Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 52



I call tomorrow with a gust of the wind over white foaming waves
With autumn leaves and the first April thunder
And calling them I say,
'Everything will be as I command'
Everything will be as I thought up from the start
When this song was sung for the first time
When under the rainbow that shone for the first time
On the border between sea and land I was called Siren
Siren, Siren, Siren...
I am the sea, waves and foam
Siren, Siren, Siren...
I am the power that send ships far away from the land
Siren, Siren, Siren...
Siren, Siren, Siren...
I am the sea, waves and foam
I am a sailor's sad dream and a faint light of beacon
Fog descends from the snowy tops
And the extinct volcanoes awaken
Time slows down for the moment
And even the Milky Way lays silently at my feet like a puppy
I call tomorrow with the silence of eternity, the mystery of the sea bed
And the infinite power of music and words
And calling them I say,
'Everything will be as I command'
Siren, Siren, Siren...
I am the sea, waves and foam
Siren, Siren, Siren...
I am the power that send ships far away from the land
Siren, Siren, Siren...
Siren, Siren, Siren...
I am the sea, waves and foam
I am a sailor's sad dream and a faint light of beacon

Old Friend

The days pass by, years follow them in haste
We have been together for so many years, my love, my destiny
Forgive me for the pain of the past resentments, my old friend
My love is always with you, may destiny keep my love
Everything will happen again in this world - rain, the wind, leaf fall...
The birds will fly to the South like many times before
A day will shine again with the happy light of your beloved eyes
Everything will happen again but not for us
A night is longer than a day but its warmth lives inside of us
Ice is still afraid of fire, not everything is gone
Everything will happen again in this world - rain, the wind, leaf fall...
The birds will fly to the South like many times before
A day will shine again with the happy light of your beloved eyes
Everything will happen again but not for us
Life is passing by, when thunder claps the circle will close
But we will walk our way together, my faithful friend, my old friend
My old friend, my good friend, my faithful friend,
My first friend, my last friend...

Rise above the rush

Easy, - you say -
All is simple in this life,
Easy to count stars
Already discovered.
But, the one, your own star,
Not so easy to discover,
Easy, easy, easy,
Easy, easy, easy.
Easy to always
Stay in shade.
Simple to just get on a plane
And take off into the sky,
But to rise above the rush
Time from time is not that simple.
Easy, easy, easy,
Easy, easy, easy.
Above the road's dust -
Lies a starry path,
Just need to spread
Your wings,
And fly above the prior [events],
Above yourself,
To kindle as a new star.
To Live! Flame and not burn out,
To Live, not just exist!
And yet comes dawn...
The stars also melt down, dim...
It's simple to be like
Someone else.
Year after year
To sing the same [songs].
But to safeguard your voice,
Sometimes isn't easy,
Easy, easy, easy,
Easy, easy, easy.
It's easy to consider world as
Simple and accustomed to,
It's easy to always take
The road well travelled.
But to find your own paths
At times is not that easy.
Easy, easy, easy,
Easy, easy, easy.
Above the road's dust -
Lies a starry path,
Just need to spread
Your wings,
And fly above the prior [events],
Above yourself,
To kindle as a new star.
To Live! Flame and not burn out,
To Live, not just exist!
And yet comes dawn...
The stars also melt down, dim...
Easy, - you say -
All is simple in this life,
Easy to count stars
Already discovered.
But, the one, your own star
Not so easy to discover,
Easy, easy, easy,
Easy, easy, easy.
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


Ups and downs

Nowhere to rush. Simply, this is life.
This is just a long road
And fate that's rough...
So far, no elevator goes to heavens.
I meet friends at the door.
Year after year, winter after winter 1
Again, there are ups and downs!
Life is played as if by notes.
Endless span of stages...
Again, questions and answers.
And only one-way tickets.
There is no choice - we play out this life!
This life
Who drew on my palm
Destiny line, and why --
Does it lead me to you?!
I would walk on foot to get to heavens,
Just it turned out to be hard, that last last step,
Year after year, step after step. 2
Again, there are ups and downs!
Life is played as if by notes.
Endless span of stages...3
Again, questions and answers.
And only one-way tickets.
There is no choice - we play out this life!
We play out this life!
Again, there are ups and downs...
Life is played as if by notes...
Again, questions and answers...
And only one-way tickets!
Again, there are ups and downs!
Life is played as if by notes!
Endless span of stages...
Again, questions and answers!
And only one-way tickets!
There is no choice - we play out this life!!!
We play out this life...
  • 1. lit. Sixty third winter
  • 2. lit. Sixty third step
  • 3. lit. Never ending staircases, stories=floors
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


The Lake of Hope

Versions: #2
It's too late for me to love,
Or perhaps it is too early,
I do not believe as I once used to,
The Sea of Joy has gotten shallow, and the River of Love froze over,
But the Lake of Hope is what I'm left with.
The Sea of Joy has gotten shallow, and the River of Love froze over,
But the Lake of Hope is what I'm left with.
Lake of Hope please take me,
Take me as I am,
Let them all have judged me,
But you must understand!
Lake of Hope, call out the name,
And tell me where I could escape from love....
And the hallway mirror will shatter,
And the guitar strings will snap,
I will wear garments white as snow.
I will slam the doors behind me, and upon a moonlit night, I will come to the Lake of Hope.
I will slam the doors behind me, and upon a moonlit night, I will come to the Lake of Hope.
Lake of Hope please take me,
Take me as I am,
Let them all have judged me,
But you must understand!
Lake of Hope, call out the name,
And tell me where I could escape from love....
You must forgive me, my angel, you kept me safe in vain
I cannot be the way I was before.
I will throw off the white garments, I will enter the living waters, waters of the unrequited Hope.
Lake of Hope please take me,
Take me as I am,
Let them all have judged me,
But you must understand!
Lake of Hope, call out the name,
And tell me where I could escape from love....

Take me with you

Versions: #3
Again the evil wind of change carries you away,
Leaving me without even a shadow in return,
And he does not ask,
Maybe I want to fly away with you,
Like autumn yellow fallen leaves,
A bird after a blue dream.
Take me with you,
I will come through the evil nights,
I will depart after you,
Despite what is predicted in my journey,
I will go there, where you are,
You will draw a sun in the sky,
Where broken dreams
Again regain the gift of flight
How much have I looked for you throughout the years,
In a crowd of passersby,
I thought, you will be with me forever,
But you are leaving,
Now you don't recognize me amongst those passersby,
Only, just how I loved you before, I release you
Every time, as the night descends
On the sleeping city,
I run away from this sleepless house,
Into the cold and loneliness,
I search amongst the faceless dreams for you,
But through the door into a new day,
I'm again without you

Egymillió vérvörös rózsa

Egyszer volt, hol nem volt
Egy művész éldegélt,
Volt háza és vászna is elég,
De egy színésznőbe szeretett,
Aki szerette a virágokat.
Akkor hát eladta a házat
Nem sajnált vért és izzadtságot rá
És mindezt a pénzt mibe ölte:
Virágokból öntött tengerbe.
Milliónyi, milliónyi, milliónyi vérvörös rózsát,
Az ablakból, az ablakból, az ablakból látsz.
Az, ki szerelmes, szerelmes, szerelmes és nem viccel,
Egész életét virágokra váltotta neked.
Milliónyi, milliónyi, milliónyi vérvörös rózsát,
Az ablakból, az ablakból, az ablakból látsz.
Az, ki szerelmes, szerelmes, szerelmes és nem viccel,
Egész életét virágokra váltotta neked.
Reggel felkelsz az ablak mellett,
Lehet, hogy elment volna az eszed?
Mintha még az álmod tartana,
A teret kitölti a sok rózsa.
Elhidegült a lélek:
Mi a jó ég folyik itt?
De az ablak alatt, lélegzetvisszafojtva,
A szegény művész áll.
Milliónyi, milliónyi, milliónyi vérvörös rózsát,
Az ablakból, az ablakból, az ablakból látsz.
Az, ki szerelmes, szerelmes, szerelmes és nem viccel,
Egész életét virágokra váltotta neked.
Milliónyi, milliónyi, milliónyi vérvörös rózsát,
Az ablakból, az ablakból, az ablakból látsz.
Az, ki szerelmes, szerelmes, szerelmes és nem viccel,
Egész életét virágokra váltotta neked.
A találkozás rövid volt,
Éjjel ment a vonata.
De az életében volt
Az őrült rózsáknak dala.
A művész egyedül élte le életét
Nagy szegénységen ment át.
De az életében ott volt
A rózsákba borított tér.
Milliónyi, milliónyi, milliónyi vérvörös rózsát,
Az ablakból, az ablakból, az ablakból látsz.
Az, ki szerelmes, szerelmes, szerelmes és nem viccel,
Egész életét virágokra váltotta neked.
Milliónyi, milliónyi, milliónyi vérvörös rózsát,
Az ablakból, az ablakból, az ablakból látsz.
Az, ki szerelmes, szerelmes, szerelmes és nem viccel,
Egész életét virágokra váltotta neked.

Oltsd el a cigarettát

Miért dohányzol, lány? Miért?
A mérgező füst úgy tekereg, mint egy kígyó
Higgy nekem, nem leszel dögösebb
A fájdalmad lecsillapul, de megmarad
Nem, nem fog meg megmenteni senkit
Az élet problémáitól és aggodalmaitól
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Miért dohányzol, lány? Várj!
Miért kell bármit is tenned ezzel a borzalmas méreggel?
Nem fogod megmenteni magad a fájdalmadtól és bánatodtól
Még a legvastagabb füstfal mögött sem
Egy irreális világban bolyogva
Összetört lélekkel élsz
Oltsd el a cigarettád! Kihez beszélek? Oltsd el!
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Egy fénysugár még mindig pislákol a szívedben
Légy óvatos! Talán megbánod!
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Könyörgöm, oltsd el!
Oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el a cigarettád, oltsd el!
Oltsd el!

Put your cigarette out

Why do you smoke, girl? Why?
The toxic smoke winds like a snake
Believe me, your love won't be hotter
Your pain will subside but it will stay
No, it won't save anybody
From life problems and worries
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
Why do you smoke, girl? Wait!
Why do you have anything to do with this terrible poison?
You won't save yourself from your pain and grief
Behind even the thickest wall of smoke
Wandering in an unreal world
You live with your soul apart
Put your cigarette out! Who am I talking to? Put it out!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
A ray of light still shimmers in your soul
Be careful! You may regret it!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, I beg you, put it out!
Put your cigarette out, put your cigarette out, put it out!
Put it out!


In the town of my childhood
There was a girl next door
She had a long hair the colour of wheat,
Thin hands, big eyelashes
Queen... Oh, queen!
The years have passed over your head
What did they do with you?
Queen... Oh, queen!
People admired the queen,
All the boys in the building yard were in love with her
I was like a pale shadow beside her
I've learned to endure instead of to love
Queen... Oh, queen!
The years have passed over your head
What did they do with you?
Queen... Oh, queen!
I met her recently
Initially I didn't recognize her
Where is your hair the colour of wheat?
Where are your thin hands, your big eyelashes?
Queen... Oh, queen!
The years have passed over your head
What did they do with you?
Queen... Oh, queen!


When I was a child I loved to play Robinson
It was my favorite game
Let's play it!
This way!
Yes, yes, yes
I am Robinson again
You, you, you
You are Roibinson too
He, he, he
He is Robinson too
In this season we sing about Robinson
He is walking around the earth
In the Robinson season
It's nice to live in this world
Where are you, Robinson?
Hey, Robinson!
Robinson, what a Robinson!
I like him so much!
Me too!
You, you, you
Maybe, you are Robinson?
Maybe, me?
Most likely he is
He is walking around the earth
In the Robinson season
It's nice to live in this world
Me, me, me
I am Robinson today
You, you, you
You are Robinson too
He, he, he
He is Robinson too
In this season we sing about Robinson
Me, me, me
You are Robinson too
And me?
You, you, you
You are Robinson too
He, he, he
He is Robinson too
In this season we sing about Robinson
He is walking around the earth
(Where are you?)
In the Robinson season
It's nice to live in this world
Very good!
Where is that island?
Where is it?
There is everything
Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
Even Monday
But where is the island?
Me, me, me
Me, me, me
You, you, you
You, you, you
He, he, he
And he too
In this season...
Me, me, me
We sing...
We sing, sing...
You, you, you
He, he, he
Well done, guys!
In this season we sing about Robinson
He is walking around the earth
In the Robinson season
It's nice to live in this world
Very good!

Autumn Leaves

Versions: #2
Autumn leaves ruffle and ruffle in the garden,
With you I tread the familiar road.
Happy are those whose heart sings,
With whom next to them the lover with them goes.
May the years go by, love lives on the earth.
And there, where we broke up, nowadays we'll meet again.
The body is more powerful than [any] separation,
My true, only friend.
In the deserted garden the path is visible [from] afar,
And the autumn is beautiful, whenever spring's in the soul.
Let the years fly on, but your glance is shining,
and the leaves ruffle below us.

Summer Rains

Versions: #2
Summer rains and tears they shed,
These bright rainbows and stormclouds,
Feeling good when thunder growls,
As if something waits ahead.
As if islands wait for me,
Distant travels, long and awesome,
Drops of dew on flower blossoms,
Evergreen fresh grass I'll see.
As if my life will be like
Life that I have long forsaken,
After rain my soul awakened,
Feeling pure like blue sky.
Feeling pure
Like blue sky...
But consider, use your head,
They are frail and fleeting shrouds,
These bright rainbows and stormclouds,
Summer rains and tears they shed.
No, my life will be far cry
From the path I've never taken.
After rain my soul awakened,
Feeling pure like blue sky.
Feeling pure
Like blue sky...
Summer rains and tears they shed,
And these rainbows and stormclouds,
Feeling good when thunder growls,
As if something waits ahead...
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Who'd have thought it!

One day I'll be better and wiser than now
And looking from the height of my past years
Like on a rainy autumn at a sun-drenched April
I'll understand the secret of my happiness
Who'd have thought it? It was so unexpected!
Who'd have thought it? I fell so deeply in love!
Got to stop, got to stop, got to stop,
But I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't
I can't and don't want to.
One day I'll be more simple and a kind person for everyone
Nothing will worry and confuse me
In the forgotten photos preserving my merry laughter
No one will see my love.
Who'd have thought it? It was so unexpected!
Who'd have thought it? I fell so deeply in love!
Got to stop, got to stop, got to stop,
But I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't
I can't and don't want to.

Get home

Oh, where do I get this night?
Oh, the heart feels bad at night.
Oh, and who is laughing over there
More often..., more often screams?
Chill in the mist, through the ground and skin,
And around nothing can be seen...
Oh, good God, what is it, what?
And where is that your Grace?!
No, don't you ask God for the sky,
Senseless voice of mine!
I would rather have a little bread,
I would rather get home...
There isn't, no peace for me. No peace, none.
Darker and darker and burden to pieces,
Even faith is itself so dark.
Hence, the night keeps the path to happiness,
But where, where is this pass?
No, don't you ask God for the sky,
Senseless voice of mine!
I would rather have a little bread,
I would rather get home...
There isn't, no, no peace for me.
No peace, no.
No, no, none.

When I leave

When I leave away, far away...
Without suffering and worring,
Someone might breathe away with relief,
But someone will cry, maybe.
My train will speed away rattling at the junctions,
The former orchestras will cease.
And one who gets born later than me,
Will take this place on the stage.
Willing or not,
You'll never rewind
The filmstrip shooted by fate,
And only will fly
following me
applause melted away.
Oh, stage! Free as heaven!
Give me more space!
I know with you live the voices
And soles of actors gone.
But happen what may! -
The life goes on
Giving us new roles,
An actor's fate is once
To the ground, once skyward,
Happy, bitter fate.
Willing or not,
You'll never rewind
The filmstrip shooted by fate,
And only will fly
following me
applause melted away.
When I leave away, far away,
Without suffering and worring,
Someone might breathe away with relief,
But someone will cry, maybe.

Little by little

You got married at one time,
Clearly cursed by an evil eye,
But you didn't start to worry,
Little by little you were getting used to.
I was snoring like a bull,
Not as a woman*, but a man**,
But you were plugging your ears,
Little by little you were getting used to.
I was cooking food,
Bur-marigolds with goosefoot,
You choked and hicupped,
Little by little you were getting used to.
You wanted to love me,
I cooled you down,
I said: 'Very small', -
Little by little you were getting used to.
Instead of tenderess you hear barking,
Only give her money.
He was crying and soberring,
Little by little he was getting used to.
Year by year the time passed,
All endured and got healed,
You understood and perceived,
Little by little you got used to.
Once snowstorms lulled,
We got divorced with you,
There is a task anew -
Little by little to get used to.

Ty Na Svete Est' - You Exist on Earth

Versions: #3
You...I now know you exist on Earth...
And every single minute
I live just for you, I breath for you...
In my dreams it's always you...
No, I don't want much from you, you know...
Just sometimes to be near...
Flicker in your life like falling star...
And remember how you are...
To walk along you and not raise my gaze,
To walk and leave just un-enduring trace...
To walk just once with you
And treasure every moment then ...
And even if our love won't last that very long
And bitteness awaits me..
Let me walk along you in this timeless world
And remember your sweet voice...
You...I now know you exist on Earth!
And every single minute
I live just for you, I breath for you...
In my dreams it's always you!
To walk along you and not raise my gaze...
To walk and leave just un-enduring trace...
To walk just once with you
And treasure every moment then...
You...I now know you exist on Earth!
And every single minute
I live just for you, I breath for you...
In my dreams it's always you!


Versions: #4
Like an icy mount iceberg
Taking shape on the horison
And the current of deep waters
Carries it across the seas...
And it pays to know the danger
It presents to boats around it
How trecherous is iceberg
As it's not all that it seems..
But I forget all danger
When I am close beside you.
I throw myself in ocean
of trust and love for you..
But often you are so cold
Like white and silent iceberg
And all the thoughts that trouble you
Are hidden from my view..
And all the thoughts that trouble you
Are hidden from my view
Are you joy or are you sorrow?
Now you are frozen
Then you are melted
Are you ray of sun that warms me
Or reflected cold white light?
And I try to understand you
And to see if you still love me
And decide for once and ever
If we could turn wrong to right..
But I forget all danger
When I am close beside you,
I throw myself in ocean
of trust and love for you..
But often you are so cold
Like white and silent iceberg
And all the thoughts that trouble you
Are hidden from my view..
And all the thoughts that trouble you
Are hidden from my view.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Versions: #3
The best is yet to come, you know?
A southern wind will blow again.
Spring will spring again.
Our memories will be refreshed.
And somehow we'll meet again.
Somehow, we'll meet again.
And again someday at dawn,
Your lips will awaken me.
Happiness is like a bird, you know?
If it gets away, it may be forever.
But when caged up, it suffers.
So, that's no good, you see?
It's hard on him, you understand?
The best is yet to come, you understand?
Train tracks run everywhere.
Airplanes are flying their routes.
Ships are weighing their anchors.
So remember this, people,
Don't forget this, people:
If you'll believe in miracles more,
You'll be crying less frequently.
Happiness, you know, is like a bird.
Once it escapes, you can't get it back.
But when caged up, it suffers.
It's hard on him, you understand?
It's cruel not to free him,
It's cruel not to free him,
It's cruel not to free him.
I won't clip his wings.
Fly away, fly, please!
Fly away, fly, please!
Fly away, fly, please!
But we'll meet again one day, you know?

Let the fate protect you

Let the fate to take care of you
From sorrows and deceits,
From an unfulfilled dream
And from unreliable promises (1) -
Let it to take care of you, let it.
We would break up,
Sooner or later.
So, just don’t,
Don’t try to explain
And don’t deceive me, don’t.
I don’t want to know why,
There’s no reason to ask, just forget it.
We survived.
The pain is fading, but there is
still some pain in my heart
I wish no one would ever feel even the half of the pain like mine,
No one, never.
Let the fate protect you
From insincere words,
From betrayal and sadness
And from encounters ended with grudge
Let it protect you, let it.
We can’t really talk
about anything,
Not about what wait for us tomorrow
Not about what about we are leaving behind
Behind, behind
Don’t want to know why
No reason to ask or remember
We survived.
The pain is fading, but there is
still some pain in my heart
I wish no one would ever feel even the half of the pain like mine,
No one, never.
Let the fate save you
So you would not be the most precious
To the one who does not want you (2)
From wrong people (3)
Save you, save
Let the fate to help you
Because you won’t be able to
Take an insult and surve as I did
Those days, those days
I don’t want know why,
No reason to ask nor to remember.
We survived.
The pain is fading, but there is
still some pain in my heart
I wish no one would ever feel even the half of the pain like mine,
No one, never.

Let’s hang out

Ay, good! Ay good!
Ay, good! Ay good!
Would be good
O yeh
If you would come
My sweetheart
Moon crescent is in the sky
Above the wide river
Come soon, sweetheart
What’s the problem, really?
We will just hang out
Good, good
Good, good
Would be good
To make the other girls jealous
If you’d came to me
Like the one who was promised to me
Oye, the shoreline will soon
be covered with weeds
Come on my friend
Let’s chat
Good, good
Good, good
Would be so good
To be kissing until we die
Why have you not found me?
Obviously, you got lost
Oh, wait, do you have someone else?
Fine, but not fine

Millions Of Scarlet Roses

Versions: #4
Once there an artist had been, canvases he had and house,
But one actress he loved who liked flowers
And then his house he sold, sold canvases and the home,
And sea of flowers he bought.
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the the window from the window from the window you can see
Who's in love who's in love who's in love seriously
Turned his life to flowers for thee.
At dawn you stand by window, maybe insane,
The square is filled with flowers as if dreaming,
Soul chills, what did this rich man
Poor artist stands barely breathing.
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the the window from the window from the window you can see
Who's in love who's in love who's in love seriously
Turned his life to flowers for thee.
The meeting had been quite brief, train in the night carried her,
But in her life there had been a crazy song of the roses.
The artist spent life alone, he suffered many sorrows,
But in his life there had been a square full of flowers.
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the the window from the window from the window you can see
Who's in love who's in love who's in love seriously
Turned his life to flowers for thee.

Tell Me Birds

Versions: #3
Tell me, birds, what leads you into sky.
Over my head daringly you fly.
Maybe you fly with such easiness
For you aren't aspiring to success.
For you aren't tormented by the slights
From your flying past, your gorgeous past.
Fully, fly and keep flying,
It is midnight, in the zenith sun stands.
Verse by verse to the whole planet
Give away this song I'm singing
And the sun showers' silver threads.
Verse by verse to the whole planet
Give away this song I'm singing
And the sun showers' silver threads.
Tell this to me birds, time has arrived,
That our planet - is like fragile glass.
The clean birches, rivers and the fields,
All - more delicate than chandeliers.
Would from every side we soon be hearing
The crystal ringing, the farewell ringing.
Fully, fly and keep flying,
It is midnight, in the zenith sun stands.
Verse by verse to the whole planet
Give away this song I'm singing
And the sun showers' silver threads.
Verse by verse to the whole planet
Give away this song I'm singing
And the sun showers' silver threads.

The Blizzard Is Again

Versions: #2
It’s been many years
since I’ve been living
without closing the door after you had gone.
And ever since that time, calculating my sudden losses has stopped, waiting for someone.
The Blizzard Is Again
And the past is languishing in the dark.
The Blizzard Is Again
Two eternities have come together in one short day
Short day....
Forgive me without knowing,
Do not languish too long at the doorstep.
After all, our repeated love will get a lifelong expiration date.
The Blizzard Is Again
And the past is languishing in the dark
The Blizzard Is Again
Two eternities have come together in one short day
The Blizzard Is Again
And the past is languishing in the dark
The Blizzard Is Again
Two eternities have come together in one short day
Short day.....

And who's to blame?

'Goodbye, goodbye ...'
The rain is tapping
I'm leaving and you don't know yet
That you will never find me
And if you find me, you won't make it right
From now on I'll be close or far away
You won't meet me anyway
Even if I have to go half of earth
I will avoid you.
And who's to blame, to blame for everything
We don't need to find out
Understand this, the star has faded forever
That star that was our common destiny
Good destiny.
The star in the endless sky has faded
Don't look, don't look for the blue light in vain
Understand this, the star has faded forever
That star that was our common destiny
Good destiny
You don't need to, you don't need to
Call me in the daytime and in the midnight darkness
As to this star, I'm saying goodbye to you
Know that I'm not for you, not on this earth
You don't need to search
Let me remember our love again as it used to be
But from this day on there is no more me
Know that I'm not for you, not on this earth
You don't need to search
Let me remember our love again as it used to be
But from this day on there is no more me
Know that I'm not for you, not on this earth
Know that I'm not for you, not on this earth
Not on this earth