Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 44


Táncolni Egyedül

Te lettél a mindenem
Kezedbe adtad az életemet, te tartottad össze az életemet
Már azt sem tudom, ki vagyok én
Bármikor a padlóra kerültem, te ott hagytál egyedül
Ezt nem szerettem benned
Semmit sem adtál nekem
Csakis üres kifogásokat
Úgy tettél, mintha érdekeltelek volna
Szóval megtettem azt, amit azt hittem sosem fogok tudni megtenni
És megszabadultam tőled
Senkire nincs szükségem, hogy éljek
Csak én vagyok, senki, aki irányítani tudna
Nem leszek olyan
Aki hagyja, hogy visszatartsák őt
Csak táncolni akarok
Csak táncolni akarok
Nincs szükségem senkire, hogy érezzek valamit
Csak én vagyok
És ez így jó nekem
Csak táncolni akarok
Visszatértem önmagamhoz és most jobban érzem magam
Többet fogok ezentúl figyelni a mentális egészségemre
Ha egész nap egyedül vagyok
Eggyel kevesebb problémát kell
Senkire nincs szükségem, hogy éljek
Csak én vagyok, senki, aki irányítani tudna
Nem leszek olyan
Aki hagyja, hogy visszatartsák őt
Csak táncolni akarok
Csak táncolni akarok
Nincs szükségem senkire, hogy érezzek valamit
Csak én vagyok
És ez így jó nekem
Csak táncolni akarok
Senkire nincs szükségem, hogy éljek
Csak én vagyok, senki, aki irányítani tudna
Nem leszek olyan
Aki hagyja, hogy visszatartsák őt
Csak táncolni akarok
Csak táncolni akarok
Nincs szükségem senkire, hogy érezzek valamit
Csak én vagyok
És ez így jó nekem
Csak táncolni akarok

Kiss Later

Versions: #1
9am every morning you just appear
I see you everyday but my heart still flutters
It gets so awkward and I’m still shy but
I like you a lot
I'm not good at expressing my own feelings
But even if I don't say it, you know how I feel
Just know that I like you, I trust you a lot as well
So please know my heart
Why are you surprised? Just stop scaring me
Without any warning don't put your lips on mine
It's going too fast, let's slow down, just hug me for now
And we'll just kiss later
Ki-Ki Let's kiss later
Ki-Ki Let's kiss later
Ki-Ki Let's kiss later
Ki-Ki Let's just kiss later
Like a romantic movie, though I'm not a movie star
I'm not just a child either
For us girls we like to
Just make sure for ourselves
What do you do when I whine like a young child?
Like a strong oppa just watch over me
Cause if you like me and if you really mean it
Will you make me trust you?
Why are you surprised? Just stop scaring me
Without any warning don't put your lips on mine
It's going too fast, let's slow down, just hug me for now
And we'll just kiss later
Lightly, Lightly, even if our hands touch lightly
My heart trembles and pounds
Please just match my speed
And don't go far ahead
Pretending that you're mad
There's no use just wait for me
I like you so much
But for now let's just hug
It's going too fast, let's slow down, that's enough for now
Let's just kiss later
Ki-Ki Let's kiss later
Ki-Ki Let's kiss later
Ki-Ki Let's kiss later
Ki-Ki Let's just kiss later

Love Cherry Motion

Versions: #1
Ah ah, Imagine
Our hands just touched while we were walking
And then you gave me your glass of lemonade
You keep blowing butterflies into me
So my heart has grown so much
Just like bubble gum, That's now my heart
I don't know what the A to Z of love really is
But my ears are ringing
I've fallen Love Cherry Motion
Into a purple midsummer night's dream
Love Cherry Magic
I'm dreaming of a paradise with you
In my eyes, in my heart, you're right there
Come deeper into my open arms
Love Cherry Motion
Our beautiful story starts today
Ah ah, Imagine
Ah ah, Imagine
Ah ah, Imagine
Ah ah
When you call my name from right behind me
Just like a magnet, I'm right in front of you
I've never felt this way at all before
But it doesn't feel bad at all
It started sudden, our own love story
Even my ears ring
I've fallen Love Cherry Motion
Into a purple midsummer night's dream
Love Cherry Magic
I'm dreaming of a paradise with you
In my eyes, in my heart, you're right there
Come deeper into my open arms
Love Cherry Motion
Our beautiful story starts today
Ah ah, Imagine
Ah ah, Imagine
Ah ah, Imagine
Ah ah
Please hold on to my trembling hands
You know that I won't say a thing
My face can't ever hold a lie now
Just look at it, I'm so into you
On a cloud I feel your love
I've fallen Love Cherry Motion
I'll be brave and go towards you
Love Cherry Magic
All of my dreams have been filled with you
In my eyes, In my heart, You’re right there
My whole world with you here is shining
Love Cherry Motion
Our special days are starting today
Ah, ah, Imagine

Day & Night

You and me are lights growing far apart
it's a distance that can't be closed
You're stopped in place
shining on me dizzily
Different from the beginning
Everything was like that
even hobbies and movies
This is the ending I saw coming
So why is my head complicated?
No more, I have to stop this
Knowing that
I walk towards your light, like a habit
When will I stop?
Day & night
lingering all day
you bother me, I'm up all night
Day & night
go past the memories, move on
You're goin' around 'round (oh!)
Goin' around and 'round (so what?)
You're goin' around 'round (oh!)
Goin' around and 'round (so what?)
Baby, maybe
we were too hurt
Love you, hate you
a gap in our heart's temperature
What we wanted was too different
It was for the best
We may regret it
I saw this coming
We'd end up this way
I felt it was obvious
I know it's been true for awhile
Why do I just feel this now?
No more, I have to stop this
Knowing that
I walk towards your light, like a habit
When will I stop?
Day & night
lingering all day
you bother me, I'm up all night
Day & night
go past the memories, move on
You're goin' around 'round (oh!)
Goin' around and 'round (so what?)
You're goin' around 'round (oh!)
Goin' around and 'round (so what?)
A faraway place I can't reach shines
It is shimmering sightly
Day and night, I think of you
Now I block out that light
Day & night
Day & night
You're goin' around 'round
Goin' around and 'round (so what?)
You're goin' around 'round
Goin' around and 'round (so what?)

Ding Ding Dong

You know, I felt weird
when I looked at you, oh
somehow you're familiar (yes yes)
Why is it that when I meet your gaze
before I realize, my mouth curls up?
Be careful, do not misunderstand
I keep looking at you
I dream of holding your hand
maybe we're destiny, maybe
Come quickly,
Ding ding ding
the bells are ringing
Come to me,
Ding ding ding
before the end of today (I'll show my heart)
Ding ding ding
this is awkward to say
(just come near)
I'm saying I like you
The sweet fantasy I dreamed of
(Uh, it's a secret)
You appear to be my coincidence, this is deja vu
starting this moment, yours and my rendezvous
My heart fills like a balloon,
It floats high in the blue sky
Uh, this thrilling excitement
So, what you waiting for?
I'm telling you because I may have misunderstood
I've never felt like this before
I'm brave enough to make the first move, I'm honest
My heart pounds, pounds
Come quickly,
Ding ding ding
the bells are ringing
Come to me,
Ding ding ding
before the end of today
(I'll show my heart)
Ding ding ding
this is awkward to say (just come near)
I'm saying I like you
Maybe this is all a dream
if it's a dream I don't want to wake up
I'm filled with thoughts of you
circling in my head (come towards me)
Ding ding ding
Oh woah, Come quickly
Ding ding ding
before the end of today
Just, just come
I'm saying I like you (so,you)
Just, just come
I'm saying I like you
Come quickly,
Ding ding ding
the bells are ringing
Come to me,
Ding ding ding
before the end of today (I'll show my heart)
Ding ding ding
this is awkward to say (just come near)
I'm saying I like you
The sweet fantasy I dreamed of
(Uh, it's a secret)

Engedj be

A szívem mélyén, sötétség
Berontottál oda
Egy nap majd kialszik újra, de
Kérlek, keltsd fel a világom
Nem lehet véletlen egybeesés
Nem siethetsz
Édes suttogás
Az éjjeli égen túl, engedj be
A hold felkel, végül én leszek te
Mi, oly' különböző mi
A szívem megtelik a te színeiddel
A lány a fiú lánya
Szél fújdogál a szívem mélyében
Egy virágszirom szálldogál
Talán újra hideg van, de
Melengesd a szívem
Te, ahogy kopogsz, hezitálok
Amikor felkelek ebből az álomból éjszaka
Én leszek te, vagy te leszel én?
Túl sokáig vártam már
A hold felkel, végül én leszek te
Mi, oly' különböző mi
A szívem megtelik a te színeiddel
A lány a fiú lánya
Lassan úgy kinézni, mint te, hozzád szokni
Csak is a te lányod vagyok
A hold felkel, végül én leszek te
Mi, oly' különböző mi
Amikor meglátlak, a szívem megrezzen
A lány a fiú lánya
A fiú a lány fiúja
A lány a fiúé


Már kora reggel, deja vu
Idegen, mégis egy szokásos nap
Bújjak el? Fussak?
Rázd fel a fekete kalap tartalmát
Mindig ugyanaz lesz kihúzva belőle
Egy nyúl vagy egy galamb
Teljesen ugyanaz
Minden nap egy villanás a szívemben
Egy szivárvány, mely régen ragyogott
A világ színek nélkül unalmas
Megváltoztatnád egy csettintéssel?
Piros, narancs, sárga, zöld, élénkebben, hogy lesz jó?
Ó, igen
Mondd, ó, igen
Tölts be teljesen, sok színnel
Ó, igen
Mondd, ó, mindenem
Egész nap mosolygok
Míg a szívem dobog
Tölts meg mindenféle színnel, piros, narancs, sárga, zöld
Valamivel, ami kiemel
Meglepő változások
Egész nap mosolygok
Míg a szívem dobog
Boldog befejezés, ugyanaz a vég megint
Én nélküled, mihez kezdjek?
Üres színpadok
Elég lesz, állj
Kifutópályán akarok sétálni
Elegáns, de különleges
Megmutatom neked önmagam
Ez a szívem
Minden nap egy villanás a szívemben
Egy szivárvány, mely régen ragyogott
Ugyanaz a régi fekete-fehér film, unalmas
Megváltoztatnád egy csettintéssel?
Piros, narancs, sárga, zöld, élénkebben, hogy lesz jó?
Ó, igen
Mondd, ó, igen
Tölts be teljesen, sok színnel
Ó, igen
Mondd, ó, mindenem
Egész nap mosolygok
Míg a szívem dobog
Jó reggelt
Másmilyen napban reménykedem mikor felkelek
Nem akarok elgyengülni a fény nélkül
Ó, igen
Mondd, hogy a ma
Így legyen, betöltve több színnel
Ugyanaz a szín
Mondd, legyen különleges szín
A szívem megőrül
Tölts meg mindenféle színnel, piros, narancs, sárga, zöld
Valamivel, ami kiemel
Meglepő változások
Egész nap mosolygok
Mert rám mosolyogsz

9 (Heat)

Ayy getting hotter the heat
Eyy can you stop it windy
You know you know
You know you know
Hey it's originally like that
High, higher and higher, can't breath
You know you know (hmmm)
You don't need to be afraid of anything
Togheter with me to the top
To the top of the sky
Time is not enough for us
Togheter with me to the top
To the top of the sky
I'll invite you for this one day
Before my mind completely changes tomorrow
Leave the worries you are carrying here
Leave now tonight
Will reach higher
Will reach higher
Hey I like it if you go further
Right the unknown flight
Call call you know you know
Try catching the clouds
Time it's somehow sharpened
You know you know
You know you know
I'll invite you for this one day
Before my mind completely changes tomorrow
Leave the worries you are carrying here
Leave now tonight
Will reach higher
Will reach higher
You can't belive your eyes
I know how you feel
It's not ending
Our unknown flight
Bring you higher
Today I prepared it for you
The beautiful star is shining brightly (oh whoah)
(Higher do you want to fly up)
This is not the end lift your head and find me
The moon rises tonight (Tonight oh)
Let's fly more trust me,
I'll find it above the sky
Will reach higher
Let's fly more trust me,
I'll find it above the sky
Will reach higher.

Hi High

You know it’s been a long day
I haven’t seen you today
You’re somewhere
I’m sure
(Woo oh yeah, hey yeah)
I know that you’re looking at me
More than anyone
But I just want to keep teasing you
No, what am I doing?
I should just take you in
I’m not playing hard-to-get but boys will be boys
Watch out, watch out, watch out
Woo- Ah It won’t be easy
Woo- Ah Quite many secrets
I don’t want to pass my love on to you so easily
Woo- Ah Because I’m special
Woo- Ah Because I’m that pretty girl
Tell me, show me, make you more anxious
Say hi hi hi hi,
make me say hi
Take me high high high high,
take me even higher
In the dreams, love love love love,
make it pound and pound (it’s true)
A little bit more (someday)
Try harder (oh yeah)
It shouldn’t be so easy Love is supposed to be cruel
Text me, more often, tell me that sweet story
Then I will, once or twice a day
I’m being more egoistic than i have ever been
It’s you, yeah
I love you, I want to look at only you
Don’t you want to hear me say that?
Just wait a little bit, some more
Making you even more anxious
Woo- Ah Even when I don’t say anything
Woo- Ah Please don’t ask
I get quite a bit shy sometimes, that’s all
Woo- Ah I get worried
Woo- Ah That you might get tired of it
And also that you might find out about my real feelings
Say hi hi hi hi,
make me say hi
Take me high high high high,
take me even higher
In the dreams, love love love love,
make it pound and pound (it’s true)
Little bit more (someday)
Try harder (oh yeah)
Love is even more cruel than college entrance exams
I actually like you everything about you
But I worry (Whoah)
Long-waited love If that’s really you
I need just a little bit more time
Let me see you
Sweet to sweet Sweet and sour
Spicy so spicy Spicy and sour
Fresh so fresh Fresh and spicy
It makes me dizzy
Take me high high high high,
I love this feeling
My heart is pounding (so bad)
What should I do (oh yeah)
My heart is all excited, getting excited, what should i do
High High High High High High High
High High High High
Like gimbap, you’re like dumplings, so sweet
пожалуйста любите моих детей - пак чимина из bts и ли дэхви из wanna one !!


Hello, Welcome
I wanna try some right now
Ayy, Let’s get it
I never needed love
Until I saw you
I have no interest in anything else right now
I have to have you
Wherever my heart takes me, feel it
I’ll go towards you
Just stay where you are
Let’s get it started
I should act like i look (heard it everyday)
I hear it way too often (heard it everyday)
I want to have all of you
All of you, the whole of you
I get attracted even more, baby
From the top of your head to the tip of your toes
I’ll have it all, even your heart
The only one thing that I wanted (Only you love)
Is just you
Tie my shoelaces and just do it
I’ll run to you
The fate that seems like coincidence
It’s you my favOriTe
From the moment that i saw you for the first time
I knew that you will be mine
I’ll eventually hold you in my arms
Rendezvous, just the two of us
I will get to you soon, don’t hold me back
I have never even thought about it
Love beyond imagination
My heart is pounding
with just you
I will be happy
Just look at me, baby
What are you doing tomorrow evening? (tell me everything)
Clear up your schedule (tell me everything)
I want to have all of you
All of you, the whole of you
I get attracted even more, baby
From the top of your head to the tip of your toes
I’ll have it all, even your heart
The only one thing that I wanted (Only you love)
Is just you
Tie my shoelaces and just do it
I’ll run to you
Open up to me, even your heart
It’s you my favOriTe
I am happy even when I’m doing nothing
The day has just gone by thinking of you
Come to me
No more worries needed
The idea that I might lose you
Keeps making me anxious
Sassy girl that I am
(Sassy girl)
Looking at you
(looking at)
I will have it all
All of you, the whole of you
I get attracted even more, baby
From the top of your head to the tip of your toes
I’ll have it all, even your heart
The only one thing that I wanted (Only you love)
It’s you, exactly you
Even one minute, one second is too long
Hurry towards me, move
Give it to me, even your time
‘cause you’re my favOriTe
пожалуйста любите моих детей - пак чимина из bts и ли дэхви из wanna one !!


flowers bloom in the dark night
it moves dangerously as i stand up
you’re intoxicated by the scent and try to break me
i open my eyes wide and you look at me intently
i want to have it
but i don’t want to get hurt
careful, baby
it’s not easy, i’m just getting started
i don’t hate this thrill
i know you’re curious
i know i’ll sink into it deeper
a bit more
i bite the bright rose petals
i feel this moment melting
i get nervous when you smile
but i relax and extend my hand
i found you in the rose bushes
everyone wants something shiny
come to me tonight before you get lost
we’ll bloom at the end of the night
avoid feeling drowsy
don’t get hurt
when you’re curious about my gaze
i hide that i don’t know
i don’t hate this thrill
i know you’re curious
i know i’ll sink into it deeper
a bit more
i follow that light shining for me
but i can see you so far away
you attract me more
i can’t stop
i don’t hate this thrill
i know you’re curious
i know i’ll sink into it deeper
a bit more
my life is rosy
my life is rosy
i know i’ll sink into it deeper
a bit more

girl's talk

a fairy tale you want to eavesdrop on, just like girl’s night out
my emotions are a show window full of little secrets
hush, do you know?
stories of you increase by the second
hush, don’t say any more
you know it’s secret talk
sometimes it’s really sweet
and other times it’s too much of a secret
common stories about everyday life
we can’t stop chatting
it’s all about you, boy
girl’s talk, girl’s talk
girl’s talk, girl’s talk about you
sometimes it’s amazing
do you wanna listen?
It’s all about you, boy
let go from spraying perfume
to watching tv shows
everything’s okay
there’s some small talk
come and join us right now
it’s just like girls’ night out
is it strange sometimes?
it’s eventually all about you
hush, do you know?
each moment is an episode about you
hush, don’t say any more
you know it’s secret talk
all about you
sometimes it’s really sweet
and other times it’s too much of a secret
common stories about everyday life
we can’t stop chatting
it’s all about you, boy
girl’s talk, girl’s talk
girl’s talk, girl’s talk about you
sometimes it’s amazing
do you wanna listen?
It’s all about you, boy
there’s nothing we don’t know about you and i
our small chat about you and i
you and i grow in our stories
the tip of my tongue is sweet
when i say your name
obvious conversation about our feelings
you make us keep talking
it’s all about you
girl’s talk, girl’s talk
girl’s talk, girl’s talk about you
sometimes it’s amazing
do you wanna listen?
It’s all about you, boy
girl’s talk, girl’s talk


the stars fall
if you touch my chest
i don’t know what i should do
i can feel it baby
you are my storm
you cover my everything
i want your everything
nothing less than everything baby
our attraction is unstoppable
our unknown secrets are endlessly revealed
my universe is painted by these lights
i will go crazy if you paint me
this blooming light explodes between us
our hearts face each other
until i’m next to you and you’re holding me
‘cause i’m about to lose control
chaotic my heart is off-time
i’m locked up in this maze all night
going psychotic and i want you
i sink into you and it’s chaotic
chaotic there’s no coming out
i’m chaotically covered by these lights
going psychotic when i close my eyes
i see your heart and it’s chaotic
we’re erasing the distance between us
gravity is pulling us toward each other
you light my heart on fire
i need you right here ‘cause you kiss the best
our attraction is unstoppable
our unknown secrets are endlessly revealed
my universe is painted by these lights
i will go crazy if you paint me
this blooming light explodes between us
our hearts face each other
until i’m next to you and you’re holding me
‘cause i’m about to lose control
chaotic my heart is off-time
i’m locked up in this maze all night
going psychotic and i want you
i sink into you and it’s chaotic
chaotic there’s no coming out
i’m chaotically covered by these lights
going psychotic when i close my eyes
i see your heart and it’s chaotic
time is flying
i follow that sound
i follow that light
tell me
your eyes face my heart
that melody brushes past
it attracts you
and we will be true
chaotic my heart is off-time
i’m locked up in this maze all night
going psychotic and i want you
i sink into you and it’s chaotic
chaotic there’s no coming out
i’m chaotically covered by these lights
going psychotic when i close my eyes
i see your heart and it’s chaotic
chaotic my heart is off-time

one & only

woo yeah
feel my one and only
that moment when the sun sleeps
i don’t know why but i feel better
because the starlight is beautiful
match your steps with mine
when the shadows approach
the darkness feels bright
moonlight lights up the sky
i see myself dancing there
i’ve been imagining bright moments
i opened that door
close your eyes
pout and kiss me
when i open my eyes
you make this moment shine
one and only
my one and only
my one and only love
you light up my heart
i’m the only one, your one and only
we fall into a strange season
i’m alright even if talk about life
i became the heroine
i don’t need anything like eden
take my hand in this moment
this is the definition of heaven
i feel like any of my dreams could come true
my everyday life is filled with this
the answer to the secret door is happiness
i opened everything
close your eyes
pout and kiss me
when i open my eyes
you make this moment shine
one and only
my one and only
my one and only love
i shine newly in the window
it’s not unfamiliar anymore
i hear your voice again
i’m listening
in this universe
i met myself, this isn’t a coincidence
i know now
the reason why the flowers sway
one and only
my one and only
my one and only love
one and only
my one and only
my one and only
my one and only love


was the moment i met you the start?
i escape the darkness and you’re there
we approach each other
step by step
the starlight becomes as bright as stage lights
i’m solving the secret code tonight
take me high and i follow you in this moment
i don’t know why but my heart moves
those movements resemble you
we discover the secret only we know
your steps and my steps
we approach each other
can i make a move? i follow you
i’m still careful
clouds and the moon appear
we’re slow dancing all night
what’s your favourite color? paint me
i’ll like it, your smile is the best
we’ll open the door and dance in petals
this path with you makes me smile, it’s okay even if it rains
we say nothing and i just fall into your eyes
i’m solving the secret code tonight
take me high and i follow you in this moment
i don’t know why but my heart moves
those movements resemble you
we discover the secret only we know
your steps and my steps
we approach each other
can i make a move? i follow you
i’m still careful
clouds and the moon appear
we’re slow dancing all night
i can’t express this with any words
our conversations are too natural
like an endless signal
this continues to spread
we fall into the dark universe
you and i
i hesitate to go find you
solve the secret of my heart and become the key
take me high and i follow you in this moment
i don’t know why but my heart moves
those movements resemble you
we discover the secret only we know
your steps and my steps
we approach each other
can i make a move? i follow you
even if i don’t say it
this spontaneity is familiar
we become one


that moonlight spotlight shines on me
follow me and contact my heart
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
my heart’s racing the most today
maybe this show is for me
it’s a dream don’t wanna awake from
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
fly me to the moon now
some fantasy bewitches me
i keep coming back to this melody
in that moment it becomes louder
i don’t really care now
the milky way covers me
i’m not insane
the song of the clear moonlight
i don’t really care now
can you find out the secret
inside my hidden heart?
the lights pours through
i don’t really care now
the unstoppable star showers
fall onto me
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
falling to the moon now
this harmony deep in my head
i keep coming back to it endlessly
in that moment i start singing
i don’t really care now
the milky way covers me
i’m not insane
the song of the clear moonlight
i don’t really care now
can you find out the secret
inside my hidden heart?
the lights pours through
i don’t really care now
that moonlight spotlight shines on me
follow me and contact my heart
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
deja vu of the night i can’t remember
this moment it rises in my eyes i don’t really care now
three moons rise at once
i’m not insane
time stops in the meantime
i don’t really care now
did i show you the secret
inside your hidden heart?
this endless night
i don’t really care now

see saw

i see you but you’re not next to me anymore
i saw you, that's right
it’s been a long day
i didn’t work but you make me tired
It's been a long long day
did i drink too much coffee today?
my days are filled with
smiling sincerely
but mostly
faking it
my mood’s a see saw all day
something makes me
up and down
since the day you left me
i see you but you’re not next to me anymore
i saw you, that's right
i see you but am i dreaming?
i saw you, i’m like see saw
back and forth, i’m like see saw
up and down, i’m like see saw
which is right:
i see or saw you?
which is right:
i love or loved you?
now when i meet your eyes
i don’t want to be in your arms anymore
i began to hate the sight of you
now you’re out of my mind
my eyes don’t lie
you shone on me
the you back then
it’s just an image now
i see you but you’re not next to me anymore
i saw you, that's right
i see you but am i dreaming?
i saw you, i’m like see saw
back and forth, i’m like see saw
up and down, i’m like see saw
when i saw you
you disappeared
it’s like this i become weak
i leave it be
where are you?
i’m like see saw
back and forth, i’m like see saw
up and down, i’m like see saw
which is right:
i see or saw you?
which is right:
i love or loved you?


i’m fine even if it’s dangerous
like a sweet dream beneath the dizziness
my heart is racing
when you open my secret door
our breath
fills the air
are you coming right now?
you come into view
new feelings bloom
your attraction awakens me
you pass the boundaries
you fill me up and this is new, it’s you
no one knows
the ocean takes you away
i’m with you
fill my heart up with something new
it’s you
from the start you made me see mystery
killing me softly, just take me slowly
i breathe you in
are you coming right now?
you come closer
new feelings bloom
your attraction awakens me
you pass the boundaries
you fill me up and this is new, it’s you
no one knows
the ocean takes you away
i’m with you
fill my heart up with something new
it’s you
the unknown maze
your lips call for me
you paint my movements
until the end of this season
take me with you
just take me there right now
you come into view
new feelings bloom
don’t let me hide, uncover me now
this amazing and beautiful feeling
passes the boundaries of time and space
i’m growing for you and this is new, it’s you
no one knows
my soul is reborn
i’m with you
you fill me up like cherry blue
it’s you

the carol 2.0

is it you baby
i dreamt of this small wish
if you’re with me like that song
i’ll wait for the snow and the bells
i hear christmas melodies in the snowy streets
i excitedly waited for that december day
i lost those memories a long time ago
but the world suddenly became white again
something has happened
the light of the fire shines in my heart
i have to say this is what i’ve waited for
is it you baby
i dreamt of this small wish
if you’re with me only you
i’ll wait for the snow and the bells
my heart is full of those things
it’s christmas time
i pray for my only wish of love on the long night
i can’t sleep so i wait all night
memories keep flooding back
the light of the fire shines
i have to say
this is what i’ve waited for
is it you baby
i dreamt of this small wish
if you’re with me only you
i’ll wait for the snow and the bells
my heart is full
of those things
it’s christmas time
loona’s december romance
i think about it again with you
anything can happen with you
my heart keeps racing
the miracle i always wanted
if you stay with me only you
precious memories from childhood
come back to me again
my christmas time

girl front

i can’t take my eyes off of our eclipse
but you only looked into my eyes
we were untouchably dangerous
woo boy
my heart
is attracted to you more
what is love? is it a to z? i still don’t know
i just want to fall into you
my heart wants to be yours
you’re good and i’m cool
my thoughts are always about you
i’m filled with you
it’s passionate
i can’t stop it
i approach closer
my heart is racing
what do i do?
my heart’s like this
let me confess first
every day when i open my eyes
i immediately think of you my boy
you’re always in my heart
hey you
i was cold but i’m becoming warm
what is love? is it a to z? i still don’t know
my heart is attracted to you
my heart wants to shine for you
you’re good and i’m cool
my thoughts are always about you
i’m filled with you
it’s passionate
i can’t stop it
i approach closer
my heart is racing
what do i do?
my heart’s like this
let me confess first
i’m in this endless place
it’s just the two of us
these memories don’t fade
i hate to awaken from my dreams
my heart is cool
the place where my heart always goes
i have you there
you’re closer
you’re by my side
i approach closer
my heart is racing
let me cool down
i’ll go first
i tell you i love you


i woke up at 3 a.m. yet again today
even if i hide under the blankets
or stare at the ceiling or count sheep
will morning ever come again?
the night will only last longer
the memories will only go deeper
that soft touch and gentle voice
i can’t sleep without you
moonlight pours through the windows
it’s like you and i can’t sleep
is my coffee too strong? is caffeine to blame?
it can’t be because of you
i try to read but my eyes won’t focus
i just hold onto my pillow
the night will only last longer
the memories will only go deeper
that soft touch and gentle voice
i can’t sleep without you
moonlight pours through the windows
it’s like you and i can’t sleep
i rose when my alarm sounds
i slept well in the evenings
there’s nothing else
i have nothing anymore
the memories will only go deeper
i miss you baby
that soft touch and gentle voice
i can’t sleep without you
moonlight pours through the windows
it’s like you and i can’t sleep
the night will only last longer and i can’t sleep anymore
the memories will only go deeper
each star shines too brightly
they’re like you and i can’t sleep

love letter

lonely lonely
all the flowers i got from you
i close my eyes and see the two of us
my feelings for you used to be romantic
but my heart has changed
we drown in our memories
we forget each other and move on
listen to my heart
i wanted to tell you this
it’s nothing but just stop
there’s no meaning left in our love letters
i’m really lonely
linger on my lips and love me
i’m really lonely
take back my heart and hold me
you gave me your love
but my heart couldn’t bloom again
i’m alone in this time left
it’s a light scar
we drown in our memories
we forget each other and we should move on
listen to my heart
i wanted to tell you this
it’s nothing but just stop
there’s no meaning left in our love letters
your eyes become cold
i can’t look at myself
i can’t tell you anything
it’s useless
listen to my heart
i wanted to tell you this
it’s nothing but just stop
there’s no meaning in our last love letter
i’m really lonely
linger on my lips and love me
i’m really lonely
take back my heart and hold me
lonely lonely


time is hidden in an unknown secret
this moment will become that secret
you’re mysterious and i’m secretive
our universes meet and become one
those countless shining stars
become meaningless
when i awake from my dreams
i suddenly become sad
i’m alone like that
as i watch the stars fall
what was my heart?
did it already start?
time is hidden in an unknown secret
i don’t know a single second of it
i want to erase the distance between us
we’ll fit together now
i can’t give up
i’ll gather my courage
i’ll find out this secret’s secret
my heart’s racing and i’m trembling
i can’t express how i feel
i probably have
too many questions for you
what is your secret language?
i can’t figure it out
time is hidden in an unknown secret
i don’t know a single second of it
i want to erase the distance between us
we’ll fit together now
i can’t give up
i’ll gather my courage
can i find out this secret’s secret?
will i meet you
at the end of this road
in the ray of darkness?
i still don’t know
i keep following the light
time is engraved in an unknown secret
a single second of it is too fast
i cross it when i can’t sleep at light
i’ve realized everything
if i somehow don’t meet you
i should’ve gathered more courage
i’ll open the door to this new world


when the sun leaves me
i fall into the secret that is you
no one can solve it in the deep darkness
i can open the secret door with your light
24/7 you’re a secret code i want to solve
the pieces scatter and it becomes blurry
each second is important
i can’t miss your charms
time slips away and you leave with it
will we slip past each other?
the unsolvable puzzle from 1 to 10
the unknown trouble from the start to now
in the endless maze from 1 to 10
i want to find everything about you
i approach but you cover your tracks
maybe this question doesn’t have an answer
365 you’re a secret code and i need a hint
the secret is hidden in your heart
days pass as if they’re seconds
your charms keep spreading
i spot you in the scattered space
can you see my clear heart?
the unsolvable puzzle from 1 to 10
the unknown trouble from the start to now
in the endless maze from 1 to 10
i want to find everything about you
it’s so real and so good but i can’t free myself
it’s so real and so good but you got me and i can’t escape
i become curious of what you know and say
my number of questions increase
where should i start asking?
it’s a tangled ball of yarn and it can’t get better
1 step 2 step i’ll know if you know
1 step 2 step i’ll go if you go
1 step 2 step i’ll know if you know
it’s so difficult
1 step 2 step i’ll know if you know
1 step 2 step i’ll go if you go
1 step 2 step i’ll know if you know
oh no
the unsolvable puzzle from 1 to 10
the untouchable bubble from the start to now
the unstoppable dream from 1 to 10
i want to find everything about you
the unsolvable puzzle from 1 to 10
the unknown trouble from the start to now
in the endless maze from 1 to 10
i want to find everything about you

love & live

with all my heart
i want to see you
you grow gradually
in my heart
my chest grows warm
as if it were sunny
you take over my thoughts
i’m kind of worried
it becomes more unbearable
i’m going to explode
what’s happening to me?
i want to see you now
i want to meet you in this moment
you are my greatest concern
in my everyday life
i want to solve everything
i want to fill my heart
with our many conversations
your arms are warmer than i could’ve ever dreamed
let me tell you how much i like you
with all my heart
what do you think of me?
i’m curious
i wonder if you can’t fall asleep
because of the same thoughts
i don’t expect so
i want to see you now
i want to meet you in this moment
your arms are warmer than i could’ve ever dreamed
let me tell you how much i like you
you’re getting closer
my truth is in reach
even if you flirt with me
i feel like i could cry
come to me if you know it all
i want to know how you think of me
you are my greatest concern
in my everyday life
i spend my days with a heavy heart
i want to meet you now
i want to talk to you all the time
your arms are warmer than i could’ve ever dreamed
let me tell you how much i like you
ooh woah
yes i am
you are the only one
you are my miracle
i truly like you
with all my heart

you and me together

you and me together
i look into your shy eyes
and my heart races, i see it boy
a long time has passed
come be my gift, i want you boy
a cool wind blows through the blue sky
today is perfect
this place is filled with our stories
you and me together
fall in love first, kiss second
we can’t hide our party
this starry night
is our story
you and me together
ooh ooh ooh
i won’t keep you waiting
ooh ooh ooh
i won’t keep you waiting
i open my eyes to warm sunshine
this music makes me smile
time passes so quickly
i’m so happy on this special day
a cool wind blows through the blue sky
today is perfect
this place is filled with our stories
you and me together
fall in love first, kiss second
we can’t hide our party
this starry night
is our story
you and me together
ooh ooh ooh
i won’t keep you waiting
ooh ooh ooh
i won’t keep you waiting
oh boy i was waiting
for our first kiss
when warmth spreads through my heart
everything on this planet shines pink
i love you baby
fall in love first, kiss second
we can’t hide our party
this starry night
is our story
you and me together
woah yeah yeah
fall in love first, kiss second
you and i can’t hide our party
tell me this starry night
is our story
you and me together

my sunday

i open my closed eyes for a moment
i’ve already entered a new world
i move toward the melody being sung to me
i’m inexplicably drawn in
in the space between unfamiliar views and sunsets
smiling is contagious
you’re my sunday
your love is calming, wanna be your love
you make normal days special
you shine brighter than the stars
you’re my sunday love
this is a memory in stopped time
i remember being reborn
i move toward the joyful melody for me
i can’t explain why but i know
unfamiliar memories flood in
everything is precious
you’re my sunday
your love is calming, wanna be your love
you make normal days special
you shine brighter than the stars
i ran until i was out of breath but i couldn’t see the end
but yesterday has passed
now i’ll approach you
on this day shining brighter than the sun
you’re my sunday
you’re my sunday
hold my hand my sunday
for some reason i wanna be your love more than ever
you make normal days special
you shine brighter than the stars
you’re my sunday love

my melody

i open my closed eyes for a moment
i’ve already entered a new world
i move toward the melody being sung to me
i’m inexplicably drawn in
in the space between unfamiliar views and sunsets
smiling is contagious
i’ll go wherever my two feet lead me as long as i’m with you
somewhere i can look at you, your love is a gift
show me your everything to the bottom of my heart
you are my melody
your starry eyes are brighter today
this is a memory in stopped time
i remember being reborn
i move toward the joyful melody for me
i can’t explain why but i know
unfamiliar memories flood in
everything is precious
i’ll go wherever my two feet lead me as long as i’m with you
somewhere i can look at you, your love is a gift
show me your everything to the bottom of my heart
you are my melody
i ran until i was out of breath but i couldn’t see the end
but yesterday has passed
now i’ll approach you
on this day shining brighter than the sun
i’ll go wherever my two feet lead me on this day with you
somewhere i can look at you, you are a gift
i’ll go wherever my two feet lead me as long as i’m with you
somewhere i can look at you, your love is a gift
show me your everything to the bottom of my heart
you are my melody
your starry eyes are brighter today

around you

are you here again today?
what do i do if we meet?
are you waiting carefully?
are you expecting anything?
i stare
i see you
from a distance
do you know my heart?
i feel like a child these days
are you hiding in secret?
are you listening to me?
i still don’t have the courage
i come back silently
do you remember when you close your eyes?
what do i do now?
everyone thinks i’m a fool
are you expecting anything?
do you know my heart?
i feel like a child these days
are you hiding in secret?
are you listening to me?
i still don’t have the courage
i come back silently
why don’t you talk to me? will i ever know why?
what about me? don’t let go
these simple words
aren’t coming out
i stare
blankly today
i see you
from a distance
do you know my heart?
i feel like a child these days
i watch everything fall apart
are you listening to me?
i still don’t have the courage
so i come back silently

let me in

my heart is deeply in a dark place
you suddenly come to me
i’ll rest again someday
wake up my world
this isn’t just by chance
don’t rush anything
i hear sweet whispers
let me in beyond the night sky
the moon rises and i become you
we were completely different
my heart is painted by you
the girl is the boy’s girl
the wind blows and petals fly
in a place deep in my heart
if winter comes again
melt my heart
you touch my heart and i hesitate
i open my eyes to this long dream
am i you? are you me?
i waited way too long
the moon rises and i become you
we were completely different
my heart is painted by you
the girl is the boy’s girl
i resemble you and you become familiar
i’m only your girl
the moon rises and i become you
we were completely different
my heart is painted by you
the girl is the boy’s girl
the boy is the girl’s boy
the girl is the boy’s wish