Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 39


She wouldn't realize I was in love with her

Sitting on my bed, I think back on us
To those days blown away by the wind
So many nights spent at the same bar
I don't hang out with my old friends anymore
Her gaze was the light of my life
Her voice was the sweetest sound
I thought about telling her so many times
I thought about making it happen so many times
Hours spent talking in the car outside her place
We'd laugh, we'd play around and she wouldn't realize...
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
And every time she'd hurt, I'd hurt
I'd cry myself to sleep without making a sound for so many nights
Because, because, because, because...
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
And every time she wasn't there I would die
I'd cry myself to sleep without doing a thing for so many nights
And I'd hide behind the shadow of a smile
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
Remembering this, a blade pierces my soul
The kind of pain that is relentless in its burning
Her name shall live forevermore
A deep mark, everlasting
I would spend so many hours keeping all that bottled up inside
She'd talk to me, she'd look at me and she wouldn't realize that...
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
And every time she'd hurt, I'd hurt
I'd cry myself to sleep for so many nights, saying nothing, doing nothing...
Because, because, because...
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
And every time she wasn't there I would go crazy
I have been pretending for so long
I have been hiding behind the shadow of a smile
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
And every time she wasn't there I would go crazy
I have been pretending for so long
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her...

Another Summer

I remember the other summer with you,
You promised to come back to me.
But, if by chance,
You won't come back anymore,
Then this beach will be
A fever of sun
And of you, that consumes me like before.
But you are not here,
On this beach, with me.
I remember that summer with you,
A summer that passed in an instant.
The warm sand will welcome us
embraced together like this.
A fever of sun
And of you, that consumes me like before.
But you are not here,
On this beach, with me.
The warm sand will welcome us
embraced together like this.
A fever of sun
And of you, that consumes me like before.
But you are not here,
On this beach, with me.

Flesh And Sky

O maternal love,
heartbreaking for the gold
of bodies suffused
with the secret of wombs.
And beloved unconscious
attitudes of the lewd
perfume that laughs
along innocent limbs.
Heavy fire bolts
of hair . . . cruel
indifference of glances...
faithless attentions. . .
Unnerved by tears
so gentle I go back home,
my flesh scorched
by radiant smiles
And I'm going mad in the middle
of this ordinary night
after a thousand other nights
of such impure fervor.

The 20th century

Some say those skies are suitable
for horses and that roads
are made of soundstage dust.
Some say that inside the houses, pale-faced women
with their old Singer machines sew
light gingham coats
clothes that billow in the wind
and everything else is just rubbish,
old stuff for Chinese people, eh, eh.
Some say that old little tune
from the 19th century makes
some old dolls smile in a sweet dream
all of them, pierced by an Indian arrow,
memories of the previous century,
stuff from a distant era,
an era [they] glimpsed in the white flash
of a magnesium flare
over the crazy red of manganese, eh eh.
The silence was indigo, and so was the Great Spirit
that slowed the onset of frost
and shooed crows away from the hill.
Like an old cook in a kitchen,
scolding the ghosts of gourmands
in a slow, sing-song way.
Nevermind, just leave it, don't bother,
we don't know where we were
that morning that was worth seeing, eh eh.
Where were we that morning
when the 20th century was running
the great race of moccasins...
Up there, on the pleistocene stage
on the prehistoric plateau
volcanic, then galvanic...
Some say it's all vanilla,
a great battle,
a big wonder, eh, eh.
The galvanized wind was opening
all garages and freeing
some big, thrilling engines.
Yellow straw was fluttering in the air,
higher than the realm of eagles,
where airplanes shine...
The airplane was shining like the eyes
of stray boys who
were looking at it from the branches of cherry trees, eh eh.

Vas Ég

Versions: #1
A városért élő büszke egyéniségek vagyunk,
De a ragyogás nem nagyon tudott magasabbra törni
Isteneket és vallásokat keresünk ahhoz,
Hogy befessenek üdvösséggel
De senki
Senki sem
adhatja meg neked az erőt
Hogy gyarapodjon a szereteted
és felül emelkedj az utálaton
Ezen a vas égbolton keresztül
Ez hamar eszünkbe jut
A félelemből a szabadság felé
Oh, ez az élet
Ez csepeg elhagyott falakon
Egy nem lélegző álomból
Ebben a kemény valóságban
Megvezető kanál eteti a vakokat
Segít a rideg társadalmunk definiálásában
Onnan ahonnan a szeretet felé emelkedünk
Az utálaton túl
Ezen a vas égen keresztül
Hamar eszünkbe jut
A félelemből a szabadság felé
Csak tarts ki
Csak tarts ki
Ohhh ohhhh oh oh
(Charlie Chaplinbeszéde a The Great Dictator c. filmből)
Ha meghallják a hangomat, ezt kiáltom nekik: Ne veszítsétek el a reményt! A ránk szakadt szenvedés a kapzsiság múló uralma, azoknak a kapálózása, akik félnek az emberi haladás útjától. A gyűlölség elmúlik, a diktátorok meghalnak, a néptől bitorolt hatalmuk visszaszáll a népre. Amíg az ember halandó, a szabadság nem pusztulhat el. ....Ne szolgáljatok embertelen embert, gépagyú, gépszívű gépembert! Nem vagytok gépek! Nem vagytok birkák! ... Emberek vagytok! Tibennetek! Nektek, a népnek megvan a hatalma, hogy boldogságot teremtsen! Hogy az életet széppé és szabaddá tegyétek, csodálatos kalanddá varázsoljátok. Használjátok hát ezt a hatalmat: Egyesüljünk valamennyien!'
És felül emelkedünk a szereteten, a gyűlöleten a vas égen keresztül,
hamar eszünkbe jut
A félelemből a szabadság felé
Onnan ahonnan a szeretet felé emelkedünk
Az utálaton túl
Ezen a vas égen keresztül hamar eszünkbe jut a félelemből a szabadság felé
Oh! Essen rám az eső
Oh! Essen rám az eső

For a Greater Love

How are you? How am I? We're bloody alone.
I think of you, I think of myself, it's such distress.
You know how to hide the pain, the feelings well.
Maybe not, I don't know but I'll wait for you.
Look at me, I'm still here between hell and paradise.
I don't know what year it is anymore but I'll look for you.
Your antics, my fixations won't be my fault anymore
but, you see, reality seems like a lie.
For a greater love,
the dawn will burn the doors the heaven is opening for us.
For a greater love,
try to be fair because being unfair can hurt you.
One day, now I'd like to see you alone.
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
Where are you? Where are you going? You're afraid of being wrong.
I don't know what it is, what ties me up to you.
It's a god, paying him can be a sin.
The truth is crueller - you're leaving, my love.
For a greater love,
I will fight, I will save you even if it costs my life.
For a greater love,
I'll tell you how much I love you.
One day, now I'd like to see you alone.
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
(For a greater love...)
One day, now I'd like to talk to you alone.
(For a greater love...)
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
For a greater love.
For a greater love... you're here.
One day, now I'd like to see you alone.
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
(For a greater love...)
One day, now I'd like to talk to you alone.
(For a greater love...)
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
(For a greater love...)
One day, now I'd like to see you alone.
(For a greater love...)
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
(For a greater love...)

For You

Hey, listen.
I'll leave today at dawn
without making any more noise in the room.
I'll leave like a ray of sun.
I'll reach the farthest of places.
I will leave and look for another god,
so you won't be able to hurt me anymore.
I will leave everything here, you won't wake up,
that way you won't see and you won't suffer.
Tell me only 'Yes'.
Tell me only what you'll want.
For you, I don't exist anymore.
It's useless for me to stay here.
Let this spirit go
so he can still fly one day.
For you, it's not the same here.
Don't leave me in a corner anymore
like a boxer who has got no faith
and already knows the end.
The angel that no longer inhabits you is sleeping.
I don't hate you, for real, I love you.
I will phone those friends with whom
I've grown up and who give me strength.
I will live and won't regret it
if it's just like that.
For you, I don't exist anymore.
It's useless for me to stay here.
Let this spirit go
so he can still fly one day.
For you, it's not the same here.
Don't leave me in a corner anymore
like a boxer who has got no faith
and who will fall.
And even though, yes, I'll love you.
And even though, yes, you'll love me.
And even though, yes, I'll suffer.
And even though, yes, you'll suffer.
And even though, yes, I'll cry.
And even though, yes, you'll cry.
And even though, yes, I won't want to,
I will go away for some time... I'll go away!
For you, I don't exist anymore.
It's useless for me to stay here.
Let this spirit go
so he can still fly one day.
For you, it's not the same here.
Don't leave me in a corner anymore
like a boxer who has got no faith
and who already knows the end.

3 AM

3 AM, I've turned the TV off.
I'm leaving but I won't wake you up.
Forgive me if I
haven't been able to tell you goodbye.
You'll see, it will be easier for us.
And I look at you while you sleep, you're an angel.
Standing naked on the stairs
and in the middle of a prairie making love,
this way... remember me.
And there's nothing to explain
and there's nothing to redo.
I know... it won't be easy to be without you.
I'm leaving here that small bonsai
because I know you will protect it
even more than you do yourself.
It's the way you've always been.
With me, you've always given everything, yes.
And I look at you with the silence of a tear.
Standing naked on the stairs
and in the middle of a prairie making love,
this way... remember me.
I wouldn't like to but I must leave
even though I love you to death.
I know... it won't be easy to be without you.
And if you can one day,
and if I can one day,
I know I'll find you again.
Standing naked on the stairs
and in the middle of a prairie making love,
this way... remember me.
Because I love you to death
and I don't want to make you suffer!
I know... it won't be easy to be without you.

A Bloody 'I Love You'

Forgive me
if I have to call you sometimes because I'm suffering.
If I feel you so much present every night that I'm awake.
If I've left your picture like that next to my bed and I don't see you anymore.
If I reread the message in which you say that you're no longer mine.
Forgive me
if I haven't always been like you wanted, I was never perfect.
If I haven't congratulated you on the day of your birthday.
If I'm not indifferent when I see someone else is in my place.
If I can’t at least think about how much it is my fault.
Because now that I think about it,
I have never told you
a bloody 'I love you'
which now I have to scream.
I don't have any more time
and even though I know that deep down you love me, you won't come back.
Forgive me
if I remember when we were picturing our house together.
If I see you still wait up for me and you don't say a word.
If I still feel you laughing alone because of an old film.
If my thoughts return to that party where I met you.
Because now that I think about it,
I have never told you
a bloody 'I love you'
which now I have to scream.
I don't have any more time
and even though I know that deep down you love me, you won't come back.
Because now that I think about it,
I have never told you
a bloody 'I love you'!
And even though I know that deep down you love me, you won't come back.
And if by chance you're thinking, 'I was wrong',
lock your pride up inside and come here next to me.
'Cause one single time is enough for me to tell you how much I've missed you
because love is stronger than that bloody 'I love you'.
A bloody 'I love you'!
And even though I know that deep down you love me, you won't come back.
And even though I know that deep down you love me, you won't come back.


True, that I love you now, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it's been a game, false.
I'm being honest with you, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't trust me, I swear it on my life.
I write it for you all over the house.
I write it for you on a bouquet of roses.
I need you, I need you,
'cause your weird silence weighs on me.
And if it's only a matter of time,
as for me, there will be no impediments.
Tell me what you want.
Tell me what you feel but remember.
True, that I love you now, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it's been a game, false.
I'm being honest with you, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't trust me, I swear it on my life.
Leave the pride aside, I beg you
and don't think I've failed you.
This story is the most important thing.
I can't let it die and lose you.
Every day that goes by, they're stronger,
my pain and the one I know you feel.
I need you, to repeat you
that I want to scream it to the world.
True, that I love you now, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it's been a game, false.
I'm being honest with you, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't trust me, I swear it on my life.
True, true... true.
False... false.
True, that I love you now, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it's been a game, false.
I'm being honest with you, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't trust me, I swear it on my life.
True, that I love you now, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
(I write it for you all over the house...)
(I write it for you on a bouquet of roses...)
True, that you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
(I need you, to repeat you
that I want to scream it to the world...)
True, that I love you now, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it's been a game, false.
I'm being honest with you, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't trust me, I swear it on my life.


True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it was a game, false.
I wasn't there, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't believe me, I swear it on my life.
I write it for you over the walls of the house.
I write it for you with rose petals,
that I need you, that I need you
'cause your weird silence weighs on me.
And if it's only a matter of time,
I'm ready for any confrontation.
Ask what you want.
Tell me what you feel but remember.
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it was a game, false.
I wasn't there, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't believe me, I swear it on my life.
Leave the pride aside, I beg you.
Don't think that I'm a mistake.
This story is too important for me
to let it die, let it fall in the void.
Every night that goes by is a pain.
And I know that you aren't well either.
I need you, a need
that I want to scream to the world.
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it was a game, false.
I wasn't there, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't believe me, I swear it on my life.
True, true... true.
False... false.
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it was a game, false.
I wasn't there, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't believe me, I swear it on my life.
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
(I write it for you over the walls of the house...)
(I write it for you with rose petals...)
True, that you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
(I need you, a need
that I want to scream to the world...)
True, that I still love you, true.
That I've betrayed you, false.
That it was a game, false.
I wasn't there, true.
That you're the only one, true.
That I've cheated on you, false.
If you don't believe me, I swear it on my life.

My Mission

I've lived here waiting for you,
fixed in an empty corner,
giving up God and my own life
just for thinking of you.
And I can't stay like this anymore.
I want to see and wake up now.
Free me from this prison for a second.
But I can't see anything without you
and everything looks alike, black and colourless,
and it loses its energy.
Come back here next to me.
Forever I will love you
and if you can't understand,
help me get out of here.
I love you, my love!
I love you more than I love myself.
If you're afraid, look for me
'cause I will have you in my arms.
It's my mission.
I will wait for you in that oblivion
that your absence gives me here.
And your tears, I'm going to make them mine
until you accept
My return to your shores,
with my hand held in your hand.
I know fighting for you is worth so much.
But I can't do anything without you.
Give me the air to breathe.
I'm gonna drown like this.
Come back here next to me.
Forever I will love you
and if you can't return,
help me get out of here.
I love you, my love!
I love you more than I love myself.
If you're afraid, look for me
'cause here I will look after you.
This is my mission.
This is my mission.
Come back here.
Forever I will love you
and if you can't return,
help me get out of here.
I love you, my love!
If you're afraid, look for me
'cause I will have you in my arms.
It's my mission.
It's my mission.
It's my mission.


It's me, how are you?
Do you remember me?
I haven't written to you for a while, forgive me.
Amidst the stuff that I have
over my desk,
there is a picture of us, a beautiful one.
Do you remember us
alone at your parents' house?
That night was brilliant for us.
After that, I didn't see you anymore.
I can't say why.
We lost each other like that, it's illogical.
(Come back here with me...)
To revive the dream
of a wonderful romance.
(Come back here with me...)
Tell me if there's already another one whom you await
and who sleeps with you, with you.
I'm fine, you know.
I travel a lot
but I'd like to stop for a bit in six months.
Work is like that.
It's not easy but
I'll keep going until I can't anymore.
I've changed, you know that.
I have a house in the city.
It's not big but I feel it's mine.
And I write to you from here,
via this e-mail.
I'm sure you'll read it.
(Come back here with me...)
I still feel your kisses
and those tender embraces.
(Come back here with me...)
Tell me if there's already another one whom you await
and who sleeps with you, with you.
It's me, how are you?
Do you remember me?
I haven't written to you for a while, forgive me.
(Come back here with me...)
To revive the dream
of a wonderful romance.
(Come back here with me...)
Tell me if there's already another one whom you await
and who sleeps with you, with you.

That Bloody 'I Love You'

Forgive me
if I need to call you now and then to feel better.
If every night I feel you so strongly that I stay awake.
If I've left your picture next to my bed and I've never ripped it.
If I read again that message you wrote to me before leaving.
Forgive me
if I'm not the way you wanted me and if I'm not perfect.
If I haven't called you on the day of your birthday.
If I don't act indifferently now that there's someone in my place.
If I can't do anything but think about how much it was my fault.
Because every time I think
that I never told you
that bloody 'I love you'
which I would shout now,
but now there's no more time
and even though I know you love me, you won't come back.
Forgive me
if I think again about when we were already inventing our house.
If I see that you still wait for me awake with your light on.
If I still hear you laughing on your own with that old film.
If my thoughts drift back to that party where I saw you.
Because every time I think
that I never told you
that bloody 'I love you'
which I would shout now,
but now there's no more time
and even though I know you love me, you won't come back.
You won't come back.
Because every time I think
that I never told you
that bloody 'I love you'!
And even though I know you love me, you won't come back.
But if you're now thinking that you made a mistake,
lock up the pride you have inside and come to me.
For me, one time is enough to tell you all that I feel
because love is stronger than that bloody 'I love you'.
That bloody 'I love you'!
And even though I know you love me, you won't come back.
And even though I know you love me, you won't come back.

The Craziness of Love

Under the sky, the city begins to light up.
The only thing I want to do tonight is dance.
I only hope that this time, you'll want to get closer, and like that begin
I have the rhythm and you have the rest.
You drive me crazy, I think I'm beginning to fall in love.
I only hope that my love can infect you and like that begin
Dancing, singing, driving me crazy, yeyeyeye
Oh baby, I can't hide it
I feel it all over my body,
the craziness of your love.
Oh baby, you've gotten it in my chest,
it burn like fire
the craziness of your love.
I have the rhythm and you have the rest.
You drive me crazy, I think I'm beginning to fall in love.
I love you, if you're not afraid you'll see that the night will burn
Dancing, singing, driving me crazy, yeyeyeye
Oh baby, I can't hide it
I feel it all over my body,
the craziness of your love.
Oh baby, you've gotten it in my chest,
it burn like fire
the craziness of your love.
I feel it here in my chest, the craziness of this love,
darling, it burns like fire, give me all of your heat.
Oh baby, I can't hide it
I feel it all over my body,
the craziness of your love.
Oh baby, you've gotten it in my chest,
it burn like fire
the craziness of your love.

Very far away

Far, far away, beyond Milan
beyond gasometers, beyond manometers
beyond kilometers and tram tracks
far, far away, very far away,
beyond running water and electricity,
there I want to surrender myself into the arms of music
that ends the conversation about affinities.
Strong farter, written by the devil,
in obvious defiance of civilization.
Maybe you won't love me
you'll meet me, smile at me
but you won't love me.
Maybe you won't love me
you'll listen to me, follow me
but you won't love me.
The moon, the moon of howls
leaves classicism to poets.
There I want to surrender myself into the arms of music
that ends the conversation about urbanity.
Strong farter, written by the devil,
in solemn defiance of humanity.
Maybe you won't love me
you'll talk to me, embrace me
but you won't love me.

The Stradella accordeon

What is the Po Valley1
after six
a fog that makes you feel like
you are in a glass
of water and anise liquor, eh.
I heard it on the radio and it's true
it's past 1 PM and in this car
I feel I'm alone
because you aren't talking to me.
The road is grey and the light is grey
and Broni, Casteggio and Voghera2
are grey too.
There's only a red traffic light up there.
In the heart, in the heart of Stradella3,
the town where every
accordeon4 of this plain
was born and someone plays them this way,
the engine is idling and I hear
that sound in the air.
I watch you sleep
you look different
very different, I know.
With the sweet sound
of the Stradella accordeon
you look even more beautiful
than you are.
And I like
driving you around
in the night
all night
tonight, this way
and always this way.
  • 1. the largest plain in Italy:
  • 2. towns in the Po Valley near Pavia
  • 3. another town near Pavia, which was once famous for the production of accordeons. It now hosts a museum dedicated to accordeons which was inaugurated by the author of this song.
  • 4. here, 'armonica' may be a shortened form of 'fisarmonica' (accordeon) or alterantively it may refer to harmonics as properties of sound waves (see: )

The Value of Defeat

I think it is necessary to educate the new generations to the value of defeat, to the management of defeat, to the Humanity that emerges from it, to build an identity able to experience a common destiny, where you can fail and start over without your value and your dignity will be undermined.
We need to educate the new generations to not become social elbows, to not pass over the body of the others to finish first.
This world belongs to vulgar and dishonest winners, false and opportunist abusers, this world belongs to the important people, they are occupying power and robs the present and the future.
To this anthropology of winners I prefer the loser.
It is an exercise that I can do well.
And I'm in peace with my sacred few things.
- -
I'm a man who prefers to lose rather than win with ways unfair and unkind.
Gross negligence on my part, I know!
And the best part is that I have the nerve to defend this guilt, to consider it almost a virtue.

Nem értette, hogy szerettem

Itt ülve az ágyon visszagondolok ránk,
Azokra a napokra, melyeket a szél már elfújt
Annyi estét eltöltöttünk ugyanabban a bárban
A barátainkkal, akik most már nem látnak többé
A tekintete fény volt a szemeimben
A hangja a legédesebb hang volt nekem
Annyiszor gondoltam arra, hogy elmondom neki
Annyiszor gondoltam arra, hogy megteszem
Órákat töltöttünk az autóban a háza fele, közben beszélgettünk
Nevetett, viccelődött, és nem értette, hogy
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
És mindig, mikor szenvedett, én is szenvedtem
Annyi éjszaka sírtam anélkül, hogy bármit is mondtam volna
Miért, miért, miért, miért....
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
És mindig, mikor nem volt itt, meghaltam
Annyi éjszaka sírtam anélkül, hogy bármit is csináltam volna
És egy mosoly köde mögé bújtam
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
Az emlék egy penge a lélekben
Egy fájdalom, ami kegyelem nélkül éget
A neve élni fog az örökkévalóságban
Mind egy mély és kitörölhetetlen jel
Órák és órák, mikor minden szenvedést megérek magamban
Beszélt hozzám, nézett, és nem értette, hogy...
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
És mindig, mikor nem volt itt, meghaltam
Annyi éjszaka sírtam anélkül, hogy bármit is csináltam volna
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
És mindig, mikor nem volt itt, megőrültem
Annyiszor színleltem hasztalanul
És egy mosoly köde mögé bújtam
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
És mindig, mikor nem volt itt, megőrültem
Annyiszor színleltem hasztalanul
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
Nem értette, hogy szerettem
Nem értette, hogy szerettem...