, warms the autumn)
and from waves into the sky storm hurries
to wake up happiness, which has not yet come true.

Stop avoiding me (flirtatiously)/playing hard to get

Stop playing hard to get, stop playing hard to get, don't start avoiding my in-love heart
Until I kiss your lips when you're asleep, until I brush your black hair
Hey southern Iranian girl, you're beautiful and you steal the hearts, you with your flirting and silly cute behavior, you steal all the hearts
Under the palm trees, by the Karoun River, we made a romantic promise
Stop playing hard to get, stop playing hard to get, don't start avoiding my in-love heart
Until I kiss your lips when you're asleep, until I brush your black hair
You with those long drawn eyebrows, oh my southern Iranian lover you're so amazing
I wish you would come and stay with me and make a romantic promise to my pain-filled heart
Your eyes have burned my heart, for you I'm so in love
Come and make me love you intensely, I can't handle your distance anymore
Oh my heart-stealer you're tall, your eyes black, and your hair long
When you come with your constant flirting, my heart feels amazing
Oh my heart's lover, sit beside me, so I can lean on you (put my head on your chest)
Don't continue your cold behavior, southern Iranian girl, again, I'm so in love
Stop playing hard to get, stop playing hard to get, don't start avoiding my in-love heart
Until I kiss your lips when you're asleep, until I brush your black hair
Oh you tall heart-stealer, heart-stealer that my heart loves, the love of my eyes is you, because of your long hair
You have a white chest and a tall height, you have a place on my eyes forever (I adore you always)
Stop playing hard to get, stop playing hard to get, don't start avoiding my in-love heart
Until I kiss your lips when you're asleep, until I brush your black hair

Scenery Will Ever Change

If you ever stop and stand there
There’s always the same scenery
If you just move straight head on
Scenery will ever change
I’ve walked a dark path for long
And I didn’t know where it leads me
This is reality where not a streak of light is visible
How far until I can walk?
Will this hurt ever go away?
With no finishing line in sight
I wonder where it’s to be found
There’s nobody else in the world
That’s able to see a way forward
All you can do is to keep walking
Until a light shines through
Even if you fall, bleed and bruise
You’ve got to go look for a light
To get out of this cold darkness
And change the present you’re in
Whether you stand there or keep going
It’s one out of two choices
If you ever stop and stand there
There’s always the same scenery
If you just move straight head on
Scenery will ever change
Even if you can see nothing at all
Keep pushing on
And a ray of light will ever shine through
We’re all on our way

Where are you, dream?

Where are you, dream?
Where are you, my dream?
I am looking into the distance with hope…
A gentle sound is flying to me
In the fragile silence.
Is it laughter? No!
Is it a lament? No!
It's you, love!
Where are you, dream?
Where are you, dream?
I hear…
Is it laughter? (laughter?)
Is it a lament? (lament?)
It's you, love!
My soul…
Take it in your palms, calm it down!
It is in you that I believe. Yes!
It is in the dream that I believe. Yes!
It is in love that I believe. Yes!
It is in love that I believe!
Yes, the dream is going to come…

Snow Maiden

The snowstorm is singing about
The new year's coming over the town
And the snow swirls in the alleys
And the snow falls at the gate
And the snow goes on, and the snow goes on
And everyone waits for their Snow Maiden
At the New Year's cherished hour
And the night was blissful
And all the land was snow-white
The snow storm has woven lacework
On the fur coat for its Snow Maiden
And the night was bright and the night was white
Perhaps, you're my miracle worker
Who came to me from a fairy tale that night
The snowstorm is singing in the fields
And once again, all the land is covered in snow
The years pass by and the threads are snowy
They don’t melt on their whiskers anymore
Years pass by, years pass by
And you’re the old Snow Maiden
Stay with me forevermore

Loveland Island

Oh, Loveland
In a dazzling afternoon summer
Everyone was taking refuge on the shade trees
Over there on the scalding pavement
Inside of the shimmering water mirage
Walking on burning steps
Giving myself in
To that person...
Oh, Loveland
The sweat flowing from my cheeks
Was falling on the dry road
And abruptly this desert city
Changes to a southern oasis
Oh, Island
This is certainly that person fault
Looking at your eyes
Oh, Loveland, Oh, Island
I love you, I love you
It's like keep dreaming after wake up
Before I realized it
I already couldn't see anything
Oh, Loveland
Appearing and disappearing suddenly, that person
Certainly is the summer goddess
The light of love is here too
Oh, Loveland
You came to teach me that
Oh, Loveland, Oh, Island
I love you, I love you

That Time of Year

- Wow, so festive.
- Coming!
- Good afternoon, I am Olaf.
- Hey Olaf.
- I love warm hugs, and this is my friend, Sven.
We're going door to door - in search of new family traditions. What do you do on such a special day?
- oh, we bake candy canes.
- Humm, u-hu-hu-u, sugar rush.
- That was made to be eaten.
- Eat my new nose? Why would I do that?
- Because we're in that time of year!
- Hmm, that time of year!
Happy and hearty salutations everyone
Hm, How does this family spend the holidays?
Love and peace on earth and everything good in which you believe.
I ought to know your traditions thoroughly.
Pine decorations we hang on each door.
Cookies like Norway, wavy and crooked
We go door to door following the choir
On the fireplace, we hang the socks, near the fire
(It's safe, for sure!)
That's what you must do for the friends you made
Thank you for giving on the holidays.
- We gotta get a move on if we're to visit every single house in the kingdom!
Radiantes penhas que a quadra assim **?**
Em cada noite de luz: o que fazem este mês?
Ey, shalom, (parece ser outra lingua?)
** **
I'm looking for new traditions to spend the holidays
The decorations are wreckages that the sea sdidn't take
Don't refuse the fruit cake, go ahead and eat!
(Such quick digestion!)
Bring forth the gifts, but hide them well quietly.
Wait until the fat guy slides down the chimney
Home invasion, only allowed on Christmas!
** **(parece ser outra lingua?)
I'm thankful for the knowledge of what every house must have for the holidays.
- Thank you!
Scarves, Jackets, all matching with the gloves
Pajamas to protect the kittens from the rain season
***Iluminar deixa as**de noites de chamas tão belas*
They cut down a single tree and then dress the corpse with candles, hm.
Anna and Elsa will have it all, a sleigh full of traditions for the holidays
They'll have a perfect Christmas, thanks to me...
Thanks to me, me, me….

Monastery of Saint Chiara

Tomorrow? But I wish I could leave tonight!
I can't stand being far away any longer!
They say all it's left is the sea,
which is the same ad before, that sea of blue...
Monastery of Saint Chiara,1
my heart is so dark,2
but why? Because every night
I think of Naples as it used to be,
I think of Naples as it is now!
Fountain of Capodimonte,
this heart of mine break
when I hear people saying
that this city has gone bad,
but why?
No, it isn't true!
No, I can't believe it!
And this urge to go back to Naples is killing me,
but what can I do?
I'm afraid to go back.
Afraid, yes... what if it was really so?
What if people were telling the truth?
All of Naples' richness was its heart:
they say that's lost, too!
Monastery of Saint Chiara,
confined among four walls
so many honest women,
if they lost their love,
took Jesus as their husband.
Fountain of Capodimonte,
now, if they lose a lover,
they have one hundred more,
so that an innocent woman,
so people say, is nowhere to be found anymore.
No, it isn't true!
No, I can't believe it!
And this urge to go back to Naples is killing me,
but what can I do?
I'm afraid to go back.
Monastery of Saint Chiara,
my heart is so dark,
but why? Because every night
I think of Naples as it used to be,
I think of Naples as it is now!
  • 1. A religious complex in the centre of Naples, severely damaged by a bombing in 1943
  • 2. A play on words with the name 'Chiara', which in Italian means 'light, pale'.


When the moon rises, in Marechiaro